7 | Joao Cancelo - 2022/23 Performances

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yes I know , we have been constantly adjusting all season. We are creating fewer chances though and we seem to just go through Haaland now
Haaland is our main option - and for good reason. But that's overlooking the big tactical change we're now struggling with.

With a false 9 we essentially have an extra player in midfield and are much more able to control the game - we've become accustomed to playing this way.

With Haaland though - we have an awesome threat at striker- a true #9. But Haaland can't help much in build up - he's the best striker in world football - but as a build-up, player - he's at best average.

The change to accommodate Haaland is huge - we've recently tried shifting our right-back into midfield to maintain the same numerical advantage at mid - meanwhile having a top striker. This hasn't gone as well as might be hoped.

I know that this is anathema to the way we now play - but what about going full-out offense when we have the ball - and rapid pressing when out of possession? A huge shift in playstyle - but one, that would, IMO, best take advantage of Haaland's pace, goalscoring ability and relative lack of build up skills. To best-implement this style, we'll need young, aggressive, fast players - able to go all-out for most of the game.
Peps after match interview v spurs looks even more of a master stroke

Pushed a few buttons and low and behold the moaner looks to be going

I reckon some players were getting clicky, trying to exert some power.

Pep called it and they crumbled as a group.

I no proof of this at all except reading some of the posts here from people who may know more


watch a sinking ship and the rats jump first
If Pep leaves us - maybe it's for Barca - or the Spanish national side - things we can't offer Pep. Otherwise - I now see Pep remaining our manager until he retires from football.
Barca maybe, but don't think there's any chance he manages Spain, either from his feelings or those in Madrid about him.

I'm not sure Pep would actually make it as a national manager. If you look at how players struggle in their first season, he needs time to get them to play how he wants which I don't think would be possible with a national team, apart from maybe Spain due to the Barca contingent.

Think international football works better with kick and rush managers with simple styles. In unrelated news, could see Klopp managing Germany when he leaves the scousers by mutual consent...
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