10 | Jack Grealish - 2023/24

Nothing to do with being a bore, just stating a fact, look at that plate, deep fried, deep fried, refined carbs, sugary &starchy sauce. He can work out those calories out of his body training like a horse from fear of Pep's attitude to being overweight, but that picture should only be used as the health hazard.
We have a nutritionist. Im sure Jack gets the all clear to have a chinese every now and than. Its not like hes sneaking snacks, city tv had him eating it!
Fucking hell, dietry tips, mentions of his abs......who gives a fuck about any of that, the only thing that matters is that he's had a 'meh' season at best.
No food is inherently bad. The problem comes from eating in the wrong amounts or the wrong proportions, or eating things that your body reacts badly to due to a medical condition.

As Jack is a high-level professional athlete and apparently has the lowest body fat percentage of the squad, I think we can safely say he's on top of his nutrition and in considerably better shape that any of us, including those who think he's unprofessional for enjoying an occasional takeaway.

Most or all players will have cheats and treats that they like to indulge in now and then. It's completely normal and uncontroversial.
You're going to have to be more specific about this part. Don't want Kyle getting the wrong message.

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