6% increase

Tell you what, there are some right moany twats on here.

As someone else said, 6% is £1 a game. If you cant afford it cut back on something. Do you really need 4 weekends out a month, a new computer game every month, sky movies? etc.

We are just about to have our best season in the Prem and all people can think about is themselves. If nobody saw this coming then thats their own stupidity. They weren't going to keep prices low forever.

Also the relocation for NS ticket holders. Why are you blaming this regime? This is something that should have been put in place by the like of Wardle and co, so if you're going to blame anyone blame the bunch of muppets we had in charge.

Sod paying the club a 6 percent increase. mancini_messiah has offered me a season ticket at this years price providing i pay money into his account first. I trust him as he told me he would never rip off a fellow blue lol
i'm on the front row in the east stand middle, i will be very interested in how this affects me if it is being rebranded and being made more corporate.
scowy68 said:
Well I'm on a waiting list for a season ticket now and hoping to get mine back again.

You might get Freestyler's.

Some deluded people on here. Like as if the players we watch were always going to be given to us for 'free', as in no ticket price hikes.

Get with the programme people. Success + the best players = increased prices. Thought that would have been obvious to be honest. And anyone even more deluded to believe we are still a family club or, 'the peoples' club, well those days ended as soon as Mr Mansour took control. I think its fair to say though that we all would prefer the Sheikh to be in control and have to pay that little extra, than have the pleasure of being labelled the peoples club still. I think its either a case of too many new fans or just plain blindness to the situation as a whole.

For the one's moaning about relocating too, were you ever even present at Maine RD, or are you just 7 years old City fans, (7 years old as in only watching us since moving to COMS in 03' I mean). Moving from Maine RD was REAL disruption, but we got on with it because it meant bigger and better things, no moaning at all.

If thats that hard to stomach though, we have FCU of Manchester about to move close by, you could go support them, or perhaps invent a new club where the grass is lush and green, entrance is free and a promise of the worlds best players within years. Just a thought.
Some people will moan about anything. I couldn't expect anything more on here to be honest.

If people don't renew. There's thousands that will gladly snap them up.
Many people are purposefully missing the point are just genuinely stupid.

Many of us in the North Stand are not complaining about the price hike of 6% and in my case I am lucky that I can afford the additional 30%ish increase in aligning my seat price with others in the stadium.

What I have a problem with is being asked to move. I have sat in the Platt Lane End for many years. When we moved to CoMS I was offered the seat in a similar position.

I was offered the chance to move if I had wanted to but didnt take it as I liked where I was and was around people I had got to know. I am mow being asked to pay more in a prt of the ground that I do not want to be in.

I just cannot see why the club didnt just keep the status quo and charge all similar parts of the ground the same.

I am sure there are scenarios where families are being forced into the North stand and people are being forced out of the North Stand so in one fell swoop the club has alienated 2 parts of the ground immediately

To those of you who say tough.............. I assume none of these changes affect you well arent you the lucky ones!!!!!! What happened to this being a Club AND NOT JUST ABOUT ME,ME ,ME
Citycitytid said:
Some people will moan about anything. I couldn't expect anything more on here to be honest.

If people don't renew. There's thousands that will gladly snap them up.

Fans can accept the increase off 6pct. It is the moving and the hike in kids prices that is getting peoples back up
I might be being thick, but I don't get the whole 'when to renew' stuff?

It says:

South Stand
Levels One & Two
• Renew your seat 25-31 May.
• Relocate into this Stand 1-3 June.

Does that mean you only have a six day window during which to sort it? Sounds utterly bizarre to me.

£405 for my seat... Acceptable - just. Improved facilities sound good, but they better fucking deliver - on the pitch and off it!
Freestyler said:
100%manc said:
My initial reaction is that I can live with a 6% rise in ticket prices. At worst this is something like a £40 rise on the most expensive season ticket.

The problem is that if you’re buying season tickets for the family, then you will feel it more.

But I suppose at some point we had to expect the club to get back some of the money it has spent just my opinion......

What I think stinks is the way the club are going to force people to move seats.

Many people on this thread have used the phrase "prawn Sandwich brigade". The club has to realise that lots of us are worried about our future as fans. there is a genuine fear amongst some of us that the very people who have supported the club through all the shit of the last 30 years, The real working class average Joe , will be pushed out to make way for the corporate with massive wallets.

So when a bold move is made by the club that directly effects fans, the fear is going to turn into anger because we DONT FEEL LIKE WE WERE LISTENED TO!

We wanted a kippax - they gave us a family stand
We wanted better food - they put fucking sultanas in the balti
we wanted KAKA - we got RSC (tongue in cheek before anybody moans)

Seriously if the club do read this thread, please understand that WE are the fans who stuck by the club when we were playing the likes of YORK away. OUR support got the club back to where it should be. We appreciate the investment, We are thankful for our solid financial situation but please please remember that City’s history is its supporters. We are not here for the glory (although a bit would be nice) we are here because we love our club and we are proud of our club. If you push the loyal fan away then your destroy everything city has stood for


any club official at city browsing BM,

read this above post,


100% this. I think this post says it all. We can accept the price rise but NOT THE MOVES

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