a little birdie...Torres et al...

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Pigeonho said:
BenchillBlue said:
I'm not a big Casillas fan, he nearly dropped the bollock of all bollocks last night. He's no real improvement on Shay or Joe.
This, and I seem to remember England v Spain at OT a few years ago. Rooney slammed into Casillas to let him know he was there, and he was a complete shit head after that. Against the likes of Drogba et al in the box he'd be a liability. Shay is on a par with him, and Hart will be better.

we all have are opinions which is fair enough but personally casillas is in a different class to given and hart!

Just catching up with this thread, do you actually know who the BIG one could be.

If so can you not enlighten us with maybe a little clue.

Or better still state if he played in the knockout stages of the world cup
World Class left back and possibly another CB for me and I will be happy.

I cant guess who the marquee will be though. Not even going to try. Possibly Alves in exchange for Robinho
leewill31 said:
Pigeonho said:
This, and I seem to remember England v Spain at OT a few years ago. Rooney slammed into Casillas to let him know he was there, and he was a complete shit head after that. Against the likes of Drogba et al in the box he'd be a liability. Shay is on a par with him, and Hart will be better.

we all have are opinions which is fair enough but personally casillas is in a different class to given and hart!
Fair do's Blue.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
if he was to satisfy Tevez would he not be Argentinian?

Was thinking the same so thought of Aguero, tho his best mate apparently is Evra.....
yozzer said:
maybe tolmie was jealous that noel told everyone on talkshite this info,,and stole his thunder ,all he is doing is telling us what noel said yesterday

Sorry I must of mist the bit where TH said he was past a napkin by GC with a bunch of name on it.

Or maybe I mist Noel telling Talkshit all the names of the player on the list bar 1..
tolmie's hairdoo said:
yozzer said:
maybe tolmie was jealous that noel told everyone on talkshite this info,,and stole his thunder ,all he is doing is telling us what noel said yesterday

Your fish fingers are ready, Yozzer!

Stay off the ketchup.
touched a nerve did it
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