A letter on justice and open debate.

Having not stated my personal views of whether or not JK Rowling is a transphobe I am therefore not aligning with anyone. To be clear, I tend to try and avoid aligning with nutjobs on most subjects. But as this thread is neither about transphobia or JK Rowling's views I think we should conclude this particular discussion and let this thread continue on its original purpose or die a natural death.

You did mean that but yes I’m happy to leave it there.
Behave yourself.

She responded to someone saying “people who menstruate” with “we used to call them women”.

How the fuck is that transphobic?

She’s also questioned the rushing of young people into hormone therapy without analysing their mental condition more specifically.

The world has gone fucking bonkers if JK Rowing is now considered a bigot.

When the left think their own are Nazis it’s no wonder they behave like they do towards everyone else.

Fucking lunatics.
In 2020 you can be described as a hate figure for merely saying that men and women have differences.

In 2020 if you don’t think Britain is institutionally racist you’re a white supremacist Nazi.

In 2020 if you value the family unit you’re a misogynist.

In 2020 if you don’t call people by made up pronouns like “ze” or “zer” you’re a transphobe.

In 2020 if you want to express conservative views at an event, people in masks will show up and beat you and you better well call them anti fascists, because that’s how they describe themselves.

In 2020 if you want to refer to biological females as “women”, you’re a hate figure.

The right has always had people intolerant on its fringes but the left has now joined them and then some.
And you wonder why I say you are going down rabbit holes.

What next, flying the cross of St George is illegal.
If you dare to disagree with the core ideals of the Black Lives Matter organisation, you don’t think that black lives matter and you’re a racist.
If you do agree you are you a Marxist.

Its a bit strange aint it that the explosion of these culture wars just happened to coincide with 50,000+ deaths in the UK. You might almost think its a classic deflection tactic to take away the spotlight from those that are guilty of gross negligence, if they can get people talking about cultural stuff that blames the left for intolerance then who do you think gets away scot free from all charges of stupidity?

Change the narrative, get the Plebians talking about trans rights when in reality its a fringe issue that few have any real interest in, but make out its a major issue, use words like "woke" "sjw" "virtue signaller" "cultural Marxism" and blame the left for it. When in reality those on the left don't identify with these issues, it concentrates on class whilst the issues are a liberal versus illiberal issue. But seeing as most people nowadays seem to think the left is liberal its not difficult to see how it works. The left is not liberal it is definitely more authoritarian, respects all the values its supposed to rail against. See we are not America we don't have liberals and Conservatives, we have Socialists, Liberals and Conservatives and Socialists care about class not the fringe issues like we are accused of caring about.

The irony is that the use of these stories and this narrative actually closes the left out of the debate, we are prejudged and people automatically assume now that we on the left will care about whether somebody has a dick or not, me prsonally i couldnt give a fuck, what i care about is if they are working class they will have more in common with me than with the capitalist class who seek to exploit these divisons.
Change the narrative, get the Plebians talking about trans rights when in reality its a fringe issue that few have any real interest in

That's because it concerns women. You're treading the well worn path of left wing misogyny mate, where women's rights have always been subsumed to masculine class based politics.

The irony is that the use of these stories and this narrative actually closes the left out of the debate, we are prejudged and people automatically assume now that we on the left will care about whether somebody has a dick or not, me prsonally i couldnt give a fuck

Of course you don't, you're a bloke, it doesn't concern you.

Though that stance doesn't exactly chime with this....

The left is not liberal it is definitely more authoritarian, respects all the values its supposed to rail against.

Then stand up for women.
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And you wonder why I say you are going down rabbit holes.

What next, flying the cross of St George is illegal.
Your posts don’t mean anything.

Just the ramblings of a tired old trot who knows he’s lost the political race.
How they don't see this predictable outcome continues to boggle.

I tell my Lady this all the time. Today you are the victim, tomorrow you'd be the oppressor. How can't you see this?

I’m sure your Lady is grateful for you telling her. Although aren’t you just telling her she must remain the victim? Isn’t this just what this railing against BLM is all about? That they ‘should know their place’?
If you do agree you are you a Marxist.

Its a bit strange aint it that the explosion of these culture wars just happened to coincide with 50,000+ deaths in the UK. You might almost think its a classic deflection tactic to take away the spotlight from those that are guilty of gross negligence, if they can get people talking about cultural stuff that blames the left for intolerance then who do you think gets away scot free from all charges of stupidity?

Change the narrative, get the Plebians talking about trans rights when in reality its a fringe issue that few have any real interest in, but make out its a major issue, use words like "woke" "sjw" "virtue signaller" "cultural Marxism" and blame the left for it. When in reality those on the left don't identify with these issues, it concentrates on class whilst the issues are a liberal versus illiberal issue. But seeing as most people nowadays seem to think the left is liberal its not difficult to see how it works. The left is not liberal it is definitely more authoritarian, respects all the values its supposed to rail against. See we are not America we don't have liberals and Conservatives, we have Socialists, Liberals and Conservatives and Socialists care about class not the fringe issues like we are accused of caring about.

The irony is that the use of these stories and this narrative actually closes the left out of the debate, we are prejudged and people automatically assume now that we on the left will care about whether somebody has a dick or not, me prsonally i couldnt give a fuck, what i care about is if they are working class they will have more in common with me than with the capitalist class who seek to exploit these divisons.

Tell that to the Labour Party of the last decade.

Hello my name is Jeremy Corbyn and my pronouns are he and him

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