10 german bombers song

It's nasty BNP filth. We are going there to have a great time and hopefully win a football match. Anyone singing about the war is a c***...............................

you prick,its got fuck all to do with the bnp...we sung it in nuremburg an stuttgart at the 06 world cup,its fucking banter son,its called having a laugh!!!!!!!
i spose you are gonna be the one standing there with your keyboard asking em not to sing it eh??....i dont think so somehow.............
have a fucking life mate!!!!
Is it bollocks banter.

It is always sung with a nasty xenophobic slant to it and if you don't recognise that you are either thick as fuck or just seeking to make excuses for something you don't really want to admit on ehre
Only a racist would sing such shite. There will no doubt be the odd pillock but the vast majority are better people than that.
oh fuck.we must remember to sing it with a" nasty xenophobic slant" on thursday then eh?
haha you are fucking misled ,whatabout when the krauts bring out the "the island monkeys "song then ,are they not having a laugh like us,or are we all strange fuckers then????
stop lecturing ,you sound like god you doughnut!!!
blutone3 said:
oh fuck.we must remember to sing it with a" nasty xenophobic slant" on thursday then eh?
haha you are fucking misled ,whatabout when the krauts bring out the "the island monkeys "song then ,are they not having a laugh like us,or are we all strange fuckers then????
stop lecturing ,you sound like god you doughnut!!!

Only in a conversation with you.

And yeah, I have no doubt that there are German morons who are the mirror image of yourself.

I am off this thread now. I'm afraid you are going to make me look stupid if I don't leave.
There will no doubt be the odd pillock but the vast majority are better people than that.

mate do yourself a favour an have a look at youtube ,england fans in stuttgart,an then say again ..the odd pillock????? its done for fun,nothing else,its pricks that run your mouth like you,calling everyone a racist at the drop of a hat,that need shutting up....
think this is going to get sung just cause it's bit of banter between us and germans..
if it get's sung ill be joining in but u wont see me trying to start it off..
blutone3 said:
There will no doubt be the odd pillock but the vast majority are better people than that.

mate do yourself a favour an have a look at youtube ,england fans in stuttgart,an then say again ..the odd pillock????? its done for fun,nothing else,its pricks that run your mouth like you,calling everyone a racist at the drop of a hat,that need shutting up....
And I can imagine what methods you would like to use to shut us up. I'm also leaving this thread, can't be arsed with racists.

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