5 | John Stones - 2022/23

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Amazing season. With Rodri and Dias, the most important player for our team IMO. In just half a season he has improved his passing and dribbling immensely.
For me, he has the potential to be England's greatest ever defender.

John Terry, Bobby Moore, Rio Ferdinand, Neil Franklin, Tony Adams.
He could surpass them all.

Right now he's the best defender on the planet and one of the best midfielders on the planet simultaneously. and he's not even 30. If he adds an international trophy then I think that would cement it.
Immense in that final. Stood up tall and rised to the occasion when we needed it the most. This guy is a leader on the field. Off it he is humble and down to earth. So blessed he didn't leave.
I love seeing him get so much credit and praise from everywhere because he’s deserved it for the last 3 years performance and this seems to be the moment everyone accepts he’s up there as a world class defender. However, I have to say it’s so annoying seeing so many casual watchers and pundits saying he’s playing as a midfielder. No he’s not!! That’s the whole point!!! Any idiot can tell a CB to play in midfield, it’s the fact he’s playing CB and taking up midfield positions in the same game that is special. UEFA putting him in the TOTS in midfield is just wrong.

Having said all that, the best is still to come.

There’s quite a lot of room for improvement with his passing in attack when he goes into midfield. A few times over the last weeks he’s gotten in brilliant situations because of the system where he’s the free man around the box, has the ball and tried to play the key pass and just over hit/underhit/misttimed/got it wrong in some way.

I’m sure Pep will work on that with him, and he’ll get more experienced with it as he plays the role more.

I think his transformation will be complete when he actually starts a game in midfield, instead of Rodri - that’s when we can really say he’s capable of playing the hybrid role completely.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens with Rico Lewis as well, he’ll come back from the summer break bigger and stronger and he’s a much more natural midfielder so might challenge Stones for that role.
For me, he has the potential to be England's greatest ever defender.

John Terry, Bobby Moore, Rio Ferdinand, Neil Franklin, Tony Adams.
He could surpass them all.

Right now he's the best defender on the planet and one of the best midfielders on the planet simultaneously. and he's not even 30. If he adds an international trophy then I think that would cement it.

Only if the England National team have brain capacity to use not only Stones but all of English player so they can win international thropy.
I love seeing him get so much credit and praise from everywhere because he’s deserved it for the last 3 years performance and this seems to be the moment everyone accepts he’s up there as a world class defender. However, I have to say it’s so annoying seeing so many casual watchers and pundits saying he’s playing as a midfielder. No he’s not!! That’s the whole point!!! Any idiot can tell a CB to play in midfield, it’s the fact he’s playing CB and taking up midfield positions in the same game that is special. UEFA putting him in the TOTS in midfield is just wrong.

Having said all that, the best is still to come.

There’s quite a lot of room for improvement with his passing in attack when he goes into midfield. A few times over the last weeks he’s gotten in brilliant situations because of the system where he’s the free man around the box, has the ball and tried to play the key pass and just over hit/underhit/misttimed/got it wrong in some way.

I’m sure Pep will work on that with him, and he’ll get more experienced with it as he plays the role more.

I think his transformation will be complete when he actually starts a game in midfield, instead of Rodri - that’s when we can really say he’s capable of playing the hybrid role completely.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens with Rico Lewis as well, he’ll come back from the summer break bigger and stronger and he’s a much more natural midfielder so might challenge Stones for that role.

Where he's really impressed me is with his spatial awareness. Using his body to shield the ball, dropping the shoulder and turning on it to carry it forwards. He was one of the few that weren't nervous on Saturday. He was supremely composed, inviting pressure knowing he would turn them if they committed one side, playing it safely to a team mate if he couldn't.

The turn and then slide rule pass to Gundo in the first half was brilliant. Gundo should have instantly slotted it to Haaland who had seen it and set off. Would have been a phenomenal goal. Rodri is like a metronome keeping things ticking over. Stones has these little added intricacies which have probably come from him taking on this role and just going for it.

Like you say, iron out some other little elements and this system could become even more special. If we sign Gvardiol he's someone we could see doing it from the left side. We might end up seeing two CBs or one CB and a LB inverted whilst Rodri drops in to confuse the opposition. We saw the confusion by playing a false 9 in a fluid attack. Why not have a false 4 with a fluid defence and do exactly the same...Pep's going to continue to evolve this.
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