A question for those who think corruption is happening.

MCFC BOB said:
Pigeonho said:
So who does all this benefit then? Some have said the PL as a whole for revenue. If thats the case, do you think the PL had a hand in poisoning Spurs' Lasagne a few years ago, so they couldn't break that top 4? WHy were they allowed to last year then?
Could be a coincidence but, Rafa speaks out against the FA, his team drop out of the top 4 the next season.

I can't believe I have just read that!
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
Just think about it for a second. Think about what it would take for a United official to go through to make a payment to a ref or any other bod, to ensure a game is not lost. Surely there would be a paper trail? An electronic transfer of data trail? An audio trail? A money trail?

We have just seen the downfall of a Sky 'legend', (their term, not mine), all in the space of 24 hours - because there was a trail. Now some think that trail was set up, and I can see why. That is just to bring down a commentator, not a club and one of the greatest managers ever, just a commentator. Now surely if someone hated United that much and suspected there was foul play with refs, a sting could be set up? Remember how easily Sven got stung by the NOTW? Surely if they thought something was not right, they would set up a sting to unmask the biggest footballing scandal since records began? It couldn't be that hard to do, could it?

Or am I being very naive and very gullible by not realising that it could actually be a matter of a masked menace, sneaking up to Peter Waltons house at night with a self exploding letter which explains what this 'payment' is for?

Still think its happening?

Just to say, this isn't a smartarse pop at those I regard as deluded enough to believe United are favoured upon. You know my thoughts on that. I believe they win because that is all they know to do and whether I get pillared for this or not, I admire how they carve out results like last night and I wish to high heaven we could start doing it. Time will bring that mentality to us, I am certain of it but its all about gaining the experience of doing so, and the fact is they have players there who only know how to win, and that experience rubs off on whoever it is Bacon Face decides to add to the squad for the future.
Nice try pidge but the reds under the bed brigade don't do common sense. Leave them to their pub talk delusions .

Remember the espn sound thread the other day? Pmsl

I posted on that one....there are no limits these days
That ESPN one was fucking piss funny. I worry though that people actually sit there and conjure these theories up, its quite astonishing actually, when you think about it. 'They hate us so they turn the volume up when people sing nasty songs to us', ahahahahaha!!
Sugarloaf said:
wanderer72 said:
Pathetic, really, especially appealing to own xenophobia, nationalism and chauvinism in order to recruit the crowd.

What's next, whoever is seeing the obvious in the Premiership is Al-Qaida, and should be water-boarded into submission?


Give it a rest, Luv.

You're not contributing anything positive to this Manchester City forum, my Berkshire based 'wanderer' nesbit.

You may have snagged a few of the wee sprats in here, but I've been in the pond too long to fall for your WUM oddballery.

Have a lie down and think about kittens or summat.

And you'd be the authority on that, because...?

Yawn, reallly.

I've been around this little planet a few times, so when I see a pathetic little ****, I'm not afraid to call it out openly.

As soon as your daddy lets you leave your own little village, you may even realise that you're not the only village idiot around.
Heavy betting does happen in football even to the extent of what time the flood lights will fail WH i think.
What time a throw in will be given the list is endless as to what you can bet on in football.

Bruce Grobbelaar football is bent as to what level is there to be found out
The BBC and Andy Crick got a little too close to comfort when it comes to questioning Ferguson's legacy.

Hence why he refuses to speak to the corporation now.

It's also the reason 'Sir' backed down from Magnier and McManus.

If son Jason wasn't doing anything wrong, why was the Elite agency shut down so quickly.

Interesting don't you think the number of deals Fergie Jnr/Elite got involved in, with regards Manure?

Laurent Blanc, Roy Carroll, there are bodies everywhere.
Didsbury Dave said:
Nice try pidge but the reds under the bed brigade don't do common sense. Leave them to their pub talk delusions .

Remember the espn sound thread the other day? Pmsl

I posted on that one....there are no limits these days
Common sense = mass stupidity. The world was once flat according to common sense. Facts aren't determined by popularity.

Are you saying that there is no corruption in English Football?
johnmc said:
wanderer72 said:
As per the rest, this is how you or any other simpleton perceives the process of thinking, thanks for illustrating it.


You are too messed up to see that there is nothing to see.

You are saying United have controlled their results for 20 years. And you think its rationale thinking.

Only United can do this funnily enough, Not chelsea or us who have more money. All this corruption has gone on despite a change of owners who are happy that thre (non) investment could be seriously damaged if this were true.


Would you mind quoting me on that, or, in case you don't find it, realise you indeed are a simpleton?
wanderer72 said:
Would you mind quoting me on that, or, in case you don't find it, realise you indeed are a simpleton?

Ok. care to say how long it has been going on as you are adamant it is? I linked in their sucessful period with when they started controlling the refs, the obvious thing to do dont you think?

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