A question for those who think corruption is happening.

wanderer72 said:
Sugarloaf said:
Give it a rest, Luv.

You're not contributing anything positive to this Manchester City forum, my Berkshire based 'wanderer' nesbit.

You may have snagged a few of the wee sprats in here, but I've been in the pond too long to fall for your WUM oddballery.

Have a lie down and think about kittens or summat.

And you'd be the authority on that, because...?

Yawn, reallly.

I've been around this little planet a few times, so when I see a pathetic little ****, I'm not afraid to call it out openly.

As soon as your daddy lets you leave your own little village, you may even realise that you're not the only village idiot around.

Yes, you should be yawning, considering you have been spouting this bile since 10pm last night. Don't you sleep, Nesbit?

I would deffo agree that you are truely the authority on what a pathetic little **** is.

Night night, sweetie
CBlue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Nice try pidge but the reds under the bed brigade don't do common sense. Leave them to their pub talk delusions .

Remember the espn sound thread the other day? Pmsl

I posted on that one....there are no limits these days
Common sense = mass stupidity. The world was once flat according to common sense. Facts aren't determined by popularity.

Are you saying that there is no corruption in English Football?
No. I am saying there is no mass conspiracy against city and for united. I am also saying that united don't bribe all the refs
johnmc said:
wanderer72 said:
Would you mind quoting me on that, or, in case you don't find it, realise you indeed are a simpleton?

Ok. care to say how long it has been going on as you are adamant it is? I linked in their sucessful period with when they started controlling the refs, the obvious thing to do dont you think?

Corruption has always been a part of this game to some extent, all over the planet. Got worse steadily as it turned into a business, now it's a huge business it's impossible not to detect, assuming you're neither a simpleton, legally blind, busy dealing with first pubic hairs, or simply a Utd, Bayern or Real (earlier Atletico) supporter, for instance, just to name a few reasons.

Do you have any specific questions, or is this already too much info?
wanderer72 said:
Sugarloaf said:
Give it a rest, Luv.

You're not contributing anything positive to this Manchester City forum, my Berkshire based 'wanderer' nesbit.

You may have snagged a few of the wee sprats in here, but I've been in the pond too long to fall for your WUM oddballery.

Have a lie down and think about kittens or summat.

And you'd be the authority on that, because...?

Yawn, reallly.

I've been around this little planet a few times, so when I see a pathetic little ****, I'm not afraid to call it out openly.

As soon as your daddy lets you leave your own little village, you may even realise that you're not the only village idiot around.

I think you've let the discourse get to you here in this above post.

Abuse is still abuse, regardless of its articulateness.

I know Dave likes a good fence, but your epee is over the top.
wanderer72 said:
Corruption has always been a part of this game to some extent, all over the planet. Got worse steadily as it turned into a business, now it's a huge business it's impossible not to detect, assuming you're neither a simpleton, legally blind, busy dealing with first pubic hairs, or simply a Utd, Bayern or Real (earlier Atletico) supporter, for instance, just to name a few reasons.

Do you have any specific questions, or is this already too much info?

And you can detect this in all your wisdom but those at the top of the game are blind to it or are actually in on it, like David Bernstein for example?

Well ok, I believe you and not anyone else. I now beliwve the rags pay the refs after your rock solid evidence ie because you told me it happens.

I'd happily say the rags and other top clubs the majority of 50/50 decisions in their favour but this is more a case of manipulation than corruption.
This shit infurriates me and it makes us look like idiots, impossible to take seriously.

And the same crap every time.
Every team bends over for United.
Every ref is bent,
It's all corrupt.

Yes they are a fuckin pain in the hole, but they're winning for a reason, and sadly, as much as we all love a consipiracy theory and all, it might have something to do with the team playing well and an (unfortunately) excellent manager.
I think all that will go as soon as Fergie leaves, but for now, they're pushing ahead.

They beat what is put out in front of them every week.
We beat what is put out in front of us most weeks.

We loose concentration.
They are always focused. No game is too small.

They did what we couldn't do, and came back from 2-0 to win the game. Should it have been 3-0, a penalty given, maybe, but thye probably would have come back from that, I mean they missed enough to chances.

But the ability to win a game they were loosing, that is why they are on top of the table and we aren't.
At the end of the day, one main thing that seperates us and them, is when we go 2-0 down, we panic and think don't concede any more, don't make it any worse, panic, panic, panic.
They go 2-0 down and think how do we fix this. Lets get a goal, we're better than them, we've time, don't panic.

They've been doing it for years, they simply know how to win games.

Refs make ridiculous decisions up and down not just England but the football world every week.
We get decisions for and against us, just like United, and every other team in the country.
Most here, instead of just agreeing with the fact that it all balances itself out in the end, just tend to forget all but the pro United dedicisions.
And the behaviour of the fans makes us look ridiculous and so small minded.

We need to make up our minds of who we want to be, do we want to be nothing but a mid table club worrying about the big old baddies next store, or are we going to try and finish as high as we can and worry about (and there's enough there to last all of us a long time) the problems of our own game, and worry about supporting City.
Because you can't be both, we're either a small minded mid table club with a small club mentality or we're looking to win the title, and do all we have to do to win each game, one game at a time. No game too small. No problem too difficult.

So it's time to decide who you are, I'm not going to waste my energy on worrying about every other team, and spend mine backing City. If not for anything else, it's better for the heart, because all that worrying about the big old "corrupt" neighbours is too much stress and worry for anyone.

Maybe if we spent less time worrying about United and more time worrying about our own game, maybe we'd be on top of the table, but we're not and we've a lot of work left to do. Because they certainly aren't worrying about us.
Skashion said:
CBlue said:
The world was once flat according to common sense.
No it wasn't. This is a popular misconception.
Oh..so common sense once told us that it was was once common sense that the world was flat.

So much for common sense then!
spanishblue said:
Heavy betting does happen in football even to the extent of what time the flood lights will fail WH i think.
What time a throw in will be given the list is endless as to what you can bet on in football.

Bruce Grobbelaar football is bent as to what level is there to be found out

What happened after this or is it still ongoing

<a class="postlink" href="http://soccerlens.com/football-corruption-in-the-english-premier-league-the-story-so-far/4407/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://soccerlens.com/football-corrupti ... -far/4407/</a>

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