5 | John Stones - 2023/24

It doesn’t say he’s not fit to train. It says he reported late so has not had as much training time and therefore is following an individual training programme.
Ah ok. That sounds better. The report I read clearly wasn't very accurate. Hopefully he has a superb tournament with England.
Ah ok. That sounds better. The report I read clearly wasn't very accurate. Hopefully he has a superb tournament with England.
*cheeky grin* You know I'm going to defend John Boy no matter what. :-) So when I saw your post I went online and, just to be on the safe side, checked two reports and both said he reported late, which makes sense as we had the FA Cup final after everyone else had finished. :-)
*cheeky grin* You know I'm going to defend John Boy no matter what. :-) So when I saw your post I went online and, just to be on the safe side, checked two reports and both said he reported late, which makes sense as we had the FA Cup final after everyone else had finished. :-)

Makes sense. And to be clear, I love John and would never say anything to incur your wrath :)
Exactly and he moves on players when he sees fit snd let's players leave when they no longer want to be at the club.
In terms of Stones I think there is a fair argument in questioning his situation. His form had slumped badly and playing into meaningless international fixtures on the Eve of our most important games leaves a bad taste for me for a player I had great admiration of.
His form only slumped because of injury. I beleive he has enough credit in the bank to give him the chance to prove his worth to this squad. I believe John will be part of Pep's plans for next season. He is to good of a player not to be given that chance.
I’d sell Stones and loan Eccles to RAWK. ;-)
Nooooo I'll go but you have to save JB. ;-)
She would make that disgusting site a lot more civilised for sure.:-)
I've never been on there but if they are disgusting I'll wear my protective clothing...I've got a metal medieval armour upstairs! ;-)
She’d have them in order in no time.
A good strong teacher stare should do it...... although if they are as disgusting as @eastmanc says I may have to use the strong voice as well. :-)

p.s. to (mis)quote Dick Emery: you are cheeky.... but I like you. :-) :-)
Looking at the England CBs I fear Stones will be a safe EURO starter even if not 100% fit. Needs a wonder to get him back unscathed.

We all know - incl @Eccles Blue - that he should ever play only if 100% fit, should have a long recovery after a long season
and should play MAX 1 game per week, less in winter.

Anybody and his dog know it. Stick to that and he can shine, don't and he will have disappointing times ahead.

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