a little birdie...Torres et al...

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LoveCity said:
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Here you go mate : <a class="postlink" href="http://twitter.com/freddyboswell7" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://twitter.com/freddyboswell7</a>

Spookily though it appears to be down.

Needs caps:

<a class="postlink" href="http://twitter.com/FreddieBoswell7" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://twitter.com/FreddieBoswell7</a>
so does aj.
Robinhosthumb! said:
Petrovs left peg said:
Just followed the clue to Roma like you did. He just seems to fit in with all the clues and his performances last season weren't too bad either!

Free transfer maybe?

Wiki says he's just signed a new contract until 2013 so he must have some life in him yet. On that basis doubt he would be free
tolmie's hairdoo said:
ST Coleridge said:
Even-handed, if nothing else.

And, once more - how is his doubting worse than the lying & ego-tripping that characterises these threads?

What has a Vanessa Williams song got to do with anything? Our best signing will be our last, I presume? Go on then, do tell. Otherwise stop posting nonsense that does nothing but string everyone along, making them scream 'Oh Tolmie's here! Tolmie's back!' - which increasingly seems to be the point of this entire thread. Gawd knows we haven't had any actual information.

You are not doubting, though, you are accusing.

You are accusing me of being a liar. That's your opinion, wrongly.

However, you attempt to force that opinion on to everyone else.

As for my admittedly erroneous music clips, to you, they are - as you are a self-confessed KFA.

For myself, they are relevant at all times, to other people, amusing, for others, crap.

My ego is at the door, my post histories are there for your perusal, as and when you can be bothered.

I have continued to labour the point as to why I chose this summer to post music clips.

Ambiguous enough in nature, not to compromise anybody, including myself, or Ric, who, incidentally, knows me as an acquaintance.

If you are seriously in fear for this board, please speak directly to him, should you wish for clarity.

The OP in this thread was shot down by you, also. Regardless, it was reported on News Now, fully justifying why You Tube was considered my best friend.

I see you have started your own thread, which I believe to be a good idea.

That way, I don't need to read bile directed towards anybody else.

Coleridge now appears to have gone offline, which is typical.

I won't look for your response, no doubt barbed, no doubt without foundation, and no doubt, done behind my back, as per usual.

Or in every other thread you attempt to pour poison in to.

Forget schoolkids, it is posters like you that will be the constant devisive.

Your attempted peronal bullying of Ajay, yesterday, was as transparent as it comes, dressed up in some supposed reasoned debate.

As Barack Obama recalled of Sarah Palin, 'You Can Put Lipstick on a pig...it's still a pig'.

Please put me on your Foe list, and any other bitter little Ikkle Cityer, who has been down as a bullshiter and a liar.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
You are not doubting, though, you are accusing.

You are accusing me of being a liar. That's your opinion, wrongly.

However, you attempt to force that opinion on to everyone else.

As for my admittedly erroneous music clips, to you, they are - as you are a self-confessed KFA.

For myself, they are relevant at all times, to other people, amusing, for others, crap.

My ego is at the door, my post histories are there for your perusal, as and when you can be bothered.

I have continued to labour the point as to why I chose this summer to post music clips.

Ambiguous enough in nature, not to compromise anybody, including myself, or Ric, who, incidentally, knows me as an acquaintance.

If you are seriously in fear for this board, please speak directly to him, should you wish for clarity.

The OP in this thread was shot down by you, also. Regardless, it was reported on News Now, fully justifying why You Tube was considered my best friend.

I see you have started your own thread, which I believe to be a good idea.

That way, I don't need to read bile directed towards anybody else.

Coleridge now appears to have gone offline, which is typical.

I won't look for your response, no doubt barbed, no doubt without foundation, and no doubt, done behind my back, as per usual.

Or in every other thread you attempt to pour poison in to.

Forget schoolkids, it is posters like you that will be the constant devisive.

Your attempted peronal bullying of Ajay, yesterday, was as transparent as it comes, dressed up in some supposed reasoned debate.

As Barack Obama recalled of Sarah Palin, 'You Can Put Lipstick on a pig...it's still a pig'.

Please put me on your Foe list, and any other bitter little Ikkle Cityer, who has been down as a bullshiter and a liar.

