11 | Oleksandr Zinchenko - 2021/22 Performances

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Yep, WW2 especially.

I read around 250k collaborated with the Nazi's during the occupation of Ukraine, which was vital to stop the Russians starving them out(I've seen quotes from Hitler about that).

What you don't often hear about, is between 4.5 million and 7million joined the Red Army to fight the Nazi's instead. That's despite Holodomor, being fresh enough in people's memories, where the soviets were seen to have exterminated millions of Ukrainians by the way of starvation.

Up to 200k joined the Ukrainian Insurgent Army(the UPA), who were no better than the Nazi's, from what I've learned. They fought with and against the Nazi's at points, against the Red Army(often fellow Ukrainians) and the Poles(military and civilians, often with any Jews they had rescued). There was also ethnic cleansing of the Poles in Volhynia during 1943, marching village to village, killing any Polish civilians they found.

All the above is probably why Ukraine had the among the highest amount of military casualties in WW2, where 1.6m died fighting. Add up the same for the UK and the USA put together and then times it by 2 and it's still not quite as many as the Ukraine lost.

There was also huge amount of Ukrainian civilians who died too. 3.7m died from military activities or war crimes and 1.5m died due to war related famine or disease.

Ukraine as a nation were also responsible for the 4th highest numbers of rescued Jews according to the Righteous Among Nations awards.

Complicated is the right word.
Very interesting thanks for that
Hope his family are safe and prepared for what is to come, wouldn't blame him for wanting to go home and help in the defence.
We've had some players who wanted to go home because the weather in Manchester is dreary.
I don't know how to do the transfers of Twitter/Instagram things so I did a copy and paste and looked it up on Google translate:


Увесь цивілізований світ непокоїться ситуацією у моїй країні. Я не можу залишатись осторонь і прагну донести свою думку. На фото - моя країна. Країна, у якій я народився та виріс. Країна, кольори якої я захищаю на міжнародній спортивній арені. Країна, яку ми стараємось прославляти і розвивати. Країна, кордони якої повинні залишатись непорушними. Моя країна належить українцям і ніхто ніколи не зможе привласнити її. Ми своє не віддамо! Слава Україні

The whole civilized world is worried about the situation in my country. I can't stay away and try to convey my opinion. In the photo - my country. The country where I was born and raised. A country whose colours I defend in the international sports arena. A country that we try to glorify and develop. A country whose borders must remain inviolable. My country belongs to Ukrainians and no one will ever be able to appropriate it. We will not give up! Glory to Ukraine

My heart goes out to the lad. To be so far from home and worried about his family and friends. I went to Kyiv and the people were lovely and the city and the surrounding areas were so beautiful. The older buildings and the architecture which this madman, Pooinatin, is trying to destroy. I pray for the country and the people.
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