
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Paully said:
dannybcity said:
I wish people would stop saying we'd all think differently if it was one of our players. I've no doubt we would but it wouldn't make us right. I don't even begrudge the Geordie's being upset with him now, although their protests at the time weren't much to write home about, they're bound to be bias as are we. Importantly though the one of the few neutral men in the stadium felt it wasn't a foul and that's all that matters.

The same "neutral man" who deemed a centre half playing the ball outside of the box as a penalty and then deemed a blatant fuol in the box by a defender on the opposition team as not a penalty!
Is that the same challenge where Williamson went through Tevez to get to the ball and only got a yellow. If De Jongs tackle which was ball first then man is that bad then Williamson's (Man then ball) should certainly have been a red! If Tevez's leg had got stuck under this reckless challenge he could well have been out for the season too. Of all the challenges to bring up, only a clueless fuckwit would have chosen that one as an example. FAIL!
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Hope them geordie wankers go down now fuck em the scouse impersonating parrafins.

Ohhhhhh when De Jong goes sliding in!
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Scottyboi said:
Hope them geordie wankers go down now fuck em the scouse impersonating parrafins.

Ohhhhhh when De Jong goes sliding in!

Can't believe some of em have come on here whining. I thought they were supposed to be hard up there.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Paully said:
dannybcity said:
I wish people would stop saying we'd all think differently if it was one of our players. I've no doubt we would but it wouldn't make us right. I don't even begrudge the Geordie's being upset with him now, although their protests at the time weren't much to write home about, they're bound to be bias as are we. Importantly though the one of the few neutral men in the stadium felt it wasn't a foul and that's all that matters.

The same "neutral man" who deemed a centre half playing the ball outside of the box as a penalty and then deemed a blatant fuol in the box by a defender on the opposition team as not a penalty!

So, just so we get this straight, you think De Jong's challenge, where he got the ball then collided with the player, was a red card offence, yet Williamson's challenge, where he got the ball then collided with the player, wasn't even a foul? I think we were lucky to get the penalty, it looked like a foul initially, which is why it was given, but after seeing replays it was a harsh decision.

You need to have a long, hard look at your decision making skills, you've got to be consistent, both were fouls, or both were not, the fact Ben Arfa broke his leg is irrelevant to that.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

It seems that if at ANY point you come into contact with an opposition player while tackling him it is a foul, if you do it in a physical way its a red card and if you injure said player a witch hunt and ban for life. Unless you are S Gerrard, play for United .
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Paully said:
dannybcity said:
I wish people would stop saying we'd all think differently if it was one of our players. I've no doubt we would but it wouldn't make us right. I don't even begrudge the Geordie's being upset with him now, although their protests at the time weren't much to write home about, they're bound to be bias as are we. Importantly though the one of the few neutral men in the stadium felt it wasn't a foul and that's all that matters.

The same "neutral man" who deemed a centre half playing the ball outside of the box as a penalty and then deemed a blatant fuol in the box by a defender on the opposition team as not a penalty!

some of the funnest shit i have read on here for a long time!

please do come back with some more of your wisdom soon please.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Egyptian said:
a) No i'm not a City fan, i'm just a general football fan. But City is interesting to follow at the moment.

b)Because this failed kickboxer named Nigel De Jong injured a interesting player with an ridicilous challenge. Surprise! Surprise! It's the same de Jong that before have shown a lack of sound judgement on the pitch(ask Alonso among others).

This thread is finished on my part.

Over to Real-Deportivo second half. No major injuries so far(knock on wood) :)

Get the fuck out you camel humping pleb, you talk absolute drivel

real mature. you willing to call the owner who singlehandedly has made City relevant again a camel humping pleb? asshole.

-- Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:15 pm --

yeseye said:
Whether an injury occurs has nothing to do with it being a great tackle or a bad tackle. All that matters is the question: was it a legal tackle. If it was, and the evidence is indisputable that it was, than it was a good (possibly great if the circumstances were difficult) tackle. To suggest that if there is an injury there must be a penalty is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have read on BM and there are some really fucking stupid things said on here.

Including yours. "A tackle that endangers the safety of an opponent must be sanctioned as serious foul play." If a player gets his leg broken in a tackle, then it simply cannot be "indisputable" that it was a legal tackle. More specifically, "Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one
or both legs, with excessive force and endangering the safety of an opponent
is guilty of serious foul play."


You might argue that it was just unfortunate in a robust game, but I'm not sure there was anything indisputable about that.[/quote][/quote]

Not quite. Using your logic, any time there is contact made between two players a player is potentially endangered. So, by definition every tackle endangers the safety of an opponent using your interpretation of the above quote.

The point that is indisputable if you understand the rules and have watched the video is that because NDJ's tackle was legal he was not endangering the other player. That doesn't mean the player won't get hurt in a freak accident. Bottom line, just because Ben Arfa was hurt does not mean NDJ endangered him.

Lets say a player made a tackle and got all ball and NEVER touched the other player (say because the other player jumped out of the way). Lets further say when that player landed he sprained his ankle. Under your interpretation of the rule, the tackler endangered the other player.

You are interpreting the rule incorrectly. The question is not whether or not someone is hurt but rather whether the tackle endangers the other player. You can have a fair tackle that does not endanger a player and still have a freak accident and injury. Endangering is a subjective call. Everyone involved agreed that NDJ did not endanger Ben Arfa.

Get it?<br /><br />-- Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:37 pm --<br /><br />
Paully said:
SalfordCityBlue said:
Personally I think if Ben Arfa has any decency he will do the same and end this nonsensical wailing and hand wringing. If he doesn't and he allows this farce to continue my personal sympathy for him will fade quickly.

1st time poster and I am a Barcode!

You expect Ben Arfa to come out and say what exactly? Has de Jong issued an apology yet? He is a thug and has proven that over and over again. He went out to hit Arfa early and did exactly - just watch his trailing leg. there was no remorse when Arfa was receiving oxygen and going off on a stretcher - compare that to Shawcross when he caused the exact same injury to Ramsay.

Here's hoping he doesn't bottle Boxing day at SJP!

NDJ did in fact go over to him as they were taking him off. Clearly you didn't watch the match. He seemed quite sincere in his concern for him.
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

goodnight jon boy..wa wa wa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Re: De Jong injury to Ben Arfa

I'm blue thru and thru, BUT

the tackle was agressive and the the guy has a broken leg as a result.
Nige is the best DM in the prem this year but he has a poor record with respect to injuring players in tackles e.g Holden, Alonso and now Ben Arfa.

I'm all for contact sports and strong tackling but imagine a match where players on both sides put in tackles like that, it might be good to watch but in the end they'd need a fleet of ambulances to clear the carnage. That's two broken legs on Nige's scorecard, he doesn't need any more.

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