3-5-2 leaves us badly open to counter attacks....

Freestyler said:
WNRH said:
Freestyler said:
worst formation i've ever witnessed in my entire life.

Doesn't work in England, and doesn't work in Europe.

Everyone including Stevie Wonder knows it fails, everything but Mancini.

I honestly wonder what goes through his head at times.

What rubbish, it's a great formation if you have the right players, we currently do not.

The most recent success story of it is Napoli.

and what have they won in europe with it?

it's awful, no team ever uses it much now.

Why do you have to win something for it to be successful? They have overachieved with it, this is Napoli we are talking about with a few decent players and they have done well in the last few years. Just because they haven't won anything doesn't mean it's not successful.

It's successful if you have the right players, you need 3 decent centre backs who are comfortable with the ball, you need two wing backs, proper wing backs not defenders who can attack ok, and wingers who get back ok.

The reason why not many teams use it is probably because it's a formation you have to stick with all season. If you decide to play 4 at the back one game you make yourself weak as you don't have any fullbacks, you have two wing backs so you are basically playing 2 at the back.

If Mancini wanted to play with this then he should have stuck to it from the get go, it's not something you can just implement whenever you want, it's a complicated formation.
primemutton said:
VERY disturbing to see micah richards telling sky that 352 hasnt been practiced much

........with HIM in the side! He was crocked all pre-season because he wanted to play in the Olympics rather than be called up for the Euros.

Not to say he is stupid or anything, but even a moron can understand what the 3-5-2 is and how it is supposed to work. Problem is, we did not have the personnel on the field for it, even as Mancini tried to shuffle it so we did!

Lescott is NOT a CL player. The players are too technically proficient, they KNOW he is all one foot and not particular light on his toes, and he is VERY vulnerable to the ball in behind him, either over the top or through.

Nastasic needs a looooong run in the team and we need to figure out Plan A and Plan B and the personnel to accomplish both. Play Team A and make the changes for Team B as and when needed. All the chopping and changing is BS. If a player is not fit, then fine. If he has played a game in the past three days, who gives a fuck. Either he is ready to play or not..period!

We currently have SOME technically gifted players and we have SOME players who aren't. Richards and Lescott fall into the latter category, as has Kompany for most of this season (and again this evening). First things first....we need to sort out the back four and solidify the midfield. Only from THAT PLATFORM can we spring the most potent four striker frontline in the country.

Sadly, it appears that WE seem to think that at least HALF of our midfield does not have to track their opponent back into the defensive third. The Ajax midfield looked dangerous all night, because they ALL put in a shift....in BOTH directions. Not so with our lads. Yaya was atrocious, Barry was sub-par and Nasri looked good going forward but not so good on the defensive end. Once again, Milner was City's MOTM, but will probably get the blame for their first goal!
ChicagoBlue said:
We currently have SOME technically gifted players and we have SOME players who aren't. Richards and Lescott fall into the latter category, as has Kompany for most of this season (and again this evening).

Wait a minute.

Micah Richards who could probably dribble circles around "I have to take 3 seconds to think about how to pass the ball and only then with my left foot" Lescott.

The Micah Richards who made the excellent pass to Milner that set up the goal has no technical ability?

I think that is very incorrect opinion.

But that's just my opinion.

It seems that I'm the only one to query Lescott as the sub and not Clichy! The thing, with Lescott, he'd have figured out a way of playing 3-5-2 and not been confused, a-la-Clichy, by knowing with side of the pitch he delegated.

I don't criticise Mancini much, but that sub made hard work of that defence. After all 'mobility' doesn't equal 'reading of the situation', which JL has over GC.

We have a 'hole' in the midfield which Barry's and Milner's insertion doesn't quite make up for. In my mind, we have had the question of why Yaya has not made many of his barn storming runs, this season and, for me, it's a trust issue.

I wouldn't trust the depleted midfield either.
Said this a few weks ago...the 3-5-2 formation is a disaster waiting to happen and as again proved to be last night. For some stupid reason to switch to 3 at the back when the opposite team have the majority of possesion and look threatening is just plain daft.

It needs to be shelved and kicked out for good because it does not work for us
At the moment, the defenders aren't playing with any confidence, and the chopping and changing of formation just makes things worse. If we hadn't conceded a flukey 3rd goal last night,we may have turned it round, but, we conceded it, so the rest is history.

The worst thing for me was to change the formation at all when Mancini didn't need to. It was a knee jerk reaction to a bad second goal, which resulted from the zonal marking system - again - and players not attacking the ball as it came in. The ball wasn't quite in their area so they didn't move towards it and take responsibility - that for me was a sign of a lack of confidence. I'm not sure who all the 3 were, but the 3 players at the near post area could have reacted quicker, 2 of them were Lescott and Toure. They were ball watching instead of being aware of where their runners were. The guy who scored was unmarked on his run, and on his header - which was only just powerful enough to get over the line - an easy clearance for Clichy - as was identitfied on TV, if Clichy had been a yard nearer the goal - he was in no man's land, and again, could have taken the initiative and moved back a little once he had seen that the corner was going in to the near post.

At the time, I thought that maybe he took off Lescott because he was blaming him for the goal - to me, he hasn't got confidence in Lescott anymore. Personally, I've had more confidence in Lescott defensively than Kompany so far this season.

Anyway, my point is, we were in the ascendancy at the beginning of the second half. We conceded that poor goal NOT through any defect in our formation, and therefore a change of formation wasn't required imho.

The change which followed undermined us because it appeared to be unpopular with the players. Kompany wasn't having a good match - again - and Lescott's removal put more pressure on him. I thought Yaya got into a worsening strop as the game went on after his injury and wasn't having a good game - neither was Barry - so the middle was going to get exposed more by the change, and Ajax are clever enough to expose weaknesses. True enough, they did so - but the 3rd goal itself was very flukey. Sadly, that kind of thing happens when you're under pressure. Players slip - as Kompany is prone to do when he's under pressure. The centre opened up for the Ajax guy; he shot; Clichy as last man in the middle (where he shouldn't ever have to be, ideally), sticks out his bad foot and deflects it past Hart.

I'd love to say 'You couldn't make it up' but obviously as it's City, shit happens. Their first was a great goal, and bang on half time. We came out all guns blazing, but didn't really look like scoring. Then we conceded 2 very bad - soft - goals.

I have more issues about the formation than the 3 at the back, but everyone sees these things differently, and Mancini knows a lot more than I ever will. Despite the fact that I like Mancini, he is looking increasingly like Mr Hapless in Europe to the outside world. City lost from a winning position - again - and now they won't be confident should they get in a winning position again in this group. If he turns it round this season in the Champs League, I'm a Dutchman!

Hopefully, he'll live and learn, win us the Premier League again, and we can do better next year - 3rd time lucky.
if Mancini was to insist on 3 at the back i'd go -


i definately prefer 4 the back though.

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