9 more wins

Dubai Blue said:
You're all going to end up suicidal if you keep over-analyzing all the possible outcomes like this.

Even as supporters, I think we've just got to take it one game at a time. Focus on beating Bolton and then move on to the next game. You'll just make yourselves ill looking any further ahead than that.

Yes, United 'should' win the rest of their games (with the exception of us), but they won't. And neither will we. It's all very unpredictable, so don't bother wasting your time and sanity on wondering what might happen.

Suddenly feel a hell of a lot better after reading that. Thank you.
Dubai Blue said:
You're all going to end up suicidal if you keep over-analyzing all the possible outcomes like this.

Even as supporters, I think we've just got to take it one game at a time. Focus on beating Bolton and then move on to the next game. You'll just make yourselves ill looking any further ahead than that.

Yes, United 'should' win the rest of their games (with the exception of us), but they won't. And neither will we. It's all very unpredictable, so don't bother wasting your time and sanity on wondering what might happen.

I agree. It's the only way to handle it.

I think that what's making it more twitchy is the awful possibility that it's the Rags that could steal it from us. Everyone else has now fallen by the wayside. That makes it worse than if it had been, say, Chelsea or Arsenal and it's compounded by the fact that if/when we win it we'll be taking the title from the Rags so it will be all the sweeter. Especially if we do it on the 30th April and have the satisfaction of really rubbing their noses in it.

I remember how good it felt in 1968 but of course we hadn't led the table for so long and we won it from behind with a strong run-in. With the final 2 games away from home we were very much the underdogs.

It's being the front runners that's making it nervy and also the fact that we've had our chances to really shake the Rags off, but didn't take them. They will slip up though before the end of the season as long as teams don't roll over for them. I think we all know that they aren't as good a team as their position suggests.
sir peace frog said:
not angry,just concerned about the amount of knee wobblers on here,there isnt alot we can do except support the team as best we can,so the bolton game we have to become the 12th man,be strong and hold our nerve,however reading some of the comments on here all that is going to happen if its not going our way is a loads of shitbags wobbling their heads,this transmits to the players.

I'm not sure predicting future results makes anyone more or less likely to support the side come the weekend.

I find it interesting to do it, doesn't mean I'm a shitbag, doesn't mean my head is wobbling and it doesn't mean that I won't be supporting the team on the weekend.

If you don't like predictions, thats OK. But theres no need to insult those that do.
Keep Calm boys and girls..

It's written in the stars we'll go into the derby 4 points clear, beat them and be crowned champions there is absolutely no doubt about it! ..... *gulp* ;)
moomba said:
Dubai Blue said:
You're all going to end up suicidal if you keep over-analyzing all the possible outcomes like this.

Not sure why?
Because that's exactly what reading this thread made me feel like and it's clearly got quite a few others jittery as well!!

Staring at the fixture list over and over again makes for pretty depressing reading because on paper I can't see United slipping up. But, back in reality, I know they will.
Manx Blue said:
xgorton said:
marco said:
i had us 4pt clear by the time we finnish with bolton and them with spurs, thats a win and a draw infront
Spot on we beat bolton they draw at spuds were 4 clear.

I'd like that to happen...However, after Spurs collapsed today, it can't be guaranteed. I just hope it was a minor blip in their season.

I'd like to see us win our remaining 12, that way, there is no question.

The scum were lucky yesterday by all accounts - Norwich had most of the game and again couldn't find the back of the net enough times - Spurs are better than Norwich and have classier forwards and midfielders.

I know i'm biased but i can see Spuds winning 2/3 to 1
Our home form is so good, I think we can and should rely on winning all of those. The United game could go either way because its a Derby and anything can happen, but we can and MUST win it.

Look at the away games, yes there are some difficult ones. But we should be pretty bloody disappointed if we don't win all of them, with the exception of Le Arse.

Swansea are a decent side, but come off it guys if £400m of talent including Kompany, Silva, Yaya and Aguero cannot beat fucking Swansea then something is sadly wrong isn't it. Likewise Norwich, likewise Stoke, Likewise all the other away games. Arsenal is the only place we should not be ashamed of dropping points.

The title is in our hands and we just have to go out and do it.

i`m feeling the same,30th april we go into the derby 3pts ahead and with a plus 20 goal difference,we win the match and go 6 pts ahead with two games left......

i can feel the butterflies already....

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