OK lets move on now the fool has gone ..... Tolmie are we signing anyone :)
How wonderfully totalitarian.

Kim Jong-Il could not moderate this board better.*


*This post will be up for about 30 seconds before it gets taken down, or I get banned for 'agitating'. Proof positive that the main goal of certain administrators is to allow people to post whatever it takes to bump up traffic (rather than to allow opinion and counter-opinion).
tolmie's hairdoo said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
You are not doubting, though, you are accusing.

You are accusing me of being a liar. That's your opinion, wrongly.

However, you attempt to force that opinion on to everyone else.

As for my admittedly erroneous music clips, to you, they are - as you are a self-confessed KFA.

For myself, they are relevant at all times, to other people, amusing, for others, crap.

My ego is at the door, my post histories are there for your perusal, as and when you can be bothered.

I have continued to labour the point as to why I chose this summer to post music clips.

Ambiguous enough in nature, not to compromise anybody, including myself, or Ric, who, incidentally, knows me as an acquaintance.

If you are seriously in fear for this board, please speak directly to him, should you wish for clarity.

The OP in this thread was shot down by you, also. Regardless, it was reported on News Now, fully justifying why You Tube was considered my best friend.

I see you have started your own thread, which I believe to be a good idea.

That way, I don't need to read bile directed towards anybody else.

Coleridge now appears to have gone offline, which is typical.

I won't look for your response, no doubt barbed, no doubt without foundation, and no doubt, done behind my back, as per usual.

Or in every other thread you attempt to pour poison in to.

Forget schoolkids, it is posters like you that will be the constant devisive.

Your attempted peronal bullying of Ajay, yesterday, was as transparent as it comes, dressed up in some supposed reasoned debate.

As Barack Obama recalled of Sarah Palin, 'You Can Put Lipstick on a pig...it's still a pig'.

Please put me on your Foe list, and any other bitter little Ikkle Cityer, who has been down as a bullshiter and a liar.
chin up th. i think he might be taking an enforced break. anything good to report through the grapevine.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
You are not doubting, though, you are accusing.

You are accusing me of being a liar. That's your opinion, wrongly.

However, you attempt to force that opinion on to everyone else.

As for my admittedly erroneous music clips, to you, they are - as you are a self-confessed KFA.

For myself, they are relevant at all times, to other people, amusing, for others, crap.

My ego is at the door, my post histories are there for your perusal, as and when you can be bothered.

I have continued to labour the point as to why I chose this summer to post music clips.

Ambiguous enough in nature, not to compromise anybody, including myself, or Ric, who, incidentally, knows me as an acquaintance.

If you are seriously in fear for this board, please speak directly to him, should you wish for clarity.

The OP in this thread was shot down by you, also. Regardless, it was reported on News Now, fully justifying why You Tube was considered my best friend.

I see you have started your own thread, which I believe to be a good idea.

That way, I don't need to read bile directed towards anybody else.

Coleridge now appears to have gone offline, which is typical.

I won't look for your response, no doubt barbed, no doubt without foundation, and no doubt, done behind my back, as per usual.

Or in every other thread you attempt to pour poison in to.

Forget schoolkids, it is posters like you that will be the constant devisive.

Your attempted peronal bullying of Ajay, yesterday, was as transparent as it comes, dressed up in some supposed reasoned debate.

As Barack Obama recalled of Sarah Palin, 'You Can Put Lipstick on a pig...it's still a pig'.

Please put me on your Foe list, and any other bitter little Ikkle Cityer, who has been down as a bullshiter and a liar.

In Coleridge's defence he's been handed a temporary ban so can't really help being offline!
sqblue said:
stockholm blue syndrome said:
Seems the birdie that told me something seems to be on the same track try this for a clue <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCevpO18t4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgCevpO18t4</a>


Back on track, and to quote myself from the Dzeko thread;

Can anyone shed any light on where we stand with Ibra? Cheers.
YCNMIU said:
How wonderfully totalitarian.

Kim Jong-Il could not moderate this board better.*


*This post will be up for about 30 seconds before it gets taken down, or I get banned for 'agitating'. Proof positive that the main goal of certain administrators is to allow people to post whatever it takes to bump up traffic (rather than to allow opinion and counter-opinion).
clearly a rag.
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