31 | Ederson - 2022/23 Performances

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This seems like a rather unnecessary mischaracterisation
This seems to be a rather pointless comment that fails to add anything to the debate on a discussion about Ederson's basic goalkeeping skills.

This is what happens when you haven't been following a discussion. You end up knee jerking about minor points.

Pep Guardiola loves possession. Our game is all about retaining possession. That's 100% why Ederson is Pep's first choice keeper, despite (in my view) not being a very good keeper.

All caught up now?
If you can say that about half the top keepers maybe the those two states aren't so distinct.

For me the best shot stopper in the league is Pope and we'd never go near him.

My comments aren't about which goalkeeper is the best, or who we should or shouldn't sign.

It's about Ederson becoming a better goalkeeper. He's reckless and has his faults, but he's Pep's choice. I simply believe that he could improve his own game by concentrating on the basics in training.

Stick to the thread.
Funny how people are calling for Allison like he didnt just get 8 put past him inside a week and Madrid scored 5 in 40mins a few weeks back.

I guess he is slacking in training as well, should try concentrating on the basics because he sure as hell isn't working on his passing or distribution which is about the same level as ive seen down at power league.
Funny how people are calling for Allison like he didnt just get 8 put past him inside a week and Madrid scored 5 in 40mins a few weeks back.

I guess he is slacking in training as well, should try concentrating on the basics because he sure as hell isn't working on his passing or distribution which is about the same level as ive seen down at power league.

No-one is actually 'calling for' Allison or anyone else as far as I'm aware.

You're missing the whole point of the discussion, and trying (rather poorly imo) to turn it into something it isn't.

Ederson is our keeper. That being the case, a lot of City fans want to see him improve on the basics, and cut the silly errors that he makes.

That's the whole point of the discussion. Stop knee jerking.
No-one is actually 'calling for' Allison or anyone else as far as I'm aware.

You're missing the whole point of the discussion, and trying (rather poorly imo) to turn it into something it isn't.

Ederson is our keeper. That being the case, a lot of City fans want to see him improve on the basics, and cut the silly errors that he makes.

That's the whole point of the discussion. Stop knee jerking.
What is the discussion then because accusing him of doing f-all in training is ridiculous. You don't have a clue what he is doing.

Pep has no issue dropping the likes of Laporte or Cancelo if they have a bad training session but is completely blind to Ederson drinking maté and playing pool with Richard Wright I guess.

"he could improve his own game by concentrating on the basics in training." is an outrageous statement to make about a keeper who regularly collects golden gloves and clean sheet bonuses every season, never mind being the undisputed starter for one of the best club teams in the world.

Every player makes errors and mistakes, get over it.
"he could improve his own game by concentrating on the basics in training." is an outrageous statement to make about a keeper who regularly collects golden gloves and clean sheet bonuses every season, never mind being the undisputed starter for one of the best club teams in the world.

Every player makes errors and mistakes, get over it.

Any Prem keeper would get those accolades in our team,he does nothing extraordinary to earn them.

His passing ability is literally the only aspect of his game that separates him from the rest,and because that is now looking frequently more suspect.......he is coming under increasing scrutiny and criticism.
Any Prem keeper would get those accolades in our team,he does nothing extraordinary to earn them.

His passing ability is literally the only aspect of his game that separates him from the rest,and because that is now looking frequently more suspect.......he is coming under increasing scrutiny and criticism.
Yeah passing looking real suspect.


Basically top in every category.
Ederson is a wonderfully calm, and some might say overly confident, keeper with the ball AT his feet. Unfortunately, he is prone to rushing out in a rather unnerving manner for many supporters…and, I’d venture, teammates.

The worst part is not only that he comes for things he doesn’t need to, but that he puts the team in jeopardy by being on the verge of out of control when he does come.

The rush of blood to the head he experienced against RBL was not only ridiculous, but reckless and dangerous. He GLANCED the ball, at best, with a full throated swing of the leg, with both onrushing players also vying for the ball.

The fact that he got a foul out of it was a miracle, because he was a gnats whisker from being sent off and hurting himself or someone else in the process!

He is good with his feet and he is quick to get out to forwards who break through our defence, but I’m not sure I know anyone who believes he’s a good shot stopper, good on the cross, or particularly agile…which are the normal traits one generally looks for in a top goalkeeper.

At times, I feel sorry for him, because our possession gives him so little to do for long stretches of most games, and it almost feels like he goes looking for action. However, in a team where every game is, to quote Pep, “a final,” we can ill afford a keeper who loses his mind at key moments.

He has credit in the bank with me, as I wouldn’t swap him for anyone in the League right now, but if he blows one of these big games, I reserve the right to change my mind in a hurry!
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