A question to the Hughes Outers

Fuzzmaster101 said:
rastus said:
I would say that our defence is not/ hasnt been good enough and to be fair I cant remember brilliant crosses coming in under MH
Hughes played a 4-3-3 for the most part which is more about balls up to the central striker and then played off to the two wing attacks and the attacking mid with 2 DMs sitting behind. Mancini plays 4-4-2 (today with both RSC and Ade up front) yet doesn't set his team up to play crosses into the box. Can you not see how ridiculous this is. RSC's positioning is excellent and was again today but almost nothing came in for him to attack. What's the point in this formation? Stoke play the long ball game almost exclusively so why the need for so many midfielders sitting back? We never seem to have any good outlets of attack when we win the ball and need to play it forward. It looks awful can you not see that?
Im not disagreeing but if memory serves me right we have been poor crossing the ball all season, hopefully its something we are working on.
The midfielders are set up to compensate for our poor/ transitional defence and that will restrict us going forward.
\yes it looks awful but we are moving yp the PL and what a volatile season it is.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Shooter 83 said:
Probley just got back from Stoke having watched that. I feel the same atm will probley calm down after a good sleep. Sunday is massive now.

Mancini was getting alot of abuse from fans after the game when he was walking into tunnel.

I was on row 3 in block 39 and the only abuse i heard after the game was to Wiley and Pulis. Nothing but claps for the boys and the backroom staff.

Not on row 11. Loads of abuse as the game went on and on.
Pigeonho said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
No one knows what kind of results we would of got under Hughes but i know one thing for sure is that i feel alot safer now than i ever did with Hughes. We don't look as shaky or vulnerable at the back, we actually ook like a solid outfit.

Disagree that we aren't doing much better, we are, the stats and points will show you that. The performances won't but i'd take below par performances and picking up points than showing some attacking intent and losing points left, right and centre.

Not really. When Hughes was sakced we were 6th and in the semis of a cup. Now we're 4th and out of the cup. 2 places in the league? No saying Hughes couldn't have done that. And to say we look like a solid outfit, are you serious? I am cringeing evertime the ball goes anywhere near our CB's at the minute, they are totally clueless.

allthough getting to the semi's of the cup was good, i'm sure any manager with the players we have got could of beaten Palace away and Fulham reserves, Arsenal reserves and Scunthorpe United at home. The first real test we had in that competition was in the semi final itself. We passed the first test and failed the last test to another last minute goal just like we did when Hughes was in charge.

Yeah i am serious, we are a more solid outfit than we were under Hughes. We can defend corners and free kicks now, we don't look as clueless and vulnerable against sides away from home like we used to do.
Shooter 83 said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
I was on row 3 in block 39 and the only abuse i heard after the game was to Wiley and Pulis. Nothing but claps for the boys and the backroom staff.

Not on row 11. Loads of abuse as the game went on and on.

So just a few dickheads then? if there were "loads" of abuse i surely would of been able to hear it a mere 8 rows down.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Pigeonho said:
Not really. When Hughes was sakced we were 6th and in the semis of a cup. Now we're 4th and out of the cup. 2 places in the league? No saying Hughes couldn't have done that. And to say we look like a solid outfit, are you serious? I am cringeing evertime the ball goes anywhere near our CB's at the minute, they are totally clueless.

allthough getting to the semi's of the cup was good, i'm sure any manager with the players we have got could of beaten Palace away and Fulham reserves, Arsenal reserves and Scunthorpe United at home. The first real test we had in that competition was in the semi final itself. We passed the first test and failed the last test to another last minute goal just like we did when Hughes was in charge.

Yeah i am serious, we are a more solid outfit than we were under Hughes. We can defend corners and free kicks now, we don't look as clueless and vulnerable against sides away from home like we used to do.

