10 german bombers song

it's not an example of apathy, it's our folk history. the RAFs exploits in the battle of britain were heroic and saved countless lives (even if i dont believe that it stopped an imminent invasion of the mainland). I dont really feel comfortable with the idea that this is something we dont have the right to sing about. i remember one occasion sitting in the kop at brammel lane when the sheffielders sang this for ten minutes non stop. I couldnt stop thinking about the damage that had been wreaked on their city and people, and felt proud for them.
bizzbo said:
crikey old chap i know the history, but the point is it's our history, it affected our parents and grandparents, if we want to sing about it, i dont see why not. the serious study of the era belongs to the academic world, this is something else.

Ok but nowadays it's got almost nothing to do with european football in the 21nd Century.

England is a big part of Europa, isn't it. Why don't you pay in "Euro" yet?? Maybe some of you should try to live in the present instead of dreaming of the past.

(Sorry for my school-english)
well tim I dont think that forgetting about the past is a good idea ;)

I'm all for us playing a bigger part in europe, if we had joined the euro, our economy might be in better shape right now. and political integration and free trade and movement are a good way to avoid future conflict.

I do not accept that becoming a part of europe means we forget who we are and who our parents were.

I can accept that it has little to do with football, except that football crowds are linked by their identity as people of a region.

Your english is great, by the way :)
bombaybadboy said:
There is nothing more to it.
Not sure if you were there but I was sitting across the aisle from them & not only were they singing this, they also tried (and failed) to get a chorus of the M***** song going. So do we really need these people "supporting" us ??
It's nasty BNP filth. We are going there to have a great time and hopefully win a football match. Anyone singing about the war is a c***.
Agreed, virtually everyone had a great time at Schalke and also at the World Cup back in 2006, due in part to the great hosts that welcomed us, these type of songs have no place in football and neither do the kn*bheads singing it.......let's not song it this week....
Bollocks is it normal 'banter' and anyone who says it is is either as thick as fuck or has an agenda.

Banter is where both sides recognise they are having a light hearted laugh about things that, in the scheme of things, don't really matter.

Singing about a World War where millions were killed and taunting Germans about it is nothing more than nobheads trying to make out that 'they' (although what the fuck nobheads like that have to do with the brave people who gave their lives I don't know) beat and killed the Germans and are somehow superior.

WWII has fuck all to do with the Hamburg fans who are going to be there, just as the nobheads who sing these songs have fuck all to do with the heros who fought for freedom on the British side (despite them, with their warped thinking believing that it was actually some sort of victory for them, that they can glorify in - even though they weren't born).

If you have even the slightest knowledge of football you will know that that song is never sung in a light hearted manner but is always sung by nobheads with a nasty xenophobic and nationalostic slant on it. Bollocks is it sung as light hearted banter.

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