“City have no history”

One of the reasons why Manchester has a lot of rough sleepers is because it’s so busy and for folk who are begging there’s loads of people passing who will give them change. Many come from other parts of the country for that reason. It’s weird but it’s actually a sign of a magnet effect, and Liverpool doesn’t have the same buzz or the same draw.

Surely in Liverpool one of them would distract the dosser by giving them a Singapore pound or something, while their mate emptied out the hat on the ground?

JJ, naturally…
The city is far from a shithole and has less litter, graffiti and homeless than Manchester. The streets around the Georgian quarter are stunning. The problem with Liverpool is Liverpool fans.
we go to liverpool and stay once a year,my family and parents,sometimes nephews too.
We, I love it there,its a fantastic city.
As an aside,only time we haven't been the last five years was when they won the league.
Posted this before……

Liverpool first won the FA Cup 61 and 59 years after City and Everton respectively.

Up until 1973 City and liverpool had the same number of major trophies each, 8 so if City have no history when did liverpools history start?

Excellently put. Aah, but they have the magical European nights under the Anfield lights, you see! (We're starting to have a few of those ourselves in the CL, last season against Real was an absolute classic).

On a serious note. I'm utterly convinced that people quite unconsciously conflate tv coverage with “history”. It's no coincidence that tv coverage became more and more comprehensive — and finally blanket coverage — at the time of Liverpool and then United's dominance. If they didn't see it on the telly, then it basically didn't happen. Outside of Lancashire — in fact, outside of Preston — I doubt that there's one supporter in a hundred who knows anything whatsoever about Preston North End's history. It wasn't on the telly, so it didn't happen.
Excellently put. Aah, but they have the magical European nights under the Anfield lights, you see! (We're starting to have a few of those ourselves in the CL, last season against Real was an absolute classic).

On a serious note. I'm utterly convinced that people quite unconsciously conflate tv coverage with “history”. It's no coincidence that tv coverage became more and more comprehensive — and finally blanket coverage — at the time of Liverpool and then United's dominance. If they didn't see it on the telly, then it basically didn't happen. Outside of Lancashire — in fact, outside of Preston — I doubt that there's one supporter in a hundred who knows anything whatsoever about Preston North End's history. It wasn't on the telly, so it didn't happen.
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Wasn’t it all to do with beerwashing or something?
Beer selling: Tory, (Freemason?) brewer, owner of Everton’s ground. took the piss on the cost, Everton left. Beer to sell, ground to fill… starts a new club, pays mercenary Scot’s to come south and create team, decides to call team Liverpool. Beer washing, I suppose drinking makes you forget, and clearly current day Liverpool fans have forgotten their origins (or the repeat of the 50’s/60’s)… so beerwashing works!
As far as honors and achievements history (even if recent) is still history. In my neck of the woods the EPL is streamed on an app. Two of the features they have been running prior to games, at HT, and other stoppages were real nice little bits about our first PL title featuring a sit down with Aguero, and another one about last season featuring Gundogan. So people over here see lots of City history when tuning in.

Just the Pep years alone will be written about extensively no matter when they end.

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