A proper discussion...what made you support city?

I had a simple choice 32 years ago was it to be blue or red, I choose blue because even back then couldn't stand the rags.
07 May 01
Ipswich Town (0) 2 Manchester City (0) 1 24,888
Holland 78, Reuser 85 Goater 74

I turned on the tv and it was this match live, so basically I didn’t support any of these two teams, but then goater scored (I thought it was wanchope) and I saw the supporters going crazy in the stands, quite different than the other teams supporters, and then the commentator said that this match was to avoid relegation, so I went like, this might be interesting, and then Ipswich scored twice and now the supporters were in tears and everything but at the and most of the supporters were cheering man city which made me decide to support this team, for the fact that the players gave everything they had in the whole match and the supporters recognized that, it was like a unit, supporters and players. After relegation, I followed city the next year in the first division trough the radio, heard as many matches as I could, Wimbledon, wolves it didn’t matter, I just started loving this team.
My daddy was a Blue.

My daddy first took me to Maine Road when I was five years old. He used to leave me in his Mazda 323 listening to a man called Brian Clarke on Piccadilly 261 radio and reading Roy of the Rovers with a bag of cheese 'n' onion Ringos and a bottle of Cresta lemonade while he had a couple of pints in the Sherwood. He said he would be about ten minutes, kiddo, but it would always be about thirty-three minutes.

Anyway, I used to love walking up to Maine Road and walking past old mattresses and car parts in alleyways. Sometimes men did wees against walls. The stadium was brill, especially the floodlights and the souvenir shop and the big BBC TV van with cables coming out of it. I once saw Eddie Large on the forecourt. "Where's Supersonic Sid, I shouted, but he didn't hear me.

At half-time my Dad used to buy me a well nice Burton's Wagon Wheel and a plastic cup of Coke that wasn't really Coke. Dad had a pie (I think he called it a growler) and a Bovril. And after the match (if City won) he'd buy me one of those sweaty hot dogs with slimy onions and with ketchup that wasn't Heinz from a man on the forecourt who sat in a cart and picked his nose and wore a dirty white coat. If we lost my daddy would tell me that I couldn't f***ing have a hot dog.

When I was six I saw a man called Dennis Tueart who was a bit bald doing a funny kick type of thing that was over his head and I realised that City were ace and I would support them for ever and ever and ever.
my dads a blue. the path was paved for me to be a city fan through that alone. it wasnt easy being a city fan in sale as a kid but i have always loved it and always been proud to be a blue!
I was sort of born into the blues, but it was also a decision I made myself. Until about the age of 11, I hated football, mainly because I'd never actually sat and watched a match. Then I guess curiosity got the better of me. My dad had always joked around and said stuff along the lines of "Ill support you in whatever you choose to do in life. But I'll disown you if you ever become a united fan." I'd just be like "whatever."

Then it feels like it all just happened at once. For some bizzare reason I decided to sit down and watch a full football game. I knew it would never be anyone other than City because I've always been a daddy's girl. I would never ever look back now. I love the conversations me and dad have about City that sometimes last for hours. I love looking at the teletext pages with him and laughing at some of the utter shite posted on there. I love ripping into all the plastic and idiotic rags time after time. I love the emotions City make me feel. I just love Manchester City and I wouldn't have it any other way.
All my family's are blues. I spent the first 12 years of my life on Railway Road, Old Trafford. If you look it up you will see i've had the hardest bringing up a city fan has known!!!
I tried writing it up earlier on but it just went on and on as, football wise, I had a 'difficult upbringing'.

I made my own mind up about being a City fan in the mid 60's. My father and grandfather were blues, but they never said anything about it. I chose City when I was about 9 years old, in the mid 60's.

The funny thing is, I had no idea football existed until I went to junior school when I was 7 years old. I had never kicked a ball in my life until that point. My father and grandfather never said or did anything to make me aware the game existed, but I chose City.

As they say, you are born a Blue, and in my case it is absolutely true. It must be in the genes.

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