90 minutes of booing Dippers

Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

2. Booing is the only thing the fans can do to intimate the opposition. I admit, its not great, but your City team are, so the crowd were trying to have through the players off. Whether you thought it worked or not is another question. But make no mistake, this is purely a football based tactic and isnt meant to be offensive.
The reaction of some posters on here, to level the great respect paid by City fans in the silence for the 96, and then to suggest then they shouldn’t be booed is ridiculous. The 2 aren’t related. It’s Pathetic to suggest otherwise

3. Agreed that we had the benefit of any doubt in the decision making. Suarez should have gone for diving and Sahko lucky not to give a pen, but this only make up for the joke-of-a-performance from Lee mason on Boxing Day. Evened up nicely from where I’m sitting

Some of you need to toughen up…
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
BluessinceHydeRoad said:
There is a massive confusion here.

There is nothing wrong with a partisan atmosphere at a football match. Football is sport, competition and people go to support their team, to encourage them. This may involve singing, cheering, waving flags and scarves and even booing on occasions to show disapproval of foul play by an opponent.

The trouble is that some on here want a hostile atmosphere and hostility has no place in football. LFCJax praises the "hostile" atmosphere in Turkey because it "can seem to stop you from playing, it sucks the life out of the away side and energizes the home side." This is not football but its exact opposite. It is, of course, intimidation and it is to prevent football, competition and what fans want to watch. Indeed the "hostility" has spilled over into murder in Turkey as Leeds United fans (and others) will testify. We have experienced the "hostility" of the Naples crowd. So have Bayern Munich fans, but a couple of them are too dead to remember.

This is the trouble with "hostile" atmospheres. They actually culminate in systematic booing of opposition players and it can last for the whole 90 minutes. Unfortunately, there are darker forces on the fringe of football that do not understand exactly where the limits of "hostility" are. Support for their team has given way to a hatred of the opposition, so that before the booing some are involved in throwing missiles at the other team's fans (on Sunday), or at the other team's players (usual for Liverpool against against United). I noticed that Brendan Rodgers had talked of "unleashing" the Liverpool crowd before the match. I can only assume that he was too preoccupied by memories of Hillsborough to remember what happened when Liverpool fans "unleashed" themselves on fans of Juventus in 1985.

Talk of "hostility" in football has no place and always spills over into behaviour which will destroy the game.

Superb post.

Not enough has been made of the Rodgers comment re "unleashing" the Liverpool crowd. Imagine if Maureen had made that comment if Chelsea were the opponents on Sunday. The press would have jumped all over him. I guess Rodgers is immune from all that gets away with it. Looking forward to Maureen coming out with a few classics leading up to their game. Ghost goals et al.
Micky said:
Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

2. Booing is the only thing the fans can do to intimate the opposition. I admit, its not great, but your City team are, so the crowd were trying to have through the players off. Whether you thought it worked or not is another question. But make no mistake, this is purely a football based tactic and isnt meant to be offensive.
The reaction of some posters on here, to level the great respect paid by City fans in the silence for the 96, and then to suggest then they shouldn’t be booed is ridiculous. The 2 aren’t related. It’s Pathetic to suggest otherwise

3. Agreed that we had the benefit of any doubt in the decision making. Suarez should have gone for diving and Sahko lucky not to give a pen, but this only make up for the joke-of-a-performance from Lee mason on Boxing Day. Evened up nicely from where I’m sitting

Some of you need to toughen up…

Absolute bollocks that pal. The media would have you believe Liverpool battered us on Boxing Day, from my seat I didn't see it like that and the stats would seem to back me up!
Micky said:
Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

The FACT is that Yaya's injury was celebrated loudly, clapping him off the pitch means absolutely fuck all when a good chunk of your supporters were celebrating him getting hurt a few moments before, so excuse me for thinking you should stick your feigned sympathy and applause for Yaya straight up your arse.

On your second point I agree and the third I'd guess will be like Sunday where we'll have to agree to disagree
I see this thread is getting the piss ripped out of it on RAWK. For once, I reckon they've got a valid point. IMO of course.

Liverpool fans annoyed me far more at Maine Road in 1996 when a large number of them cheered like fuck at the end of the match upon hearing confirmation of our relegation. There was no need for that, especially when you consider that there was no animosity between the fans on the day, it was a nothing game for them anyway, plus they had an FA Cup Final against United the following week which would've seen City fans wanting a Liverpool win.

Booing our players on Sunday doesn't even come close to that.
FFS it gets worse

Booing someone is hostile ! Ooooooh !

What are we, children ? Life's not a fucking fairy story.

