A minutes silence for Maggie!

M18CTID said:
the kippax wall said:
I'll save my minutes silence for the 300+ Argentinian young men murdered on the Belgrano, 10 miners deaths associated with the strike, 96 Liverpool football fans, 10 Irish terrorists who took the decision to starve themselves to death and the thousands of decent working class peoples lives she fucked up.

Fixed that for you mate.

This is a very naive opinion at best and thanks to the person for correcting it!! Her death was always going to bring out the comments we are seeing here. I dont have any strong opinions against her (tin hat being donned) however she certainly made mistakes. She had no interest in sport, she had no awareness of the positive power of sport and the well being it brings individually and to the wider economy. You can double that for football. The ID scheme that she tried to introduce was a farce and thankfully the Taylor report after Hillsborough scuppered that when it was determined the emergency services (mainly police) were responsible for the deaths. As far as I'm aware no smoking gun has emerged that directly implicates her in the cover up BUT he's hard to see her not backing up the police after the support they provided during the miners strike.

For me that is reason enough why she should not warrant a minutes silence.
Regardless of your personal opinions about Baroness Thatcher (I have nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for her) it is simply wrong to observe a minute's silence before a football match.

She had absolutely no connection to football during her lifetime, so why do some feel the need to mark her passing in this manner?

By all means, pay your respects (if you are so inclined) at the appropriate time and place.
Ding dong the witch is dead is going to get an outing at grounds around the country if the suits push this minutes silence thing.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2307147/Sir-Bobby-Charlton-says-football-pay-tribute-sensational-Baroness-Thatcher.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... tcher.html</a>

This old bastard needs reigning in and i've no doubt even the rags will let their feelings known.

We should have buried this ogre in a secret place that was unknown to the people that hated her (That's hard enough) but they go and have an extravagant pity party at the taxpayers expense and expect everyone to doff a cap to add insult to injury.

I remember Thatcher in her pomp and it wasn't pleasant she was a scumbag who hated working class poor people and their activities including football.
dazdon said:
Ding dong the witch is dead is going to get an outing at grounds around the country if the suits push this minutes silence thing.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2307147/Sir-Bobby-Charlton-says-football-pay-tribute-sensational-Baroness-Thatcher.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... tcher.html</a>

This old bastard needs reigning in and i've no doubt even the rags will let their feelings known.

We should have buried this ogre in a secret place that was unknown to the people that hated her (That's hard enough) but they go and have an extravagant pity party at the taxpayers expense and expect everyone to doff a cap to add insult to injury.

I remember Thatcher in her pomp and it wasn't pleasant she was a scumbag who hated working class poor people and their activities including football.

I can see that going down well with Baconface!
dazdon said:
Ding dong the witch is dead is going to get an outing at grounds around the country if the suits push this minutes silence thing.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2307147/Sir-Bobby-Charlton-says-football-pay-tribute-sensational-Baroness-Thatcher.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... tcher.html</a>

This old bastard needs reigning in and i've no doubt even the rags will let their feelings known.

We should have buried this ogre in a secret place that was unknown to the people that hated her (That's hard enough) but they go and have an extravagant pity party at the taxpayers expense and expect everyone to doff a cap to add insult to injury.

I remember Thatcher in her pomp and it wasn't pleasant she was a scumbag who hated working class poor people and their activities including football.

I'm getting fucking sick of old boring idiots telling us all how we should behave regards politicians because they once could kick a football well. Fuck off Bobby you kunting ticket tout.
Bad move..whoever thought of it is a twat..

Thatcher was the enemy of football and covered up Hillsbrough..
if this was to happen what would peolle think about singing justice for the 96. I know it isnt ours but would suggest football fans solidarity and is relevent given the person
Rise like lions after slumber!

In unvanquishable number.

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you-

Ye are many - they are few.
Prestwich_Blue said:
jitsubluedan said:
You are a true child of Thatcher as shown by your opening statement which is arrogant and leaves no room for argument; absolutely no room for concensus - just like the woman herself.
I'm laughing at the irony of that statement, which also sums up the implacable anti-Thatcher elements on here.

The true consensus is that she did some things right and some things wrong and if you really lived through the mid-1970's, you'd know what a fucking mess this country was in at that time.

For every person she put on the scrapheap, she helped others move a rung or more up the ladder, through being able to set up businesses, giving them far more disposable income, allowing them to own their own homes, freeing them from high inflation, giving them access to credit. Inflation was squeezed out of the system and interest rates, apart from a short blip in the late 1980's, went steadily down. Her reduction of taxation rates made it worthwhile to save, which impacts the economy by giving governments access to additional funds.

It's also a myth to say she "destroyed" manufacturing industry. The truth is that it was already declining before she came to power. Between 1970 and 1979, its share of GDP declined by just under 2%. Between 1979 and 1990, the rate of decline actually slowed so that its share of GDP went down by 1.5%.

Now I can't stop you thinking that she was (in your arrogant words that leave no room for argument) "a vile woman" but I can point out that not everyone shares that opinion.
There are lies, damned lies and statistics. The apparent slow down in the rate of decline was accounted for by the accelerating shrinkage of the public sector due to savage cuts fostered on us by Thatcher and her neo liberal mentor Keith Joseph. Like the fascist dictator she did so much to support (Pinochet) she allowed her country to become a laboratory for Friedmanite experiments.
I lived through the seventies (and the sixties) and there were problems (contributed to by the Heath government of 70-74) but things were not as bad as the right wing media would have us believe. Despite the alleged power of the unions between 74 & 79 there was actually a 4% shift of wealth in favour of the top 10%.
Her tax cuts didn't favour modest savers but the very rich who saw tax rates slashed to 40% and a ceiling put on their NI contributions which meant that a director on £300k pa would pay 1% in NI and a chap on the shop floor (where they were still in existence) on one twentieth of that would pay 10%. Social justice?
More importantly the promotion of greed and selfishness and the worship of wealth for its own sake made the UK a more unpleasant and brutish place to live.
Her heritage is a weaker industrial base, a more unequal society which benefits none of us in the long term and a growing class of super rich predators who have no need of the public sector and are slowly strangling it to the detriment of the majority. Good riddance to Thatcher. A minute's applause I might support.

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