
buzzer1 said:
Damocles said:
What's your thinking behind this mate? I see very little in the way of hard evidence about the planes?

If you mean me mate.....

Well there were witnesses that say the plane DID NOT look like a commercial airliner(see pentagon also for this), everybody seems to have ovrlooked the possibility that the plane may have been switched and the people replaced with high explosives, fuel etc, just a thought.

buzzer, I don't know you but missed you when you were gone as you sometimes raise interesting points.
Sorry pal but if you believe every conspiracy you devalue the ones that do have, at least some, credibility.
lloydie said:
buzzer1 said:
If you mean me mate.....

Well there were witnesses that say the plane DID NOT look like a commercial airliner(see pentagon also for this), everybody seems to have ovrlooked the possibility that the plane may have been switched and the people replaced with high explosives, fuel etc, just a thought.

buzzer, I don't know you but missed you when you were gone as you sometimes raise interesting points.
Sorry pal but if you believe every conspiracy you devalue the ones that do have, at least some, credibility.
<br /><br />-- Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:20 pm --<br /><br />
lloydie said:
buzzer1 said:
If you mean me mate.....

Well there were witnesses that say the plane DID NOT look like a commercial airliner(see pentagon also for this), everybody seems to have ovrlooked the possibility that the plane may have been switched and the people replaced with high explosives, fuel etc, just a thought.

buzzer, I don't know you but missed you when you were gone as you sometimes raise interesting points.
Sorry pal but if you believe every conspiracy you devalue the ones that do have, at least some, credibility.
lloydie said:
buzzer1 said:
If you mean me mate.....

Well there were witnesses that say the plane DID NOT look like a commercial airliner(see pentagon also for this), everybody seems to have ovrlooked the possibility that the plane may have been switched and the people replaced with high explosives, fuel etc, just a thought.

buzzer, I don't know you but missed you when you were gone as you sometimes raise interesting points.
Sorry pal but if you believe every conspiracy you devalue the ones that do have, at least some, credibility.

Nice one lloydie lad, hope yer well. Tbh mate, i say anything is possible and it would'nt be the first time that the US have planned on bombing their own people and doing a False Flag job, its happened right through the ages inc. the poor backward Jewish lad that was paraded in front on the world for burning the Reichstag when infact it was a false flag and just a blag to give Hitler and his men some credence to attack the Jews(yes i know that was'nt the yanks but they was indirectly involved imo, but thats another story), for this see countless False Flag operations inc. IMHO 9/11. How these people died on 9/11 well i'm afraid only the dark suits know this, i mean, how the fuk does anyone know that there was anyone on board, the rabbit hole is bottomless, the poor bastards may still be alive and being used as guineapigs in some underground human lab., mad as it sounds but how the fuk do any of us know.
buzzer1 said:
Nice one lloydie lad, hope yer well. Tbh mate, i say anything is possible and it would'nt be the first time that the US have planned on bombing their own people and doing a False Flag job, its happened right through the ages inc. the poor backward Jewish lad that was paraded in front on the world for burning the Reichstag when infact it was a false flag and just a blag to give Hitler and his men some credence to attack the Jews
Think you're getting mixed up there buzzer.

It was a Jewish lad who shot the German diplomat Ernst von Rath in Paris but a (non-Jewish) Dutch Communist (Marinus van der Lubbe) who set fire to the Reichstag. There seems to be little doubt that he was involved.

The Germans did allegedly undertake a false flag operation in September 1939, sending troops in Polish uniform into Poland who then attacked German troops, in order to provide a pretext for the invasion that started the war.

It wouldn't surprise me with 9/11 if the US, Saudis and possibly Israelis knew what was about to happen. All of them had something to gain from it.
Prestwich_Blue said:
buzzer1 said:
Nice one lloydie lad, hope yer well. Tbh mate, i say anything is possible and it would'nt be the first time that the US have planned on bombing their own people and doing a False Flag job, its happened right through the ages inc. the poor backward Jewish lad that was paraded in front on the world for burning the Reichstag when infact it was a false flag and just a blag to give Hitler and his men some credence to attack the Jews
Think you're getting mixed up there buzzer.

It was a Jewish lad who shot the German diplomat Ernst von Rath in Paris but a (non-Jewish) Dutch Communist (Marinus van der Lubbe) who set fire to the Reichstag. There seems to be little doubt that he was involved.

