9/11 - More evidence it was set up by people in the shadows

ElanJo said:
blueju said:
So the American government planned a horrific attack on their own citizens, on their own soil, on one of their greatest landmarks, which killed thousands ( including some of the people they hold in their highest esteem, policemen and firemen), Anne also destroyed part of their main defense headquarters and killing their own staff whilst in the process making their whole national security look a shambles and defenseless ?
Who were the hijackers on the plane that had the sound recordings, the Harlem globetrotters?
Hmmmmm......I don't think so

You do a disservice to those that died

People in positions of power have done worse.

With that said, I don't think 9/11 was an inside job and even if it was I don't think it matters. It's a waste of time.
Western Governments do enough evil things right out in the open as it is. You don't need to spend time and energy in the foggy land of conspiracy theories.

EJ I know you're saying you're not a conspiracy believer about 9/11, but it simply couldn't happen:

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026</a>

People think 'the government' did it, maybe because they don't trust governments, or they don't understand governments, or they don't like governments (I mean who does?) but governments are administered by individual people, and they are all (in our society) accountable.

So... thinking about WTC 7 and that video of 'experts' not understanding how it fell down that someone posted on the last page -

- just because they don't understand within the limits of their expertise how it came to fall down, it doesn't follow that it was blown-up by the US Government, or anyone else for that matter;

For instance, to demolish a building using explosives takes a lot of time and planning - and explosives!

Imagine you're an explosives contractor. If someone approached you to demolish a building that wasn't condemned what on earth would you think?

You might consider:-

1. You may get noticed wiring a building for detonation;

2. You'd be committing a crime against property;

3. You'd be killing people in the process;

3. You might therefore contact the authorities, the FBI/CIA/Police etc immediately.

Now the morons on here would at this point probably pipe up with something like "but you couldn't go to any of them because they're all in on it" but they'd be wrong again...

As the link I've posted explains, if one crackpot in the 'government' (which people mistakenly ascribe to be this malevolent dark entity doing evil for its own ends and wicked motives - like "to make money" or for "oil") came up with this sort of idea, as soon as they mentioned it to anyone else in 'the government' (which is beginning to sound like a Hale & Pace joke) they'd get themselves locked-up in the looney bin and wouldn't pass GO or collect $200.

Which brings me on to another point. In our modern-day accountable governments (where although money is frequently spent on stupid things) everything is accountable. Sure people embezzle money, and sure people are corrupt - on a routine and regular basis. Criminal activity is rife on an individual and in some cases even on a smaller collective basis - see this by way of an example:-

<a class="postlink" href="http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010/09/city_of_bell_officials_arreste.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010 ... rreste.php</a>

However, there is absolutely no way any such blatantly obvious and high treasonable crime is going to be able to be funded with public money - it would immediately implicate those involved and would lead straight back to the idiots perpetrating it... aside from such a plan never getting off the ground in the first place for reasons I've mentioned already; ad nauseam.

The whole idea that hijackers flew into the Twin Towers which brought them down, but then Americans wired and detonated WTC 7 (I mean what the fuck for people???) is just so utterly nonsensical for all the reasons I've just mentioned and a whole lot more that I can't even be bothered to think about that I'm incredulous at the stupidity of people even considering such ideas.

I guess people are not only a little naive, but they are also paranoid.

The ladies and gentlemen of the FBI, CIA, City Councils, Senates, Houses of Parliament (in our case in the UK) and the House of Representatives in the USA are all just like us. They are all doing their jobs, which in the cases of those just mentioned involves protecting the lives and liberties of their fellow countrymen. If you know any FBI or CIA people you know they take their jobs and their careers (and oaths of allegiance) extremely seriously. Their job is to explicitly protect us from criminals and threats to our security.

They are all individuals, making their best moves as to what is in their best interests.

So I ask any of you lot who *think* for one moment that because some engineer or professor or firefighter doesn't understand how WTC7 came to collapse whether this is reason enough to point to a fanciful and completely irrational explanation that somehow WTC7 fell victim to an inside plot of conspiratorial Americans who were following some strange sort of plan for their own ends?

Perhaps the most obvious explanation is the right one; that after 1,000,000 tons of shit from WTC1 and WTC2 fell down next to it, the resultant collateral damage caused eventually brought it down too.

Not the big shocker or secret society conspiracy story the paranoid and persecuted would like, but there you go; it's Occam's Razor.
Citizen52 said:
Read the book Masterminds Of Terror and put and end to it. Please.

