9/11 - More evidence it was set up by people in the shadows

MCFCinUSA said:
BulgarianPride said:
I understand you are trying to lighten the mood up with jokes, but it really takes away from everything you are saying.

"The truth" would be the actual answer as to how does the most advanced military in the world allow for "unintelligent" Muslims extremists to kill over 3000 people? Why was the report that was given to Bush ignored? Why was the planner of 9/11 "working" for the FBI? He was actually a double agent, giving FBI bits and pieces to keep him in the loop while planning terrorist attacks. He did not direly plan 9/11 but he came up with the idea to use planes as missiles. I can't remember his name so forgive me. Names escape me. He is now in a federal witness protection program and is kept in an unknown prison. I hope this means he was executed, but you never know.

Lets review the detail.....Someone holds up an aircraft with a fecking stanley knife! What would you have done? are you seriously telling me that, if that were you, your will to live and survive would not make you tackle a twat with a one inch blade? Forget about trying to fly/land the plane....Instinct kicks in, and the yanks are the cockiest of feckers at the best of times......Something is not right with what happened on that day my friend.
I actually thing the government took down the last hijacked plane. I can't blame them as it could of killed thousands more. What is more plausible? Passengers taking back control or military shooting down the plane considering what has just happened.?

Bulgaria, you're an intelligent person.

The main reason we have the situation with Wikileaks right now is that following 9/11 one of the main findings of all the navel staring was that the intel agencies dropped the ball because of a lack of communication between them. This resulted in a greater sharing of information between them - via newly created digitised databases and links, and subsequently the opportunity arose for someone like Bradley Manning to do his stuff.

Anyone who got control of an aircraft in the manner in which those 'planes were hijacked could have flown them into buildings. Now we have much stricter security at airports, and more secure cockpits to prevent these sorts of things happening, in addition to other defensive measures.

The people responsible for these events are those who took flying lessons and held up the aircraft using box cutters, and flew the jets into the buildings. It's really that simple, and there's no mystery or underhand goings on 'sponsored' by the Americans or any other western agencies.
Haven't read the entire thread so apologies if already mentioned.....

How utterly utterly preposterous and insulting to our intelligence is it that we are expected to believe that in a crash that was so incredibly severe that the black box data recorders were never recovered (I believe the only time in hstory this has happened in a "land-based" crash anyways) one piece of "evidence" that miraculously DID appear was the INTACT, UNDAMAGED passport of one of the "hijackers"...?

For what it's worth my opinion is that 9/11 was a planned attack by an outside agency/nation (probably Israel), aided and abetted by members of the US Govt. and/or Intelligence agencies with the express (and sadly successful) intention of plunging the USA and western world into a war with Islam in the middle east.

It wouldn't have required hundreds of co-conspiritors inside the US. As few as a handful could have been enough.

The Israelies have previous for this sort of thing (USS Liberty attack in 1967) as does the USA (Gulf of Tonkin incident that allowed LBJ to "legally" go to war in Vietnam on a LIE).

Make of that what you will (or call me a crackpot if it makes you feel better) but to me at least 9/11 was NOT as it's been officially described.
beatyswollocks said:
9.) The last words attributed on that tape to the hijackers, who were facing imminent death was "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar" which is Arabic for "god is great god is great". According to a Muslim member of scholars for 9/11 truth the last words that a devout follower of Islam should say when confronting imminent death is not those words, but rather, in Arabic "There is but one god "Allah" and "Mohammed" is his prophet.

well that's it then isn't it?

the game's over... I doff my cap to you.

Balotelli did it.

-- Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:51 am --

Kazzydeyna said:
Haven't read the entire thread so apologies if already mentioned.....

How utterly utterly preposterous and insulting to our intelligence is it that we are expected to believe that in a crash that was so incredibly severe that the black box data recorders were never recovered (I believe the only time in hstory this has happened in a "land-based" crash anyways) one piece of "evidence" that miraculously DID appear was the INTACT, UNDAMAGED passport of one of the "hijackers"...?

For what it's worth my opinion is that 9/11 was a planned attack by an outside agency/nation (probably Israel), aided and abetted by members of the US Govt. and/or Intelligence agencies with the express (and sadly successful) intention of plunging the USA and western world into a war with Islam in the middle east.