Fair do's, each to their own n'all.
Pigeonho said:
Not really. When Hughes was sakced we were 6th and in the semis of a cup. Now we're 4th and out of the cup. 2 places in the league? No saying Hughes couldn't have done that. And to say we look like a solid outfit, are you serious? I am cringeing evertime the ball goes anywhere near our CB's at the minute, they are totally clueless.
But mate, those two places from 6th to 4th is a massive leap in Prem terms, you see, there is no difference now between 5th and 10th, it is the 4th spot, to be in the "top 4" the holy grail of the Premiership, even if you finish 5th, you are miles away from the "big 4" and the lure of CL football for transfer targets!
Prestwich_Blue said:
blucat599 said:
we're 4th mate, Mancini has now W5 D1 L2
16 points from 8 games how is that so bad,
Because we haven't played one fucking team in the top half under Mancini and we lost to the best of them badly.

Under Hughes we beat Arsenal & Chelsea at home, got a point at Liverpool, Brum & Villa and scored 3 at the swamp to give the rags a real fright.

Beat the rags at home, ok was in the cup but still a good result
Immaculate Pasta said:
de niro said:
yes, otherwise why make a change?

hughes had hit a brick wall, now so has bob, both good in their own right but at least hughes tried to score a goal now and again.
what puzzles me is again in the crowd tonight eveyone could see it was'nt working, why can't bob.

Before i carry on, are you on a windup deniro as i can't beleive you are coming out with these sorts of comments. It's not like you, normally you are level headed and realistic and your comments recently are anything but.

ok, i am really having a pop at the hughes outers, all their crowing and winging hounded hughes out of the job, where has it got us? you could argue that hughes would have drawn all the games bob has won, the equally hughes would not have lost the games bob has.
i like mancini, i respect he has a fantastic football brain and can see when a change in formation is needed, more reason why its mindnumbing that he doesn't.
i have never said the manager should be replaced, i never would, i have even gone on record to say he should be left alone to do his job and put all the jose stories to bed, bob though has to play his part, he need to embrace kidd in to his fold and then start putting his brilliant football mind to good use the english way.if we contiue playing a system that quite clearly is'nt working we will fall short of our goals.
it would not start a panic or calls for the managers head and we could start again in august with yet more hope of success it would however be a bloody shame cos really we are not that far away right here right now.
Jeez, this place is unbelievable.

A point away from home. What's wrong with that?

What is wrong with a point away from home?

Forget tactics, forget the smell of the pies, I was over the moon when Barry scored the goal.

Sure, the game was'nt easy, but for heavens sake, what is wrong with everyone tonight?

Are we supposed to coast to a 5-0 win every time we take to the field, just because we have a bit of money behind us?

I've been a City fan for over 40 years, and I really can't get my head around all the crap that is written on here.

Look at the league table. Can't you just take a minute out of your lives and remember what life was like only a few seasons ago.

Are we really so up our own arses we can't remember what being a City fan was like a few, short years ago?

I'm not having a dig at anyone on here in particular, but let's get a grip.

Oh, the tactics were wrong, but we won 2-0.

Bollocks to all that tactics shit, we got a point away, and that will do fine for me.

I'm happy with the point tonight,
rastus said:
The midfielders are set up to compensate for our poor/ transitional defence and that will restrict us going forward.
That would be fine if it was working but it isn't. We conceded two tonight (one was disallowed but shouldn't have been). We look every bit as shaky defensively as we did under Hughes. I think if we have a fit Kompany and Lescott at CB for a few games we'll see an improvement but is anyone willing to drop Toure? I like Richards at RB and Bridge at LB too. This back four if able to play consistantly would be a decent one. Why are we struggling so badly though in defense still? In my opinion it's because our attack has no teeth and the opposition have little to worry about. With little desire to break forward in numbers we leave ourselves open to continuous attack on our defense who are indeed struggling. Seems lunacy to me. Our defense is struggling so lets invite the opposition to attack it more. The best form of defense is attack, if we are in attack they cannot score, simple as that. If they break on a counter attack our defense will have to deal with it just like anyone elses does. We look worst from set pieces to be honest, so why the need to play so negativel? We very rarely concede from counter attack.

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