2015/16 Home Kit

asero said:

I hope they only do that one in womens sizes...I know for a fact I would look disgusting in it, and would definitely never be welcomed back into the family stand!
kippaxkid74 said:
i never get why you lot all cream over a mock up badge that would make us look like a part of nyc or melbourne or just a party of the "city group", you're creating badges that look like they go with theirs. Why lose our identity by cloning another clubs?

Plus The mock up you keep doing has far too much blue (!), blue badge on a blue shirt does not make it very visable... more white with the blue for example!

You keep forgetting that about 20 people on bluemoon swooning doth not make a fan club! If city changed the badge to this there'd be uproar everywhere (just my opinion, don't bite me!), in fact if we cahnged our badge to anything now (unless the old one, which isn't going to happen) i think people would kick off about losing identity - the fact we've only had the current one since 97 isn't the point for most people i wouldn't think, it's that having a new one now would mean it's "since the takeover", and lose another part of "the past".

But don't kill me for having an opinion, and i wont kill you for yours ;)

yeah, they wont change it now cos is now our "global" marketing badge.

I get what you say about them looking too much like the CFG NYFC< MelCFC badges, but you can argue that they look and are inspire from our old circular badge in the70's/80's ... so in essence just updating what we used have abnd NYCFC and MelCFC are clones of us.

like you say ... its all a matter of opinion and perspective.

yeah, you are safe. it'll be white shorts/white socks, next season, white shorts/blue socks season after, then blue shorts the season after that.

they have to change the kits somehow it make them look 'difference and new' each season from a selling view point.
GeekinGav said:
yeah, you are safe. it'll be white shorts/white socks, next season, white shorts/blue socks season after, then blue shorts the season after that.

they have to change the kits somehow it make them look 'difference and new' each season from a selling view point.

When in the flying **** is it going to be blue shirt, white shorts and navy socks?
quiet_riot said:
kippax4ever said:
A couple off threads regarding shirts from nycfc & badges
<a class="postlink" href="https://twitter.com/Paul5Hart/statuses/475933373043445760" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://twitter.com/Paul5Hart/statuses/ ... 3043445760</a>
<a class="postlink" href="http://nycfcforums.com/index.php?threads/my-take-on-the-jerseys.679/page-6" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://nycfcforums.com/index.php?thread ... 679/page-6</a>

Beaut that.


Nah. Far too busy. Seven colours? The maroon just isn't going to happen and doesn't look right IMO.

The one on Gav's last post looks good though.
Ban-jani said:
GeekinGav said:
yeah, you are safe. it'll be white shorts/white socks, next season, white shorts/blue socks season after, then blue shorts the season after that.

they have to change the kits somehow it make them look 'difference and new' each season from a selling view point.

When in the flying c**t is it going to be blue shirt, white shorts and navy socks?

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