It wouldn't have required hundreds of co-conspiritors inside the US. As few as a handful could have been enough.

The Israelies have previous for this sort of thing (USS Liberty attack in 1967) as does the USA (Gulf of Tonkin incident that allowed LBJ to "legally" go to war in Vietnam on a LIE).

Make of that what you will (or call me a crackpot if it makes you feel better) but to me at least 9/11 was NOT as it's been officially described.

You're a very scary guy Kazzy; that's what I make of your post!



and at this point I shall excuse myself from this thread because it's getting a bit like this sketch (as Graham Chapman calls it at the end):-

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRm5WcjOikQ[/youtube]<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:06 am --<br /><br />
skillman said:
I suppose Bin Laden was paid to lie and say it was him then.

no, he was put up to it by the Alliance of Gay Vegetarian Skateboarders - haven't you seen the vid they posted on it?

you don't fuck with those hard men; they secretly rule the world, and I've got news for you... Tony Hawk is really a cyborg from the future.
A lot of replies in this thread are tinted with sarcasm, a lot of you are avoiding the true facts and evidence put forward by myself and manipulating it into rubbish. Assess the facts, weigh it up and you will discover that it doesn't add up. Stop stringing out these ridiculous quotes from MLK, they don't prove anyone right or wrong, they are here to avoid the facts, used as a way of avoiding to accept what we don't want to accept. Consciously you don't want to believe that the U.S government couuld have done such a dastardly act, but if you think this world we live in is all rosy and dandy, think again.
@Bulgarian Pride you cannot identify it by it's signature, it's not like sonar on a submarine. As for jets shooting each other down, they are vectored in on a target by fighter controllers, so hopefully you don't get a blue on blue situation, so our jets would be guided in and told direction, height, speed etc of the enemy plane, this is then correlated by the jet pilot and only then would they fire a beyond horizon missile. To visually ID the plane again the would be guided in and then obviously ID it by the Mark 1 eyeball.
This is what a screen looks like.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.avsim.com/greece/hvacc/events/real_life_events/real_life_events_pictures/Athens_ACC/acc_tma.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.avsim.com/greece/hvacc/event ... cc_tma.jpg</a>
As you can see they just appear as dots/squares.
beatyswollocks said:
A lot of replies in this thread are tinted with sarcasm, a lot of you are avoiding the true facts and evidence put forward by myself and manipulating it into rubbish. Assess the facts, weigh it up and you will discover that it doesn't add up. Stop stringing out these ridiculous quotes from MLK, they don't prove anyone right or wrong, they are here to avoid the facts, used as a way of avoiding to accept what we don't want to accept. Consciously you don't want to believe that the U.S government couuld have done such a dastardly act, but if you think this world we live in is all rosy and dandy, think again.

no, they are laced with vast quantities of shockingly willful ignorance and frightening naivete.

"over and out, Blue Maverick"

(as I've stated before, you can't win an argument with a moron - they drag the conversation down to their level and beat you with experience; and then you've got Dunning-Kruger to deal with)
MCFCinUSA said:
beatyswollocks said:
A lot of replies in this thread are tinted with sarcasm, a lot of you are avoiding the true facts and evidence put forward by myself and manipulating it into rubbish. Assess the facts, weigh it up and you will discover that it doesn't add up. Stop stringing out these ridiculous quotes from MLK, they don't prove anyone right or wrong, they are here to avoid the facts, used as a way of avoiding to accept what we don't want to accept. Consciously you don't want to believe that the U.S government couuld have done such a dastardly act, but if you think this world we live in is all rosy and dandy, think again.

no, they are laced with vast quantities of shockingly willful ignorance and frightening naivete.

