A message to all City fans from red cafe

Let's break this down then, eh?!

Firstly let's get it out the way, yes, I'm bitter.

Bitter, but I'm also proud. Proud to support a team that has worked it's way up to the top of the footballing world through years of success. We are a footballing force respected the world over for the hard work that has gone into our achievements. Yes, we've spent a few bob along the way but we've also earned every single penny of that through money that is directly related to our hardwork and performances on the field. Every penny we spend isn't a sign of us "buying a title" it's a sign of our success in the past.
Every penny? Really? So when that club that played at Bank Street, who were on their arse and about to fold, and was saved by John Henry Davies and moved across town having a stadium built for them and a whole new team bought - was that from your own pennies was it?

Then what about when your club was in the same boat again just thirty-odd years later and were saved again from going under; this time by James W Gibson who financed the club keeping them afloat and invested in a new youth system - was that from your own pennies too?

Then what about all the money Louis Edwards invested in United, spending more money than anyone else in his time - was that all from your own pennies?

No. No, it fucking wasn't you hypocritical know-nothing! If it weren't for rich sugar daddies, there wouldn't be a Manchester United. You'd be long gone and long forgotten!

I love the rivalry we have with Liverpool, I hate them, but I respect them. The same went with Leeds a few years back and Arsenal now.

I don't have a single ounce of respect for you, nor Chelsea, both your team's "success" have nothing to do with any sort of hard work that has been put in over the years, it has nothing to do with any talent your coaches have produced nor with talent born anywhere near your club.
Is that so? Really? So how do you feel about your first trophies? All came on that back of one of your sugar daddies spending big. If it weren't for Davies' money you wouldn't have won the 1908 and 1911 league titles nor the 1909 FA Cup. And I'm absolutely sure they aren't the only ones you've "bought". All part of your '19'. Are you proud of that?

So, if you go on and win the league this season or next season, I'll be smiling in the knowledge that deep down, you know you can't really be proud of your team. Not like a United, Liverpool or Arsenal can of their team. So it doesn't matter how successful you are from here on in, you'll never have any real respect from any neutrals and it'll never feel anything like how we feel when we win something. All you'll have is the same empty feeling like when you are struggling on Football Manager so you edit the game to give to a few hundred millions, any success after that just feels wrong.
Oh yes. Arsenal. The team that finished fifth in the second division in 1919 yet bought a place in the first division then went and bought a load of new players and had a sustained period of success. Plus modern day Arsenal who steal young players from poor French clubs for next to nothing when those clubs could get £15m for these lads if they could just hold on to them a few more years but clubs like Arsenal ruin that. Oh yes, and that self righteous fucking horrible club Liverpool who had extreme amounts of money, for the time, pumped into them by the Moores family. Oh yes, those fantastic clubs who haven't ever done anything but spend their own money from their own success just like your hypocritical club.

What a load of unfounded bull shit! The sad thing is, this prick isn't alone amongst all those fucking knob heads supporting that fucking club. The word CLUELESS comes to mind!

The truth is that every single club that has ever won something has win it by buying it! Everyone. Everton, Forest, Barcelona, Real Madrid, ARSENAL, LIVERPOOL and the fucking RAG SCUM!

Even when clubs bring through many high level youth players like the Rags in the 50's, Celtic in the 60's, Barcelona recently... all of them pump amazing amounts of money into their youth system. Do people really think lads turn up with boots like Jimmy Grimble's and the clubs just turn them into world beaters? Because what actually happens is lots of money is spent on facilities, equipment and coaches and that is how these players become good players.

I'm sure this bloke has embarrassed some of the more knowledgable United fans who actually have some sort of knowledge about their club's and football history.

But most Rags wouldn't know the first thing about what supporting their football club is about. We've been to some places that you'd only expect to see in the FA Cup third round. But we were there supporting City and having great times. Now we're at the top and all that standing by our club has all been worth it. Every single trophy we see win will mean more to me than anything these thick Rag wankers will ever know. This Rag dick head just talks shit, but so do many many of them!
InMyLifetime-BaconChops said:
1) Who struggles on Football Manager?
them apparently, when the are in second place denial !!!
2) Post of the year? Must not be very interesting over there then..

the whole thing had me giggling.... please let them have a goal drought for laughs sake.
i think the woman already know,s that we gona fuck em up bad again this season,s thats why he said he,d be smiling,well as united consist of faggots so yes the,ll be smiling when we,ll send a big one up their ass
I've always found the ones that give it large are the ones that never go, In the past week also we have the sun the bbc various ex man u players this sad cafe or whatever its called, talkshite the list is endless I'm enjoying this it gets better everyday, as the great bill Shankly once said to his players when their coach was surrounded by opposing fans, who were hurling insults, look how scared they are of you!!!
Funny as fuck as we were a laughing stock and they mocked us for years and thought it would be like that forever.

Well suck my cock you rag cunts, you took football for granted, you glory hunted and now it's biting you on the fucking arse.

Long may it continue, they'll all be quivering wrecks in 10 years time, sat on that shite forum with dribble on the keyboard whilst posting from whatever part of the globe they are from.

Get fucked.

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