6% increase

Interstate 5 said:
Corky said:
Blackburn are £69 to £95 for kids, £95 for best seats.

I wouldn't watch Blackburn if the season ticket price was a tenth of that, though. It's like asking whether you'd rather sit on a throne for £500 or a bucket of shit for a tenner.

I feel the same about the North Stand or 3rd Tiers.
Well i can accept a price rise
but charging kids more to stay in the ss is stupid
that means me my 21 yr old and daughter 17 and 13 yr old have to move out of 111 and sit in the north stand .. and i mean sit ffs
In the same situation mate, I'd rather not renew than go over there. I love where I am at the moment but if this is right then it looks like it's goodbye.
Immaculate Pasta said:
marco said:
juniors,then 18-21,adults,oap

You said the day he becomes a grown up you will be shafted as you don't have a grand, why would you be paying for your son at 21-22? Surely he should be paying for his own by then so you won't get shafted?

hahaha, have you kids teenagers or young adults? if not they bleed you dry,drain your last penny then thay come back for more,i'l be paying for the bloody thing till he's 50
Lindowman said:
Gutted.....as an east stand lower with my son we have to fork out another 100 pound for him so we can stay in the same seats is bang out of order.

One of the main reasons we didnt go in the family stand in the 1st place is because if for some reason my lad can't make the game on an evening because of school the next day, we would fall foul of the family stand rule and have to move elsewhere in the ground because we wouldnt have a kid with us.

Not happy

I'm like you, I sit in 101 with my old man (63 now) and we have both bean going for years together. I also take my lad (he's now 6) on the odd weekend game if it's a 3pm KO or earlier... But will I still be able to do this? Will I even be able to afford the extra for my season tickets? (Both in my name) I still owe my old man £200 from last year for my ticket so I was going to pay for them both this year but dobt we will renew if I'm honest. Didnt expect them to be reduced but if the rags can freeze prices for the first time ever then I am suprised we have not followed the same path.
What happends to the kids in the all new singing and dancing Family Stand/North Stand when they reach 16? Do they get told to do one? If they do what happens if theres no room in the ground for them to move to? Do they go on a waiting list?

So in reality it will be "support city til you left school and then fuck off.....unless you have two grand to pay for a meal before the game in which case how would you like us to lick your arse? wet tounge or dry?"
What I cant fathom is where are those of us in the North stand who dont meet criteria going to sit.

The logistics of this are going to be a nightmare and to force a 6% rise plus a revised seta charge all in the same year is crass especially when we all know how rich are owners are and they know what a state the economy is in why didnt someone at least phase in the changes over a 2 year plan
chesterguy said:
What I cant fathom is where are those of us in the North stand who dont meet criteria going to sit.

The logistics of this are going to be a nightmare and to force a 6% rise plus a revised seta charge all in the same year is crass especially when we all know how rich are owners are and they know what a state the economy is in why didnt someone at least phase in the changes over a 2 year plan

I think they essentially want us to swap. They must think there's enough families around the stadium that it's viable, move them to the north and fuck those of us that are already in there.
chesterguy said:
What I cant fathom is where are those of us in the North stand who dont meet criteria going to sit.

The logistics of this are going to be a nightmare and to force a 6% rise plus a revised seta charge all in the same year is crass especially when we all know how rich are owners are and they know what a state the economy is in why didnt someone at least phase in the changes over a 2 year plan

3rd tier has spare seats, mainly cus not many people like it there and it costs more. Hence it won't be popular.
Prophet of Doom said:
Please tell me another club that charges less than £95 for a kids season ticket.

Please tell me another club that allows kids to pay £95 and sit in the best seats in the stadium.

I dont know what Blackburn charge, but I know that you pay about the same for a season ticket at Leeds what you pay City.

People need to think about what they want. I take it the people moaning dont go to away games and see us getting ripped off at every ground in the country

I think the increases are very reasonable considering the money invested and players brought in. But the reaction on here by some doesnt surprise me.

The £95 junior season ticket brought a lot of kids on board. This decision just reverses it. They're in the ground because of the price. Next season they won't be in the ground because of the price.

The comparison with other clubs prices doesn't wash with me either. All prices throughout the division are too high. Let's compare our prices to the bundesliga instead eh? As we know, gate receipts are now only a small percentage of a club's total revenue.

And I'm with the majority on here - any increase above inflation in the current climate isn't on. Personally, I've had an effective 9% reduction in my salary this year. I've had my season ticket for 35 years or so and have to buy for my two boys too. I haven't sat behind the goals since I was a kid in the Platt Lane and didn't intend to do so again. Any increase hits me hard.

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