“City have no history”

They all crack on about history because they are not winning titles and silverware
also, Liverpool has a couple of self-made disasters to muddy the waters in their history

football history is not about teams winning silverware and big titles, it's about all 92 clubs that without them, you don't have anything, football history is not a one-man's race it takes 2 teams to play in a final or a full league season to win a title,

glory hunters will never get what i and many others get out of football and its love and pride in battle
A few years ago I was in Spain with a few mates, one of which is Peruvian but a full on indoctrinated Liverpool supporter
One day on the beach, we had a football discussion and I was being reasonable but he was being full on "scouse "
He then came out with that old line of "you've no history" so I then ran through how can a club which was formed nearly 125 years ago have no history!
Who actually started Liverpool football club? He said "I dont know "
Who won the fa Cup first City or Liverpool?
He shrugged his shoulders before I told him City
Who won the league Cup first, City or Liverpool?
Again a shrug, before I told him City
And then the knockout blow
"Who won a European trophy first, City or Liverpool? It was City!!"
He then got off his towel and walked away staring at the sea
One of the other lads, who only watches football as a very casual fan, looked up at me and said "that was really fucking cruel "
I said "it fucking serves him right"
Everton call themselves the " originalls " and they have good reason for it. proper club.
we go to liverpool and stay once a year,my family and parents,sometimes nephews too.
We, I love it there,its a fantastic city.
As an aside,only time we haven't been the last five years was when they won the league.
It’s quite similar to France.

Lovely place, it’s just the people…
I like that stat too. I normally just say:

In 1970 Liverpool were no more successful than City or Spurs(8 major honours each) and those clubs both had a European major honour but Liverpool did not.

Kudos for working out the exact year they overtook us.


Liverpool weren't even the biggest/most successful club in their own city at the start of the 60s, never mind biggest club in England. That was Liverpool before they were "financially doped" with dirty gambling money.

Normally touches a nerve. :)

They can't even deny that anymore, their own club reps said the same thing in the BT documentary/puff piece they made about them. Their era of domination wouldn't have happened without the Littlewoods money.

They hadn't won the League Cup then either.

1970 was more or less the start of my City watching career and as an excited kid I went to Wembley for the first time for the League Cup win.

When the Cup Winners Cup final followed, City were the first of the current Big 6 to have won all 3 major domestic trophies and a major European trophy. Now that's what I call history....

Spurs and Chelsea did it the following year but the others had to wait.

1970 City
1971 Chelsea
1971 Spurs
1981 Liverpool
1987 Arsenal
1992 United
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Had a message from a red scouse friend ofmine who said “i drove past that shit hole of a stadium of yours the place with history”

What is it with these idiots, every week we are making history!

I replied you do realise we don’t play at Maine Rd anymore and talking of history Evertons home ground was Anfield before your lot even existed!
Since when did history have to mean success? Every club has unique events, matches etc. which become part of the club's character and so history.

I love the some of the things about City like that we used to have the tallest floodlights, that we had three players scoring hat-tricks in one match, that Niall Quinn scored and saved a penalty in the same game. These might not register as "history" to the red clubs but they are examples of what make the club special to me.

Every genuine fan of any club big or small will have similar memories - every club has history and only morons would contend otherwise
Lack of history is used instead of lack of success because they don't want to come across as shallow glory hunters.

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