Or is this just a big wind up and I'm too obtuse to get it ? I hope so.
YaYa said:
Micky said:
Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

2. Booing is the only thing the fans can do to intimate the opposition. I admit, its not great, but your City team are, so the crowd were trying to have through the players off. Whether you thought it worked or not is another question. But make no mistake, this is purely a football based tactic and isnt meant to be offensive.
The reaction of some posters on here, to level the great respect paid by City fans in the silence for the 96, and then to suggest then they shouldn’t be booed is ridiculous. The 2 aren’t related. It’s Pathetic to suggest otherwise

3. Agreed that we had the benefit of any doubt in the decision making. Suarez should have gone for diving and Sahko lucky not to give a pen, but this only make up for the joke-of-a-performance from Lee mason on Boxing Day. Evened up nicely from where I’m sitting

Some of you need to toughen up…

Absolute bollocks that pal. The media would have you believe Liverpool battered us on Boxing Day, from my seat I didn't see it like that and the stats would seem to back me up!
Yeah, as good at rewriting history as the police, that lot. 20 shots to 12 in our favour make 2-1 sound like a fair result. Not to mention the 5 or 6 penalties that should've been given against Skrtel on that day.
Micky said:
Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

2. Booing is the only thing the fans can do to intimate the opposition. I admit, its not great, but your City team are, so the crowd were trying to have through the players off. Whether you thought it worked or not is another question. But make no mistake, this is purely a football based tactic and isnt meant to be offensive.
The reaction of some posters on here, to level the great respect paid by City fans in the silence for the 96, and then to suggest then they shouldn’t be booed is ridiculous. The 2 aren’t related. It’s Pathetic to suggest otherwise

3. Agreed that we had the benefit of any doubt in the decision making. Suarez should have gone for diving and Sahko lucky not to give a pen, but this only make up for the joke-of-a-performance from Lee mason on Boxing Day. Evened up nicely from where I’m sitting

Some of you need to toughen up…

Please tell more about the joke performance from Lee mason. do you mean the one where someone was incorrectly flagged for offside? You prefer to call it a dis-allowed goal however as the whistle gone before a shot was taken that cannot be the case. You cannot compare both games one iota
Micky said:
Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

2. Booing is the only thing the fans can do to intimate the opposition. I admit, its not great, but your City team are, so the crowd were trying to have through the players off. Whether you thought it worked or not is another question. But make no mistake, this is purely a football based tactic and isnt meant to be offensive.
The reaction of some posters on here, to level the great respect paid by City fans in the silence for the 96, and then to suggest then they shouldn’t be booed is ridiculous. The 2 aren’t related. It’s Pathetic to suggest otherwise

3. Agreed that we had the benefit of any doubt in the decision making. Suarez should have gone for diving and Sahko lucky not to give a pen, but this only make up for the joke-of-a-performance from Lee mason on Boxing Day. Evened up nicely from where I’m sitting

Some of you need to toughen up…

You got outplayed in both games - have another look at them. Unfortunately and crucially you managed to nick 3 points that will win you the League. Won't be like the old days though - when you were everyone's second favourite team and respected. Shown yourselves up yoo many times over the barren years.
Micky said:
Feel free to go at me if ya want, but I have to clear a few things up..

1. Firstly, most (eventually) clapped off Yaya after his injury - FACT

2. Booing is the only thing the fans can do to intimate the opposition. I admit, its not great, but your City team are, so the crowd were trying to have through the players off. Whether you thought it worked or not is another question. But make no mistake, this is purely a football based tactic and isnt meant to be offensive.
The reaction of some posters on here, to level the great respect paid by City fans in the silence for the 96, and then to suggest then they shouldn’t be booed is ridiculous. The 2 aren’t related. It’s Pathetic to suggest otherwise

3. Agreed that we had the benefit of any doubt in the decision making. Suarez should have gone for diving and Sahko lucky not to give a pen, but this only make up for the joke-of-a-performance from Lee mason on Boxing Day. Evened up nicely from where I’m sitting

Some of you need to toughen up…

1) The treatment of Yaya was an error of judgement made in the heat of the moment, by an over-exuberant crowd, on an extremely emotional day. Not the Liverpool crowd's finest hour but hardly worth dwelling upon.

2) I nearly agree with you. Respecting a minute's silence is an act of common decency and sportsmanship. Booing is just unsportsmanlike behaviour. Nothing more, nothing less.
If Liverpool fans are happy to behave in such a manner, that's their prerogative. The rest of us are entitled to express an opinion on the matter, though. That they chose to behave like that on that particular day was, I would respectfully suggest, a distinctly ill-mannered thing to do. That said, I've known worse from some of our own - and (going back in your famous history for a second), far, far worse again from some of yours.

3) Lee Mason is a terrible ref. No argument. However, the begrudging remarks of Brendan Rodgers after that game contrast sharply with the actions of Pelligrini, who remained on the field to shake hands with the refereeing team (and every member of the opposing team). He made his point about the penalty and managed to get over it without throwing hos toys away.

To sum up: it's all very well having a giddy support who whine on, for a week and more, about class and dignity but it is by your actions that you are measured.

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