9/11 - More evidence it was set up by people in the shadows

goatboy said:
personally i think the recent bombings in western nations were the resposibility of the governments, intelligence agencies, and those who stand to gain financially from such events.

how do 'they' do that then?

is there some giant bank account 'they' get paid into?

who withdraws this money, and how do explosions make 'them' well off?

if you think about things a little, and I've only picked up on one paragraph you've written, I think you'll come to the only rational and sensible conclusion that what you've said doesn't make any sense.

or let me ask you this:-

I'm the head of a government agency.. so I want to make a little extra dough (this is my idea, and I'm the first person who has thought of it) - can you explain to me how I can personally become wealthier by creating terrorist bombings?

- did you read the threads that I posted up earlier?

(my guess again is you didn't; no need to huh? - there are 7s in all those dates you listed; bingo!)
goatboy said:
couple of things really that are puzzling me about the whole terrorism thing in general. lets put aside conspiracies and mud sling for a second please and try and look at a couple of points objectively.

personally i think the recent bombings in western nations were the resposibility of the governments, intelligence agencies, and those who stand to gain financially from such events.

i'll use 7/7 as the example for this though the same can be said for 9/11. we are a country that has been used to being attacked over history and particulary during ww2 and after that every time we were attacked we developed "the blitz mentality etc. so rather than weakening us as planned it brings the nation together and we rally behind our leader. so why would you attack someone if you know it will make them stronger, better funded and hate you even more? make any sense to you? i have to laugh whenever i hear the phrase "they did it because they hate our freedom" well they dont have our freedom so whats to hate. if i have a problem with you i take it to you, i dont go beat up someone in your street or at your work so why would terrorists do the same effectively. but we are told over and over again that they are out to get us and only our government (who started this shit) can save us

secondly imagine you were an investigator looking at some of the bombings in western nation over the last 20 years or so. would it alarm you to discover the fact that at most of the major (really major) attacks in the west the security services have just happened to be waiting round the corner or running drills of an identical thing happening at that exact place, hmmmmmmm. does that seem like a regular m.o to you? (oklahoma city bombing, 9/11, 7/7, madrid) thats some serious modus operandi that has been conveniently ignored. if there are four identical murders and you just happen to be at the scene of each of them even though they are in different countries do you think you are explaining your way out of it?

just a couple of thoughts

goatboy just a thing here mate, you say lets put conspiracy theories to one side for a bit and then offer a conspiracy theory as your point of view. You are looking at it objectivly but with a very conspiracy theorist mind
goatboy said:
so why would you attack someone if you know it will make them stronger, better funded and hate you even more? make any sense to you?

because they're religious fanatics. you can argue politics with political fanatics but you can't argue with religious fanatics because they're convinced they're doing god's will & attacking the infidels & their institutions on behalf of god. as far as they're concerned there's nothing to discuss. otherwise why do so many of the fuckers cheerfully blow themselves up? they couldn't give a flying fuck if we hate them more or even at all. the bottom line is they hate us & our society. simple as.

as for making the west stronger, better funded, etc. in case you hadn't noticed air travel is now a total ballache because of the security introduced to combat terrorism. metal detectors, interrogations, body scans, belts & shoes off, restrictions on liquids, etc. you used to be able to take a harmless disposable razor on board to have a shave on a long flight. not any more you can't. been to the us lately? esta registration before you travel & electronic fingerprinting & photos taken on arrival plus general paranoia when leaving. all this terrorist shit has disrupted the fuck out of what should be a straightforward activity. this makes the terrorists happy enough but if they can actually beat the system & have a spectacular so much the better.
Couple of the shots are ATLEAST doctored clearly, the ones where the helicopter "hovers" around Manhattan yet the background doesnt move with the camera. I mean, we made better effects in the 80s. And if one is doctored then all credibility is lost. Also, some of the perspective shots and analysis look solid like the "walking bridge". Plenty of people saying it was a missile or a small plane, I doubt they would mistake 737 a small plane.

I mean, can anyone in this thread watch those hovering helicopter shots and say they are real :D (at around 1:16:30)
Bluefinn said:
Couple of the shots are ATLEAST doctored clearly, the ones where the helicopter "hovers" around Manhattan yet the background doesnt move with the camera. I mean, we made better effects in the 80s. And if one is doctored then all credibility is lost. Also, some of the perspective shots and analysis look solid like the "walking bridge". Plenty of people saying it was a missile or a small plane, I doubt they would mistake 737 a small plane.

I mean, can anyone in this thread watch those hovering helicopter shots and say they are real :D (at around 1:16:30)
abso-bloody-lutely no!!!
Bluefinn said:
Couple of the shots are ATLEAST doctored clearly, the ones where the helicopter "hovers" around Manhattan yet the background doesnt move with the camera. I mean, we made better effects in the 80s. And if one is doctored then all credibility is lost. Also, some of the perspective shots and analysis look solid like the "walking bridge". Plenty of people saying it was a missile or a small plane, I doubt they would mistake 737 a small plane.

