
Damocles said:
buzzer1 said:
Although, Atta's passport and bandana survived the atrocity, the black boxes didnt? they really do take us for pricks don't they.

Pretty much. The passport of Mahmoud Atta was found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center according to the FBI.
When Mahmoud Atta came forward as alive several days later, they retconned this to the passport of Mohammed Atta.

Mohammed Atta's father claims that this couldn't be the case as he is alive, and he spoke to him post-9/11. He claims that he is in hiding due to his sharing of an apartment in Hamburg with another potential terrorist which has put him in the firing line.

It's possible that the government just screwed up the name, and Mr. Atta (who is deeply religious according to the news stories) wants to try and keep his son's name clear.

It's also possible that the US government pretty much has no idea who did this and pinned it on the nearest guy who they could pin it on. The speed at which this passport was found in wreckage that could destroy a black box is more than suspicious to me.

Yes mate, you can smell it a mile away. Atta and co. were believed to be into the running of drugs through one of the airstrips that time and time again crops up on the back of wrongdoings, MENA in Arkansas holds many dark secrets and especialy from the corrupt Clintons. Try the link below anyone?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEsG1-Up8E&p=13ABC6FEED5E9E4E&playnext=1&index=18" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEsG1-U ... 1&index=18</a>

or these poor kids

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuTqrTkqCdM" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuTqrTkqCdM</a><br /><br />-- Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:21 pm --<br /><br />
des hardi said:
one question ; how many times did george bush visit a school during his president reign?

Did'nt he say that "when he seen the first plane go in", wtf, nobody seen this right?
Damocles said:
des hardi said:
one question ; how many times did george bush visit a school during his president reign?

You've lost me mate, how's that relevant?
i find it strange that he was in one down florida on the date,which i believe the authorities knew about a "possible attack".they were singing about attacks since the early 90`s..... if he never visit a school before or after 9/11 i would find it odd.... thats all..... not gonna turn it into anything-was just curious.
TheIceman said:
This one is pretty interesting

When this building went all the crime files and evidence on the biggest fraudsters in American went with it. Crazy and something is definitely not right with that.

Something that I have always found interesting, and by far the most suspicious thing is this:


That's a picture of Atta (on the left) and Ziad Jarrah. This is important because it is the smoking gun so to speak about the identities of the hijackers. Though both of these two have been in the same area around the same time, they were never seen together, despite German, Israeli, US and several other intelligence agencies following Jarrah for 5 years before 9/11 due to his involvement with lots of dodgy money.

This tape just happened to be found in Afghanistan. It is alleged that this is their martyrdom will that they took 18 months before the hijacking. However, the video had no sound and professional lipreaders who work for the CIA apparently couldn't work out what they were saying.

Several things here. Firstly, why would anybody leave this tape around when the US had just invaded the country looking for terrorists?
Secondly, isn't it just a little convenient that they found a tape with the date on it, with a perfect picture, that somehow lost its sound? You would have thought that the sound on a will video would be pretty important.
Thirdly, I absolutely fail to believe that professional lip readers could not make out Arabic on a tape this clear, from either individual.

All circumstantial evidence admittedly, yet some of it is intriguing.
buzzer1 said:
Damocles said:
Pretty much. The passport of Mahmoud Atta was found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center according to the FBI.
When Mahmoud Atta came forward as alive several days later, they retconned this to the passport of Mohammed Atta.

Mohammed Atta's father claims that this couldn't be the case as he is alive, and he spoke to him post-9/11. He claims that he is in hiding due to his sharing of an apartment in Hamburg with another potential terrorist which has put him in the firing line.

It's possible that the government just screwed up the name, and Mr. Atta (who is deeply religious according to the news stories) wants to try and keep his son's name clear.

It's also possible that the US government pretty much has no idea who did this and pinned it on the nearest guy who they could pin it on. The speed at which this passport was found in wreckage that could destroy a black box is more than suspicious to me.

Yes mate, you can smell it a mile away. Atta and co. were believed to be into the running of drugs through one of the airstrips that time and time again crops up on the back of wrongdoings, MENA in Arkansas holds many dark secrets and especialy from the corrupt Clintons. Try the link below anyone?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEsG1-Up8E&p=13ABC6FEED5E9E4E&playnext=1&index=18" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEEsG1-U ... 1&index=18</a>

or these poor kids

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuTqrTkqCdM" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuTqrTkqCdM</a>

-- Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:21 pm --

des hardi said:
one question ; how many times did george bush visit a school during his president reign?

Did'nt he say that "when he seen the first plane go in", wtf, nobody seen this right?

Memory is a bit blurry but i ythink news showed a member of the publics video footage, i try not to watch it back as i just get emotional
I've changed my mind actually.

BY FAR the most ridiculous thing is that the US authorities absolutely, positively disagree that it is important who has funded 9/11. The alleged hijackers were supposed to have been given money in Hamburg, in Florida and in Afghanistan by 'a Saudi backer'.

The 9/11 Commission said that the identity of this Saudi backer, who funded 9/11, is unimportant and will not be investigated.
My take on the conspiracy is that a monumental fuckup from inland security let this attrocity happen. cue misinformation to avoid bush's government to look even more stupid
Damocles said:
I've changed my mind actually.

BY FAR the most ridiculous thing is that the US authorities absolutely, positively disagree that it is important who has funded 9/11. The alleged hijackers were supposed to have been given money in Hamburg, in Florida and in Afghanistan by 'a Saudi backer'.

The 9/11 Commission said that the identity of this Saudi backer, who funded 9/11, is unimportant and will not be investigated.

Wow is this true? no wonder so many people don't believe their own government. Mess's with my head to much though.
TheIceman said:
Wow buzzer than clinton vid is scary. Too many suicides ehh?

I personally know two people who have committed suicide. How many people do you think the Clintons 'know' bearing in mind that they are two of the most powerful people on the planet? I'd be more surprised if none of their associates had committed suicide. Nothing more than coincidence in my book.
TheIceman said:
Damocles said:
I've changed my mind actually.

BY FAR the most ridiculous thing is that the US authorities absolutely, positively disagree that it is important who has funded 9/11. The alleged hijackers were supposed to have been given money in Hamburg, in Florida and in Afghanistan by 'a Saudi backer'.

The 9/11 Commission said that the identity of this Saudi backer, who funded 9/11, is unimportant and will not be investigated.

Wow is this true? no wonder so many people don't believe their own government. Mess's with my head to much though.

It's all politicking:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3067906/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3067906/</a>

Backed up by stacks of court affidavits and copies of cancelled checks, the Baker Botts team openly acknowledge in their brief that Sultan has for the past 16 years approved regular payments of about $266,000 a year to the International Islamic Relief Organization—a large Saudi charity whose U.S. offices were last year raided by federal agents. Sultan also authorized two additional grants totaling $52,000 to the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, another Saudi-based group that has drawn the scrutiny of U.S. antiterrorism investigators
Sultan authorized these payments as the head of two Saudi government councils, one of which, the “special committee” of the Council of Ministers, gives him sole power to disburse funds that further the “national and foreign policy of Saudi Arabia.” As such, the lawyers write, the payments are “clearly an official act” and therefore outside the scope of U.S. courts.

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