A decline in the quality of fresh produce. Discuss

Not eaten meat for years now.

Fresh fruit and veg is a lottery now, half the time theres not a lot of choice, and when stuff is there it doesn't look anywhere near as good as it should.
I have a question for the FOCs, as a kid did you have meat in every dinner and tea? And how much fish a week would you consume?

I'm going to take a guess that we now well over consume meat, and eat no where near enough fish and veg.

I took food tech in GCSE and what I was taught seemed shite compared to what my mother did at school when I spoke to her.
Aldi don't always get it right, but then again neither do Tesco, Sainsburys or Lidl's. All a consumer can do is have a little nibble, and if it doesn't tastes right then don't buy again. Lots and lots of Lidl, Aldi, Tesco, Asda products please the palate, but a heck of a lot more in these current climes do not meet the basics.

Every corporate man and his dogs cutting corners, trying to fleece the general public, in order to maintain margins in a challenging marketplace by stealthily reducing their pack sizes, and also erring non favorably on the quality side of things.

I get that truly I do, but when they start pissing around with our fresh produce it really grates the auntie, as we are still paying the same or even more than we did before.

Many years ago we decided to only purchase free range eggs due to the abominable conditions battery hens were housed. Yes they cost a lot more, but everyone who's an eggy knows they also taste a better than a battery laid egg.

So concentrating on the fresh meats and animal produce how many of you are noticing a decline in quality?

We just did a combined Iceland Tuesday shop for their 10% OAP discount, combined with a Tesco Plus 10% off shop, with a quick nip into Aldi's for Tonic water, gin, their Aldi finest black pepper crackers and a few other incidentals that had escaped our immediate attention.

Whilst there we bought a 2kilo pack of chicken breast at £6 the kilo for use in our Coleman Big Night In Chicken Kebabs served up on Deli Kitchen Greek flat breads with crucial garlic mayonnaise.

So we get the gear back home and imagine our consternation when we started cutting up the Aldi chicken breast.

I know that plumping's used via water injection and I know that all birds are not treated equally in terms of animal husbandry, owing to the fast turnaround from egg to kill rate in under the month, but this was taking the proverbial.

From now on we will only use M and S Gold reared which using their Hubbard bird variety that is known for slower growth rates. The M and S chicken is not excessively priced compared to the usual market gear of £6 a kilo and can easily be bought in at £9 the kilo. I had some today for tea and they were beyond the delicious!

Based on our own portion sizes, using 250 g a person, the balance to pocket for an M and S Hubbard bird would only be 75 pence a portion more than mainstreams pumped up, plumped up, fast grown, run of the mill anomaly's.

Small price to pay considering the fibrous, woody, chewy, sinewy, vain riddled monstrosities below that we were sold.





Look after your birds retailers. Its not that difficult
Wow Bob, you have certainly opened a can of worms here. More later.
I've told the Mrs to stop ordering certain things as they are arriving off from sainsburys. Mushrooms, onions and carrots. All sweaty and rotten. Shite
That is because it is kept in plastic bags. Gets my goat. I try to buy only loose fruit and veg and any that is in plastic I take out and put in mesh bags I take with me, leaving the plastic at the checkout. People keep their fresh stuff in the plastic and it goes off and rotten quicker.

I like to buy fresh stuff off the market but we have found that some of it is not as fresh as you think.

Incidentally, we go to NZ over the winter and very nearly ALL their fresh fruit and veg is loose.
I have a question for the FOCs, as a kid did you have meat in every dinner and tea? And how much fish a week would you consume?

I'm going to take a guess that we now well over consume meat, and eat no where near enough fish and veg.

I took food tech in GCSE and what I was taught seemed shite compared to what my mother did at school when I spoke to her.
The answer is No -we had stuff like Cheese and Egg (Baked in a dish type thing), Fish was probably a once a week thing, Liver & Onions, Plumrose Hotdogs (which I loved), potato pie (which meant just the filling -no crust normally), Corned Beef Hash -I’m struggling to remember but I reckon meat was a big part of it basically (though definitely not the best cuts)
I have a question for the FOCs, as a kid did you have meat in every dinner and tea? And how much fish a week would you consume?

I'm going to take a guess that we now well over consume meat, and eat no where near enough fish and veg.

I took food tech in GCSE and what I was taught seemed shite compared to what my mother did at school when I spoke to her.
Egg and chips, sausage and chips, beans and chips, chip butty, peas, chips and that boiled, salty yellow fish, tater ash, beans on toast, cheese on toast.
It's a wonder I'm alive.
Not eaten meat for years now.

Fresh fruit and veg is a lottery now, half the time theres not a lot of choice, and when stuff is there it doesn't look anywhere near as good as it should.

I was chatting with a Radio 4 farmer programme presenter a few years back. She said to me that 4 supermarkets all use the same farmers, planting veg in order of quality was Asda best, M&S, Sainsburys then Tesco was worst. Morrison’s had their own farmers they used.

If that’s still the case or not I don’t know. M&S pride themselves on fruit so I suspect that was a bit different for domestic fruits.
I have a question for the FOCs, as a kid did you have meat in every dinner and tea? And how much fish a week would you consume?

I'm going to take a guess that we now well over consume meat, and eat no where near enough fish and veg.

I took food tech in GCSE and what I was taught seemed shite compared to what my mother did at school when I spoke to her.

Everything was eaten with lots of bread as a filler. Tater ash, egg and chips, beans egg on toast, mince and potatoes, the main fresh meat we ate was Lamb ( rack of Lamb) interspersed with luncheon meat and paste butties.

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