Here it is for those who won't follow up on your suggested reading C52:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.com/Masterminds-Terror-Behind-Devastating-Terrorist/dp/1559707178" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.amazon.com/Masterminds-Terro ... 1559707178</a>

Product Description

When star Al-Jazeera TV reporter Yosri Fouda received an anonymous call summoning him to a secret interview in Pakistan with al-Qaeda, he knew he could be walking into a deadly trap, as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl had done only months before. But he took the risk and hit pay dirt. For 48 hours, Fouda listened as two of the world's most wanted men, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, head of al-Qaeda's military committee, and Ramzi Binalshibh, the link between Mohammed Atta and the senior al-Qaeda leadership, proudly claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon-the first time al-Qaeda took direct responsibility. During the course of the in-depth interview, they detailed exactly how, over a two-year period, the plot was conceived, planned, and executed. Based on that interview and hours of follow-up investigation, MASTERMINDS OF TERROR also contains dramatic accounts of the subsequent seizure of both Binalshibh and Mohammed and analyzes al-Qaeda's attempts to justify its actions on what it calls 'Holy Tuesday.'
About the Author

Nick Fielding is a senior reporter with the London Sunday Times. Yosri Fouda is the top investigative reporter with the Arab TV channel al-Jazeera. Both are based in London. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
MCFCinUSA said:
ElanJo said:
blueju said:
So the American government planned a horrific attack on their own citizens, on their own soil, on one of their greatest landmarks, which killed thousands ( including some of the people they hold in their highest esteem, policemen and firemen), Anne also destroyed part of their main defense headquarters and killing their own staff whilst in the process making their whole national security look a shambles and defenseless ?
Who were the hijackers on the plane that had the sound recordings, the Harlem globetrotters?
Hmmmmm......I don't think so

You do a disservice to those that died

People in positions of power have done worse.

With that said, I don't think 9/11 was an inside job and even if it was I don't think it matters. It's a waste of time.
Western Governments do enough evil things right out in the open as it is. You don't need to spend time and energy in the foggy land of conspiracy theories.

EJ I know you're saying you're not a conspiracy believer about 9/11, but it simply couldn't happen:

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026</a>

People think 'the government' did it, maybe because they don't trust governments, or they don't understand governments, or they don't like governments (I mean who does?) but governments are administered by individual people, and they are all (in our society) accountable.

So... thinking about WTC 7 and that video of 'experts' not understanding how it fell down that someone posted on the last page -

- just because they don't understand within the limits of their expertise how it came to fall down, it doesn't follow that it was blown-up by the US Government, or anyone else for that matter;

For instance, to demolish a building using explosives takes a lot of time and planning - and explosives!

Imagine you're an explosives contractor. If someone approached you to demolish a building that wasn't condemned what on earth would you think?

You might consider:-

1. You may get noticed wiring a building for detonation;

2. You'd be committing a crime against property;

3. You'd be killing people in the process;

3. You might therefore contact the authorities, the FBI/CIA/Police etc immediately.

Now the morons on here would at this point probably pipe up with something like "but you couldn't go to any of them because they're all in on it" but they'd be wrong again...

As the link I've posted explains, if one crackpot in the 'government' (which people mistakenly ascribe to be this malevolent dark entity doing evil for its own ends and wicked motives - like "to make money" or for "oil") came up with this sort of idea, as soon as they mentioned it to anyone else in 'the government' (which is beginning to sound like a Hale & Pace joke) they'd get themselves locked-up in the looney bin and wouldn't pass GO or collect $200.

Which brings me on to another point. In our modern-day accountable governments (where although money is frequently spent on stupid things) everything is accountable. Sure people embezzle money, and sure people are corrupt - on a routine and regular basis. Criminal activity is rife on an individual and in some cases even on a smaller collective basis - see this by way of an example:-

<a class="postlink" href="http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010/09/city_of_bell_officials_arreste.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010 ... rreste.php</a>

However, there is absolutely no way any such blatantly obvious and high treasonable crime is going to be able to be funded with public money - it would immediately implicate those involved and would lead straight back to the idiots perpetrating it... aside from such a plan never getting off the ground in the first place for reasons I've mentioned already; ad nauseam.

The whole idea that hijackers flew into the Twin Towers which brought them down, but then Americans wired and detonated WTC 7 (I mean what the fuck for people???) is just so utterly nonsensical for all the reasons I've just mentioned and a whole lot more that I can't even be bothered to think about that I'm incredulous at the stupidity of people even considering such ideas.

I guess people are not only a little naive, but they are also paranoid.

