Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part 3)

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Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

Pigeonho said:
argyle said:
Wrote this last night for those unfamiliar with him:

I think it's unfair for some posters to be saying he'll be the best striker we ever have etc, as it places too much expectations on him.

I've watched him play many times and he is a good striker but he isn't excellent like Aguero etc.

Many of his goals come from the team breaking and wingers then crossing into the box, so I feel he will fit perfectly with Navas. He surges into the box hoping a winger or midfielder finds him with a through ball or cross.

He won't however play like Aguero who can score from nothing i.e. his goal against the rags at the swamp.

His downside is that he can and does miss alot of chances.

They already have

Whoops, yep of course, I meant that type of quick winger.

I should also say that he's a no nonsense shoot on site player which should please many as how many times was it frustrating last season to see us pass the ball too many times in front of goal.

This is probably why his stats say he misses so many because you give him a sight of goal and he'll take that chance.
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

John.des said:
20-22m + bonus in pounds.

Pretty much for Negredo, for a 4th choice striker (I think he will be spending the most time on the bench between the 4 attackers), but I trust Pellegrini he can get the best out of his players not like Mancini.

Nah, it's more like dzeko would be 4th choice.
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

brian the blue said:
LoveCity said:
Marca saying the transfer has been closed at around £26million.

Wow. Txiki and Ferran aren't exactly covering themselves in glory with the prices they negotiate for transfers? £30mil for Fernandinho, now £26mil for Negredo and potentially 30mil Euro's for Jovetic.

Back when we were just splashing the cash and weren't even in the CL we signed two ready made world class players in Silva and Toure for £24mil a piece and one of the worlds hottest young strikers in Balotelli for just £19mil.

I now await to be told that it isn't my money and I shouldn't be bothered.

We got told all sorts of stupid figures about what we paid for Navas and it turns out to be £15mill. I'd wait till the real figure comes out and stop the knee jerk reactions.
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

brian the blue said:
LoveCity said:
Marca saying the transfer has been closed at around £26million.

Wow. Txiki and Ferran aren't exactly covering themselves in glory with the prices they negotiate for transfers? £30mil for Fernandinho, now £26mil for Negredo and potentially 30mil Euro's for Jovetic.

Back when we were just splashing the cash and weren't even in the CL we signed two ready made world class players in Silva and Toure for £24mil a piece and one of the worlds hottest young strikers in Balotelli for just £19mil.

I now await to be told that it isn't my money and I shouldn't be bothered.

Agreed. The fee for Jovetic isn't such a concern for me, as he's still very young so will have sell on value. The Navas fee was very favourable too.

But £30 million for Fernandinho and £26 million for Negredo are pretty awful fees for a pair of 28 year old players who aren't in the top bracket. I don't disagree with the quality of the players themselves - more the fees we're going to end up paying for them.

Mind you - Txiki did negotiate one of the worst deals in modern football, with that ridiculous Eto'o plus 46 million deal for Ibrahimovic, who ended up leaving on loan the following season. A truly, truly awful deal.
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

brian the blue said:
LoveCity said:
Marca saying the transfer has been closed at around £26million.

Wow. Txiki and Ferran aren't exactly covering themselves in glory with the prices they negotiate for transfers? £30mil for Fernandinho, now £26mil for Negredo and potentially 30mil Euro's for Jovetic.

Back when we were just splashing the cash and weren't even in the CL we signed two ready made world class players in Silva and Toure for £24mil a piece and one of the worlds hottest young strikers in Balotelli for just £19mil.

I now await to be told that it isn't my money and I shouldn't be bothered.

With City it is always over valued with the scum or any other G14 member cut the price in half and mention what a great deal it was. Don't worry about the money worry about all the shit the press right. Remember even though Tevez cost £25M it was reported as £45M.

These guys aren't stupid it is called brinkmanship by clubs to make it look like an offer they can't refuse.
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

BlueDejong said:
brian the blue said:
LoveCity said:
Marca saying the transfer has been closed at around £26million.

Wow. Txiki and Ferran aren't exactly covering themselves in glory with the prices they negotiate for transfers? £30mil for Fernandinho, now £26mil for Negredo and potentially 30mil Euro's for Jovetic.

Back when we were just splashing the cash and weren't even in the CL we signed two ready made world class players in Silva and Toure for £24mil a piece and one of the worlds hottest young strikers in Balotelli for just £19mil.

I now await to be told that it isn't my money and I shouldn't be bothered.

Come on, watch the transfer market.

Marquinos - 35m
Cavani - 65m
Falcao - 60m
Illarramendi - 38m
James Rodriguez - 40m

This summer is abnormal. Transfer market is going crazy.
Neymar - 57m
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

How does Negredo's scoring record for Sevilla, compare to Aguero's for Atletico ?

Let's have a look.

Aguero 75 in 175

Negredo 70 in 139.

So Negredo has a better scoring record than Aguero did when we signed him.

How about last season ?

Aguero 17 goals, Negredo 31.

And yet Negredo is a non interesting signing ? Not worth 20 odd mil, but Falcao is worth 60 ? For scoring 3 goals more ?
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

zeven said:
brian the blue said:
LoveCity said:
Marca saying the transfer has been closed at around £26million.

Wow. Txiki and Ferran aren't exactly covering themselves in glory with the prices they negotiate for transfers? £30mil for Fernandinho, now £26mil for Negredo and potentially 30mil Euro's for Jovetic.

Back when we were just splashing the cash and weren't even in the CL we signed two ready made world class players in Silva and Toure for £24mil a piece and one of the worlds hottest young strikers in Balotelli for just £19mil.

I now await to be told that it isn't my money and I shouldn't be bothered.
TBF, i believe Ferno is worth 30 million, Negredo for 25 is mental though. Navas for 14.5 damn good business. Jovetic in this climate seems about fair. Cavani is not twice the player Jovetic is.

sort of agree with this

negredo deal (if 25m reported) slightly over paid
fernandinho (if 28m reported) and jovetic (if 23m + 5m reported) prices are about right
navas is a bargain

So overall they haven't done too bad. Its all a matter of opinion though till we see what they do out on the pitch.
Re: Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

Sleeping_Easy said:
zeven said:
brian the blue said:
Wow. Txiki and Ferran aren't exactly covering themselves in glory with the prices they negotiate for transfers? £30mil for Fernandinho, now £26mil for Negredo and potentially 30mil Euro's for Jovetic.

Back when we were just splashing the cash and weren't even in the CL we signed two ready made world class players in Silva and Toure for £24mil a piece and one of the worlds hottest young strikers in Balotelli for just £19mil.

I now await to be told that it isn't my money and I shouldn't be bothered.
TBF, i believe Ferno is worth 30 million, Negredo for 25 is mental though. Navas for 14.5 damn good business. Jovetic in this climate seems about fair. Cavani is not twice the player Jovetic is.

sort of agree with this

negredo deal (if 25m reported) slightly over paid
fernandinho (if 28m reported) and jovetic (if 23m + 5m reported) prices are about right
navas is a bargain

So overall they haven't done too bad. Its all a matter of opinion though till we see what they do out on the pitch.
(Value/Quoted price)
Navas (23m/15m)
Fernandinho (25m/30m)
Negredo (20m/26m)
Jovetic (20m/25m)

Overall (88m/96m)
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