I mean, can anyone in this thread watch those hovering helicopter shots and say they are real :D (at around 1:16:30)

please have a think about this - it should only take you 5 minutes of your time to read it, and it could stand you in good stead from embarrassing yourself further:-

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026&hilit=+conspiracy" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026&hilit=+conspiracy</a>

any committee or organisation is made up of people; people are individuals.

people have kids, they have family, they have homes, they have lives....

as an individual you are responsible, and you make decisions - so assuming you're a rational and sensible law-abiding person with your kids, family, career and pension at stake, are you going to do anything criminal to risk all of that? (and WHY?? - assuming of course you're not totally insane)

there was no mass conspiracy involving blowing up buildings (from within the USA) and some massive cover-up because people are profiting in some way from terrorism, or the gov't needed an excuse to do something (because in some way public opinion matters to them) or any of the other crackpot ideas spoken about regarding 9/11.

airplanes were hijacked and flown into buildings, the results of which were clearly seen around the world...

there was ineptitude from a number of gov't agencies, and a lot of things weren't perfect; they never are... but there was no conspiracy.

get real, and stop making ignorant numpties of yourselves - THINK a little about things and get educated as to how things really are!<br /><br />-- Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:50 pm --<br /><br />
des hardi said:
Bluefinn said:
Couple of the shots are ATLEAST doctored clearly, the ones where the helicopter "hovers" around Manhattan yet the background doesnt move with the camera. I mean, we made better effects in the 80s. And if one is doctored then all credibility is lost. Also, some of the perspective shots and analysis look solid like the "walking bridge". Plenty of people saying it was a missile or a small plane, I doubt they would mistake 737 a small plane.

I mean, can anyone in this thread watch those hovering helicopter shots and say they are real :D (at around 1:16:30)
abso-bloody-lutely no!!!

one other thought - because this is quite possible - anyone could get digitised footage and then monkey around with it, and post it online, agreed?

just because something like this could be done (possibly by idiots selling conspiracy paraphernalia and the like) doesn't mean that there's an impossibly massive gov't cover-up 'orchestrated' because of motives that wouldn't even make sense in a children's storybook.

Treatment fit for heroes?
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/21/911-responders-screened-for-terror-ties_n_852198.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/2 ... 52198.html</a>
can anybody explain why no wreckage of any substance was found of the plane that crashed into the ground or the one that hit the pentagon?always the tail is visible after plane crashes,and why no black box recordings from the cockpit of any of the planes,another weird thing is how come nobody heard anything from the relatives no interviews nothing, after 10 years you would have thought somebody would want to make some money out of it.
sixlashes said:
can anybody explain why no wreckage of any substance was found of the plane that crashed into the ground or the one that hit the pentagon?always the tail is visible after plane crashes,and why no black box recordings from the cockpit of any of the planes,another weird thing is how come nobody heard anything from the relatives no interviews nothing, after 10 years you would have thought somebody would want to make some money out of it.

You know this is true how? Clearly they found parts of planes in all wreckages. They're hardly gonna be full pieces. Do you want them to go on a tour to show you these pieces like a museum exhibit? And the black boxes are probably in storage somewhere. It was a highly sensitive event so they won't be released.
As for victims families. Are you for real? How many victims families have tried to make money out of it from those that died in the towers?? So why would those on the planes families do it?
rassclot said:
goatboy said:
so why would you attack someone if you know it will make them stronger, better funded and hate you even more? make any sense to you?

because they're religious fanatics. you can argue politics with political fanatics but you can't argue with religious fanatics because they're convinced they're doing god's will & attacking the infidels & their institutions on behalf of god. as far as they're concerned there's nothing to discuss. otherwise why do so many of the fuckers cheerfully blow themselves up? they couldn't give a flying fuck if we hate them more or even at all. the bottom line is they hate us & our society. simple as.

as for making the west stronger, better funded, etc. in case you hadn't noticed air travel is now a total ballache because of the security introduced to combat terrorism. metal detectors, interrogations, body scans, belts & shoes off, restrictions on liquids, etc. you used to be able to take a harmless disposable razor on board to have a shave on a long flight. not any more you can't. been to the us lately? esta registration before you travel & electronic fingerprinting & photos taken on arrival plus general paranoia when leaving. all this terrorist shit has disrupted the fuck out of what should be a straightforward activity. this makes the terrorists happy enough but if they can actually beat the system & have a spectacular so much the better.

if they were so fanatically religious and devout then why were they reported as drinking and gambling in a strip club just before the attacks? (not very devout muslim right?) and they just happened to be openly spouting (in front of a bar full of people) hatred for america and talking about impending bloodshed, oh and leaving their copy of the quran in the strip club just so there is no doubt as to who they are and what they believe (apparently) patsies, plain and simple.

dig a little into the story of the first trade centre bombing and the oklahoma city bombing and you'll see the patsie card being played a few times.

and i was'nt talking about making western countries stronger as we are merely rats in the cage. just look at the increased powers the state has over us now compared to before. thats what i'm getting at, those in charge could'nt care less about us so when i say the west i mean the governments, militaries and enforcement agencies gain the power and the funding, we just pay for it financially and with our liberty. biometrics as you mention being a prime example, tracked at all times.

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