Álvaro Negredo Sánchez (part two)

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hgblue said:
Marvin said:
How much did Falco go for?

Last season Negredo scored 25 goals in the Spanish league and 31 in all comps

Noone season wonder either - you don't have to think too hard of many more expensive and disastrous deals completed by rival clubs........"but no we have paid too much!"


Marvin, you watch a player and you decide whether you rate him or not. If City decide to sign said player you give your opinion based upon what you've seen. In my opinion, he's a good player, but not a great one. Better available out there who will probably end up strengthening rival clubs. We shall see next season who is right and who is wrong about this signing, and I hope I'm eating a large slice of humble pie. In fact, it would be a pleasure to be proved wrong.

I would question this mate - not sure there are better players in his position who are available to us, which is why we're signing him - and I happen to be in the camp that we've quite badly overpaid for the player, but I think we've done that because there's no-one better available to us
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I would urge blues not to place any money yet on this particular deal.

Something has come up since last night, trying to sound out.

Whaaaaaaat? Any info tolm?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I would urge blues not to place any money yet on this particular deal.

Something has come up since last night, trying to sound out.
Interesting.. Maybe Ibra has become available?
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