Bingo.Sadly the Catholic Church has a lot to answer for in respect of covering up child abuse but it’s not as simple as saying that Catholicism condones and encourages it. Paedophiles will put themselves in a position where they have access to potential victims, the church is a great cover.
i speak as someone who spent time in a Catholic care and education system and while spared the worst of what we know happened to vulnerable children experienced enough to know there were individuals who should have been nowhere near children (or the church for that matter) but also met with kindness and compassion. Less to do with the religion they were attached to and more to do with the type of people they were
“for those that cause the little ones to sin, it would be better for them to have a milestone tied to their neck and dropped out at sea, than having to deal with me” - Jesus Christ.
He despises paedophiles.