The ladies and gentlemen of the FBI, CIA, City Councils, Senates, Houses of Parliament (in our case in the UK) and the House of Representatives in the USA are all just like us. They are all doing their jobs, which in the cases of those just mentioned involves protecting the lives and liberties of their fellow countrymen. If you know any FBI or CIA people you know they take their jobs and their careers (and oaths of allegiance) extremely seriously. Their job is to explicitly protect us from criminals and threats to our security.

They are all individuals, making their best moves as to what is in their best interests.

So I ask any of you lot who *think* for one moment that because some engineer or professor or firefighter doesn't understand how WTC7 came to collapse whether this is reason enough to point to a fanciful and completely irrational explanation that somehow WTC7 fell victim to an inside plot of conspiratorial Americans who were following some strange sort of plan for their own ends?

Perhaps the most obvious explanation is the right one; that after 1,000,000 tons of shit from WTC1 and WTC2 fell down next to it, the resultant collateral damage caused eventually brought it down too.

Not the big shocker or secret society conspiracy story the paranoid and persecuted would like, but there you go; it's Occam's Razor.

I don't not believe in "9/11 truth" because of the arguments in your post, as rational as most of them may be (I reject the claim that people in power are accountable. What's Bush doing these days? Kissinger? the list goes on...)

I don't believe because there's no good evidence to seriously suggest that it was an inside job. Empirical evidence trumps rational arguments.
MCFCinUSA said:
Citizen52 said:
Read the book Masterminds Of Terror and put and end to it. Please.

Here it is for those who won't follow up on your suggested reading C52:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.com/Masterminds-Terror-Behind-Devastating-Terrorist/dp/1559707178" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.amazon.com/Masterminds-Terro ... 1559707178</a>

Product Description

When star Al-Jazeera TV reporter Yosri Fouda received an anonymous call summoning him to a secret interview in Pakistan with al-Qaeda, he knew he could be walking into a deadly trap, as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl had done only months before. But he took the risk and hit pay dirt. For 48 hours, Fouda listened as two of the world's most wanted men, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, head of al-Qaeda's military committee, and Ramzi Binalshibh, the link between Mohammed Atta and the senior al-Qaeda leadership, proudly claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon-the first time al-Qaeda took direct responsibility. During the course of the in-depth interview, they detailed exactly how, over a two-year period, the plot was conceived, planned, and executed. Based on that interview and hours of follow-up investigation, MASTERMINDS OF TERROR also contains dramatic accounts of the subsequent seizure of both Binalshibh and Mohammed and analyzes al-Qaeda's attempts to justify its actions on what it calls 'Holy Tuesday.'
About the Author

Nick Fielding is a senior reporter with the London Sunday Times. Yosri Fouda is the top investigative reporter with the Arab TV channel al-Jazeera. Both are based in London. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Cheers. I was gonna post all that but didn't want to be seen as a marketing ploy for the book lol.

I have a copy signed by the author, an Egyptian Journalist of integrity and is well respected, which is why they chose him. He wasn't seen as an agent of a Western Government or the Zionists.

I'm not gonna say it's all bullshit and what not this thread people are entitled to their views at the end of the day but I would urge them to have a read.
ElanJo said:
MCFCinUSA said:
ElanJo said:
People in positions of power have done worse.

With that said, I don't think 9/11 was an inside job and even if it was I don't think it matters. It's a waste of time.
Western Governments do enough evil things right out in the open as it is. You don't need to spend time and energy in the foggy land of conspiracy theories.

EJ I know you're saying you're not a conspiracy believer about 9/11, but it simply couldn't happen:

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=139026</a>

People think 'the government' did it, maybe because they don't trust governments, or they don't understand governments, or they don't like governments (I mean who does?) but governments are administered by individual people, and they are all (in our society) accountable.

So... thinking about WTC 7 and that video of 'experts' not understanding how it fell down that someone posted on the last page -

- just because they don't understand within the limits of their expertise how it came to fall down, it doesn't follow that it was blown-up by the US Government, or anyone else for that matter;

For instance, to demolish a building using explosives takes a lot of time and planning - and explosives!

Imagine you're an explosives contractor. If someone approached you to demolish a building that wasn't condemned what on earth would you think?

You might consider:-

1. You may get noticed wiring a building for detonation;

2. You'd be committing a crime against property;

3. You'd be killing people in the process;

3. You might therefore contact the authorities, the FBI/CIA/Police etc immediately.

Now the morons on here would at this point probably pipe up with something like "but you couldn't go to any of them because they're all in on it" but they'd be wrong again...

