12,000 points first day of sale for Cardiff Away

cardiffcityfc said:
True lads..

its no ninian mind you. But We do create a good atmos most games tho

Itl be a special day for us so i just hope we dont get a good druming off you!! .i got a feeling itl b 1-1

We are Manchester City mate, we could beat you 10-0 or go down 3-0, you never know, that's why none of us have any fuckin nails, no hair or grey hair....Its always been that way... We love it!! Whats different about us is we don't do a runner when we lose...History tells you that.. Thanks for the welcome bud, look forward to a few beers whatever the result..!
Marvin said:
Could be a good time to play Man City

New manager, 4 new signings and it will take time for Man City team to gel

I can't really look beyond the opening game at home at the moment, but glad to see Cardiff back in the Premiership

Looking veryuch 4ward to it first home game im the prem and that.

By the looks of things we've signed a walking red card in gary medel. Could be an instant fans fav
bigf42 said:
bigf42 said:
My son has 7800, and when he was a junior i was able to get him a ticket for away games at the same time as me, even though he didn't have the points, were you able to take advantage of that facility?
Yeah, fortunately my dad has around 13k.
Good for him glad you've been brought up in the faith. My youngest is 16 now not sure whether this ruse works for him Now - I'll find out tomorrow
I think he should have enough anyway as it looks it'll go down to 7500?
bluehart said:
If anyone has two spare tickets together please pm me, I have bought on here before and am not a time waster :-)
Try looking on Citizens Ticket X on twitter, they are excellent as only pass on face value tickets ....Im lucky managed to get two tickets today :)
callie4blues said:
bluehart said:
If anyone has two spare tickets together please pm me, I have bought on here before and am not a time waster :-)
Try looking on Citizens Ticket X on twitter, they are excellent as only pass on face value tickets ....Im lucky managed to get two tickets today :)
Thank you, managed to get two now though but good to know about that site :-)
Could of got tickets last week, waited until this morning to get more together instead and did it no problem. Almost every game this sort of hysteria about how many points games will sell out occurs on Bluemoon, Wembley threads being the worst. And without fail, the general opinion of the thread is always wrong. Bluemoon just isn't a great representation of most regular away day blues.
Tend to agree

Many games last season dropped to low points and I suspect it will be the same this
bigf42 said:
Yeah, fortunately my dad has around 13k.
Good for him glad you've been brought up in the faith. My youngest is 16 now not sure whether this ruse works for him Now - I'll find out tomorrow
I think he should have enough anyway as it looks it'll go down to 7500?

Unfortunately you lose the privilege to get tickets with your dad when you hit sixteen... should be OK tomorrow, they had 500 left at 9:15 this morning
Caveman said:
danebanksheik said:
I've got 9700 and I'm 14, my mates got 8000 and he's 14 too

Good totals those - My lad is 16 and has 8500 - there are lots of lads of this age that have the points to show it can be done so why in ten years time should any of them lose out to someone who starts now? These are lads who were nippers when we moved to COMS and have put the time in, home and away, when the shite down the road were dominating the trophies, the TV, the press and the playground and we got excited about chinese superstars and third rate italian strikers.

I cant see, and more importantly he cant see, why he should have the same chance of a ticket in 10 years time as someone who has been going home and away for 30 years and similarly cant see why a lad who starts going now should have the same chance as him in 10 years time.

If we were talking about access to an unlimited commodity then there would be no problem but we are not. Match tickets are limited and access to them should be given to those whose points reflect their loyalty (which for me is a combination of length of service, games attended, forward commitment to the club). Our system works but I have been going for over 30 years and spent a fortune doing it so I would say that, wouldnt I.
They wouldn't lose out to someone who just starts now. If they have points now, they'll have even more then and won't lose out to anyone.

What people aren't getting neither is that in say another ten years time, if a kid has or hasn't been fortunate enough for their Dads to buy them their points, the threshold for away games could be up to 20000 points. So a youngster starting out then with nothing may have to wait 40 years before they can get to away games like Cardiff away.

With a rolling system they may only have to wait 20 years but they'd still have to wait a long time due to all the fans with loads of points who - again - won't have to worry about losing out because they won't as they'll always have the points in the bank.

If it makes no difference then why change it, the only people who will be pissed off by this is the clubs longest serving fans who will see this as an attack on their loyalty and it would be a PR disaster - I can see the Mail, Mirror, Sun, MUEN headlines now ...... "City dont want their oldest fans", "City remove their history" . .
callie4blues said:
bluehart said:
If anyone has two spare tickets together please pm me, I have bought on here before and am not a time waster :-)
Try looking on Citizens Ticket X on twitter, they are excellent as only pass on face value tickets ....Im lucky managed to get two tickets today :)

wheres best for parking near stadium, as i know the retail park has a 60 or 90min limit

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