15 minute cities

I believe it is very much an assault on personal freedoms and will get a lot more strict if imposed upon us. The UK is a little different to here as people are already used to congested roads and poor public transportation however it would be highly impractical here.
Would people have ID's with their particular zoned area? Would they be enforced? You'dvthink not but look at the whole Covid situation. Multiple people in multiple countries had their movements controlled and dictated to by governments ( in the interest of public safety) it's quite easy to see that argument used in the name of the environment and therefore public satefy
Where are you getting all this from? It's just a method of city planning. The shit situation America finds itself in is because of deliberate decisions made by policy makers and planners over decades, not because Americans have chosen to live in a particular way. This is just the same thing but with different decisions made. Allowing mixed zoning, rather than the ridiculous 'single family homes only' policy that plagues so many parts of America, for example. Having proper infrastructure for cycling and public transport so that you don't have to always take a car on that journey that's slightly too long to walk. No-one going to ID you and check that you're not going to the Tesco in the next town over ffs.
Who the fuck knows how the cunts that run the U.K. would implement it. All I can say is it seems to work well in Dutch cities without imposing personal restrictions on anybody.
In the Netherlands, everyone starts on all fours, then up onto two feet, then then onto bicycles, and only later cars, and that last one is a maybe. Because everyone has followed that same trajectory, it’s far more democratic and people can understand and empathise with each other. It also means you want your essentials within reach.
Where are you getting all this from? It's just a method of city planning. The shit situation America finds itself in is because of deliberate decisions made by policy makers and planners over decades, not because Americans have chosen to live in a particular way. This is just the same thing but with different decisions made. Allowing mixed zoning, rather than the ridiculous 'single family homes only' policy that plagues so many parts of America, for example. Having proper infrastructure for cycling and public transport so that you don't have to always take a car on that journey that's slightly too long to walk. No-one going to ID you and check that you're not going to the Tesco in the next town over ffs.
If you can only shoot at things within 15 minutes of your residence, then it’s an infringement of everything the founding fathers believed. Call out the (15) minutemen!
Not sure why the RWNJ's are angry about this except they have to be angry at any change. I mean a 15 minute city will make it much easier to walk to the protest outside your nearby asylum seekers detention centre it will also mean they can get back early enough to read their copies of the original unabridged and unedited original copies of the works of Roald Dahl
If you can only shoot at things within 15 minutes of your residence, then it’s an infringement of everything the founding fathers believed. Call out the (15) minutemen!
Indeed so, luckily this afternoon I get to shoot a deer within ten minutes of my home, purely to help the environment!
I don't really see how it would work. Most of London is already like this, and yet everyone still has to commute massive distances because they can't afford to live where the jobs are. Unless you can somehow convince all of the employers to locate outside of the city centre, how would it work?
London is too big! And Manchester is going that way...
Need to give people a reason to live in other areas and smallwr towns

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