As the link I've posted explains, if one crackpot in the 'government' (which people mistakenly ascribe to be this malevolent dark entity doing evil for its own ends and wicked motives - like "to make money" or for "oil") came up with this sort of idea, as soon as they mentioned it to anyone else in 'the government' (which is beginning to sound like a Hale & Pace joke) they'd get themselves locked-up in the looney bin and wouldn't pass GO or collect $200.

Which brings me on to another point. In our modern-day accountable governments (where although money is frequently spent on stupid things) everything is accountable. Sure people embezzle money, and sure people are corrupt - on a routine and regular basis. Criminal activity is rife on an individual and in some cases even on a smaller collective basis - see this by way of an example:-

<a class="postlink" href="http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010/09/city_of_bell_officials_arreste.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2010 ... rreste.php</a>

However, there is absolutely no way any such blatantly obvious and high treasonable crime is going to be able to be funded with public money - it would immediately implicate those involved and would lead straight back to the idiots perpetrating it... aside from such a plan never getting off the ground in the first place for reasons I've mentioned already; ad nauseam.

The whole idea that hijackers flew into the Twin Towers which brought them down, but then Americans wired and detonated WTC 7 (I mean what the fuck for people???) is just so utterly nonsensical for all the reasons I've just mentioned and a whole lot more that I can't even be bothered to think about that I'm incredulous at the stupidity of people even considering such ideas.

I guess people are not only a little naive, but they are also paranoid.

The ladies and gentlemen of the FBI, CIA, City Councils, Senates, Houses of Parliament (in our case in the UK) and the House of Representatives in the USA are all just like us. They are all doing their jobs, which in the cases of those just mentioned involves protecting the lives and liberties of their fellow countrymen. If you know any FBI or CIA people you know they take their jobs and their careers (and oaths of allegiance) extremely seriously. Their job is to explicitly protect us from criminals and threats to our security.

They are all individuals, making their best moves as to what is in their best interests.

So I ask any of you lot who *think* for one moment that because some engineer or professor or firefighter doesn't understand how WTC7 came to collapse whether this is reason enough to point to a fanciful and completely irrational explanation that somehow WTC7 fell victim to an inside plot of conspiratorial Americans who were following some strange sort of plan for their own ends?

Perhaps the most obvious explanation is the right one; that after 1,000,000 tons of shit from WTC1 and WTC2 fell down next to it, the resultant collateral damage caused eventually brought it down too.

Not the big shocker or secret society conspiracy story the paranoid and persecuted would like, but there you go; it's Occam's Razor.

I don't not believe in "9/11 truth" because of the arguments in your post, as rational as most of them may be (I reject the claim that people in power are accountable. What's Bush doing these days? Kissinger? the list goes on...)

I don't believe because there's no good evidence to seriously suggest that it was an inside job. Empirical evidence trumps rational arguments.

EJ, you can't even get a BJ from an intern these days as they'll be all over your case!


which means you're going to be held accountable (not that you're not capable of making some bloody stupid decisions, or getting your country into a lot of hot water, or just in general being a turkey)
Skashion said:
blueju said:
So the American government planned a horrific attack on their own citizens, on their own soil, on one of their greatest landmarks, which killed thousands ( including some of the people they hold in their highest esteem, policemen and firemen),

Anne also destroyed part of their main defense headquarters and killing their own staff whilst in the process making their whole national security look a shambles and defenseless ?

Hmmmmm......I don't think so

You do a disservice to those that died
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010 ... hwoods.pdf</a> Read that, pay particular attention to the appendix where possible actions are suggested and see how far they would have gone. Signed off on by a man who just a year later was Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. Read the Pentagon Papers whilst you're at it. Might knock some further sense into you.

Who's Anne and what has she got to do with things?

That's because you're a naive idiot who thinks a US government isn't capable of planning an attack on its own civilians. If the only reason you think that's not the way 9/11 went down you are more a fool than any 9/11 CT'er/truther.

Oh, the attempted and failed emotional angle. Stop all scrutiny of 9/11 because you're doing a disservice to those who died. A bigger crock of shit line has never been uttered so often. Tell me how. Go on, in what way does it do a disservice to those who died? What about those that are also CT'er/truthers? Are they being disrespectful to their own relatives and friends simply because they aren't satisfied that their questions have been answered - which they haven't.

I think the tinterweb is responsible for allowing people you would'nt normally give the time of day to a soapbox to make themselves feel important.
Lets hear some of the thoughts about 9/11 of a unintelligent and uneducated MIT Electrical Engineer who for the last 30 something years has worked as a family physician (dual major??) . Clearly he is uneducated and quite stupid.



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