kippaxkid74 said:
they should stagger yor increase over the next 3 seasons.
But i agree that moving from where you like just to let kids in is a bit unfair. But so many other threads over the season have moaned about wanting louder more adult sections, so shoving all the kids in one is one answer.
I sit east lower, like i did at maine road, and like i stood at maine road, so i know that if i was made to move frmo the view i've watched from for over 20 years i'd be a bit miffed too.
But many in the posts ive read are parents moaning about having to pay more for their kids - and to those people, read my 1st post :)
Having fully read up on everything now, it seems that the idea of turning the whole of the North Stand into a family stand in one fell swoop is a pretty foolish one. Why not just put a stop on newcomers that don't meet the criteria and give the existing ticket holders a 2 or 3 year period in which to shift? As the stand begins to fill with more and more kids, it's likely that they'd voluntarily want to shift anyway eventually. Forcing them out seems a bit draconian.
And are they sure they've properly thought it all through? Those that are forced out of the North Stand will fill the season-ticket gaps that exist elsewhere in the ground. Then in a couple of years time, what happens to the lad and dad who've been sat in the North Stand for 8 years when little Johnny turns 17? They're kicked out of the North Stand as they don't meet any of the criteria but there's nowhere else for them to go. Hardly seems fair.
So if any of you North Standers have got a child whose around 14 years old, I'd look at taking this opportunity to move now before it's too late and you end up with nothing in two or three years time.
I'm all for kids at the match (it's how we all started) but dedicating an entire stand to them seems ridiculous.