The Germans did allegedly undertake a false flag operation in September 1939, sending troops in Polish uniform into Poland who then attacked German troops, in order to provide a pretext for the invasion that started the war.

It wouldn't surprise me with 9/11 if the US, Saudis and possibly Israelis knew what was about to happen. All of them had something to gain from it.

Yes sorry kid, my slight. However, only after torture did Lubbe confess and in any event it catapulted AH to basicly green light status, he was after hangin' the commies but got vetoed, however all agrred that he should take complete power. I knew(well my take on it anyway :)) quite a bit about this stuff a while back but as i'm trying to maintain good and positive energy(hence my BM 3 mnth break, no bad vibes) i give this sort of stuff a wide berth, i fully belive the posts that i have written in the past but it's nice just to sit back and observe. Something that i have never understood though is that we are called conspiracists but it is the twats that are conspiring against us, by way of lie after lie, so how can we be the conspiracists? i don't get it.
is it really that impossible to believe that what has been documented as happening is in fact what actually happened

for me these other theories are as sad as claiming that the holocaust did not happen and solely driven by peoples political agendas
Balti said:
is it really that impossible to believe that what has been documented as happening is in fact what actually happened

for me these other theories are as sad as claiming that the holocaust did not happen and solely driven by peoples political agendas

Oh come on Balti, to equate the Holocaust which actualy happened to 9/11 which happened yes, but who, what, why is what people are asking, blatant holes in the so called truth that just do not stack up, nobody is denying it happened but i will put this to you;

Can you 100% tell me that A) it was in no way a false flag job?

and B) the planes that went in were actualy loaded with passengers?

Just a simple yes or no mate.

PS, political agendas mate? i hate the fukin lot of 'em, i have zero political allegiance. :)
buzzer1 said:
Balti said:
is it really that impossible to believe that what has been documented as happening is in fact what actually happened

for me these other theories are as sad as claiming that the holocaust did not happen and solely driven by peoples political agendas

Oh come on Balti, to equate the Holocaust which actualy happened to 9/11 which happened yes, but who, what, why is what people are asking, blatant holes in the so called truth that just do not stack up, nobody is denying it happened but i will put this to you;

Can you 100% tell me that A) it was in no way a false flag job?

and B) the planes that went in were actualy loaded with passengers?

Just a simple yes or no mate.

PS, political agendas mate? i hate the fukin lot of 'em, i have zero political allegiance. :)

A) Possible yes. Likely no.
B) No chance- I do not believe for one moment that all the many devastated family interviews are actually actors reading scripts but they have somehow managed to keep it all shtum since
Balti said:
buzzer1 said:
Oh come on Balti, to equate the Holocaust which actualy happened to 9/11 which happened yes, but who, what, why is what people are asking, blatant holes in the so called truth that just do not stack up, nobody is denying it happened but i will put this to you;

Can you 100% tell me that A) it was in no way a false flag job?

and B) the planes that went in were actualy loaded with passengers?

Just a simple yes or no mate.

PS, political agendas mate? i hate the fukin lot of 'em, i have zero political allegiance. :)

A) Possible yes. Likely no.
B) No chance- I do not believe for one moment that all the many devastated family interviews are actually actors reading scripts but they have somehow managed to keep it all shtum since

With the amount of people who would be needed to cover this up, don't you think at least a couple people would have come forward and leaked information buzzer?
Balti said:
buzzer1 said:
Oh come on Balti, to equate the Holocaust which actualy happened to 9/11 which happened yes, but who, what, why is what people are asking, blatant holes in the so called truth that just do not stack up, nobody is denying it happened but i will put this to you;

Can you 100% tell me that A) it was in no way a false flag job?

and B) the planes that went in were actualy loaded with passengers?

Just a simple yes or no mate.

PS, political agendas mate? i hate the fukin lot of 'em, i have zero political allegiance. :)

A) Possible yes. Likely no.
B) No chance- I do not believe for one moment that all the many devastated family interviews are actually actors reading scripts but they have somehow managed to keep it all shtum since

What do you mean, keep it shtum? no mate, the grieving families have not and will not ever see their loved ones again, that i have no doubt, my question was infact where they even on the plane that went in? military jet rigged up as a commercial airliner? killed on the plane before it took off? not killed at all but are now having experiments perforned on them ie mind control and part of the MK Ultra experiment? i don't know this, do you?

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