Sure, he didn't score any more points using your analogy, so what he did was try and injure the opponent enough to try and get into their head for the next game in the series.
I think not.
Trump doesn't think strategically and he's clearly not got anyone in his inner circle who do, he delivers a rag-tag jumble of incoherent reactionary nonsense because that is what he is.
He's smart enough to conjure the required dog whistle from time to time, but even then he often f**ks it up.
He's screwing over his base, he knows that, we all know that, even some of his base know that, but they'll stick by him because on some visceral level he is them, and he gave them enough meat last night to remind them of that fact
Trump's real difficulty is broadening his appeal beyond his base, at least he would be having difficulty if he was actually trying to do that.
It is not possible to have seen that shit show last night and come to the conclusion that Trump was pitching to undecideds. Maybe he's come to the not unreasonable conclusion that undecideds don't exist when it comes to him and he knows he can't win the election in the "traditional" way.
If that's the case, then the USA is in real trouble.