"over and out, Blue Maverick"

(as I've stated before, you can't win an argument with a moron - they drag the conversation down to their level and beat you with experience; and then you've got Dunning-Kruger to deal with)

The last time I encountered Dunning-Kruger was back in '34 when I defeated him in a duel on the duel carriageway of the Leamington Spa Bypass. We had had a profound disagreement about the amount of citrus content in Sunny Delight. So it was pitchforks at dawn and I left a scar on his left torso that, when shone under the strange blue light emitted by one of those grisly fly incinerators that one finds in bakeries and Network Rail ticket offices, read, '9/11 was a put up job by the Royal Ancient Order of Buffaloes.' In fact it wouldn't all fit on his torso, the word, 'Buffaloes,' had to be inscribed on his right buttock.
MCFCinUSA said:
beatyswollocks said:
A lot of replies in this thread are tinted with sarcasm, a lot of you are avoiding the true facts and evidence put forward by myself and manipulating it into rubbish. Assess the facts, weigh it up and you will discover that it doesn't add up. Stop stringing out these ridiculous quotes from MLK, they don't prove anyone right or wrong, they are here to avoid the facts, used as a way of avoiding to accept what we don't want to accept. Consciously you don't want to believe that the U.S government couuld have done such a dastardly act, but if you think this world we live in is all rosy and dandy, think again.

no, they are laced with vast quantities of shockingly willful ignorance and frightening naivete.

"over and out, Blue Maverick"

(as I've stated before, you can't win an argument with a moron - they drag the conversation down to their level and beat you with experience; and then you've got Dunning-Kruger to deal with)

Yes, yes they are, you decided to quote one of my 10 points, did you read the rest, they are all 100% completely factual and you cant digress from that. What do you say to all of those 10 points? or maybe it is your ignorance that has made you unable to face up to the cold hard facts and the truth that is there for all to see.
Blue Maverick said:
@Bulgarian Pride you cannot identify it by it's signature, it's not like sonar on a submarine. As for jets shooting each other down, they are vectored in on a target by fighter controllers, so hopefully you don't get a blue on blue situation, so our jets would be guided in and told direction, height, speed etc of the enemy plane, this is then correlated by the jet pilot and only then would they fire a beyond horizon missile. To visually ID the plane again the would be guided in and then obviously ID it by the Mark 1 eyeball.
This is what a screen looks like.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.avsim.com/greece/hvacc/events/real_life_events/real_life_events_pictures/Athens_ACC/acc_tma.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.avsim.com/greece/hvacc/event ... cc_tma.jpg</a>
As you can see they just appear as dots/squares.

Read this from 1989.
<a class="postlink" href="http://books.google.com/books?id=uQAAAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq=identifying+planes+from+radar+frequency+spectrum&source=bl&ots=UFMzy37Brp&sig=VYaA-whUicVo2FxXp0unhJSbXF4&hl=en&ei=w8wdTvOXNMnYiALC5fCcCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://books.google.com/books?id=uQAAAA ... &q&f=false</a>

Don't you think the US military would have this perfected already or at least something similar?
No mate I don't think they can because of how radar works, you cannot zoom in on one particular signal, as a radar sweeps the sky all it is doing is sending out a signal and waiting for it to bounce back, if you've ever seen a radar screen on a busy day it's just a bloody mess of dots with a few bits of info to help the controller. With sonor it's slightly different as there aren't many large objects in the see and the different noises of the turbines, proppelers etc leave a signature in the water, these are then logged so that anything making a similar "sound" is probably going to be that variant of submarine or ship. In the sky there are literally thousands of planes, it is simply impossible (at this time) to filter out and say without doubt that is an Airbus 330 or Boeing 747 or an F18 or Eurofighter. I've seen Concorde fly across the the country and it looks no different from a normal aircraft that is until it gets to about 55000 ft and let rip then as each sweep went round it 'jumps' across the screen, and don't get me started on the Blackbird, 3 sweeps and it had gone across the UK!!
This is what the air traffic saw on 9/11 as you can see all planes look the same.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB165/911flights450.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB165/index.htm&usg=__Re2i6vJnQT8qQ1Ay9awyShg22mw=&h=278&w=450&sz=75&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=GUT64X5eKna2jM:&tbnh=158&tbnw=255&ei=muUdTvbzKYeu8QPxi_X7Bw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dair%2Btraffic%2Bpicture%2Bon%2B9/11%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D981%26bih%3D661%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=410&vpy=-4&dur=2586&hovh=176&hovw=286&tx=101&ty=319&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&biw=981&bih=661" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h ... 81&bih=661</a>

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