A sense of perspective?

AshtonBlueMooner said:
Unfortunately far too many do not hold this as a reasonable consideration. We have money, we have players ergo why is the cabinet not bulging with Champions League Trophy, The Cheltenham Gold Cup and the Premier League of Darts Cup.

One poor season is no longer permissible - despite having witnessed at least 25 utterly abject ones in the last 40. If you call it out in such fashion, it is seen as being weak and not having that winning mentality.

Those in charge seem infinitely more patient than us having backed both Clueless and Mancini, creating an environment within which they could succeed and taking the appropriate action when necessary.

Thankfully, those in charge are not us!
This season is a poor season?

Thankfully not. 2nd and Semi Final. I used to celebrate when we got to 40 points, that was a result in days gone by. I still cant wait to get to that point now, and that's because i'm still the same Blue that I was the first time I walked onto the Kippax. Win, lose or draw,i'm Blue and proud of it. If anyone thinks we're underachieving because we've spent a couple of hundred million go and check out how much Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea etc have spent over the past 10-15 years, all comparable. How many trophies did baconface win in his first few seasons = none. So to all those boo boys, doom merchants and general glass half empty specialists, get a grip of yourself and remember where you've come from.

The holy grail that was 40 points.. how things have changed brother. ;)
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen ....... we appear to have followed that advice this season with our disappointing title collapse.

We spent money , we bought better players , we won the title ...... did these complacent players think they'd just have to 'turn up' this season to take the crown again????

It doesn't work that way , and it's with little wonder that Mancini's furious ....

yes , we can spend our days looking back and remembering where we came from .... but that won't move us forward to where we want to be ..... we aren't dreamers anymore , we are in that kitchen !!!!!!
black mamba said:
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen ....... we appear to have followed that advice this season with our disappointing title collapse.

We spent money , we bought better players , we won the title ...... did these complacent players think they'd just have to 'turn up' this season the crown again????

It doesn't work that way , and it's with little wonder that Mancini's furious ....

yes , we can spend our days looking back and remembering where we came from .... but that won't move us forward to where we want to be ..... we aren't dreamers anymore , we are in that kitchen !!!!!!

Spot on !
Santiago Street . said:
Common sense Exeter, nobody wins the league every year, not Bayern, not Barca, not Madrid - we have no divine right to win things just because we have oil

Only newly arrived numpties / teenagers could possibly be unhappy about our results this season. We're the 2nd best team in the league and through to a Wembley semi final.

No we don't have a divine right or any other right to win anything but we are entitled to expect the best use to be made of the resources provided to the club.

As to you comment your infantile and insulting comment about who could be unhappy about results this season, you will find that you are plain wrong as a number of long time Blues are not happy. As I pointed out on another thread, last season, up to Xmas 2011, City averaged 2.5 points per game; over the remainder of the season, they averaged 2.2 ppg. This season it is 2.03 ppg. That is a downward trend over the course of 49 league games and that makes me unhappy.<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:33 pm --<br /><br />
EricBrooksGhost said:
BringBackSwales said:
I was looking at my lad's first every City with him last night, it was as recent as 2007 and the 4 players on the front were Dickov (fair enough), Hamman, Dabo and Corradi - 6 years ago only. Maybe we could occasionally be thankful for how far we have come in such a short space of time?
Why does perspective only go back as far as 2007, why not 1968, 1956, 1934? I could go on but being selective in the perspective suits a purpose.

Indeed, I started supporting City in 1966 so I grew up expecting us to be the best...
No harm in finishing second.

However there were plenty of blues on this forum who refused to believe that things were starting to go wrong last autumn and slaughtered anybody who dared to suggest that Hart and Kompany (to name, but two) were underperforming when compared with last season.

Motivation has obviously been a problem, but we need to ensure that it doesn't happen again rather than kidding ourselves that it didn't happen.

Similarly how many games will it take before the penny finally drops that Tevez and Aguero do not score enough goals as a partnership. Fine in the FA Cup against Championship fodder, but not when it really matters.

Also our injury recovery record is appalling. Why does Mancini keep suggesting that Richards and Kompany are only a couple of weeks from full fitness?

York is fine as a benchmark, but success is measured by achievement exceeding expectation. If we had this money in 1998 we would never have been relegated in the first place.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
When you think of where we've come from and where we find ourselves and factor in the fact that it was never going to be an entirely smooth ride, it would be astonishing if there weren't tensions between our supporters along the way.

This is especially the case when you consider that we've always bickered as fans and our support base has always seemed, to me at least, to be a mixture of those expecting the worst and those hoping for the best.

Those factors were always going to throw up some who were grateful for whatever came our way and others whose expectations would rise in direct correlation with the money invested.

In most given situations in life the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle and this situation is no exception. We cannot expunge from our memory banks where we've come from. It defines us as fans and as a club. It is a remarkable story and one which we, as supporters, played our part. Without our steadfast support the club, especially in the late 90's, would not find itself where it is today. So those that say York away is not relevant are wholly wrong. The day a couple who win the lottery stop telling each other how fortunate they are to find themselves where they are, is a day that something dies inside them. York away is relevant, because it should always give us a sense of perspective of who we are.

But it can't go on defining our expectations for ever. It is right that supporters get pissed off when the team doesn't perform to anything like its potential, just as the lottery winning couple shouldn't be expected to endure the same standard of hotels and restaurants as they did before they had their good fortune - but they shouldn't be spoilt arseholes about it when things go wrong either. In fact you would hope that their sense of grounding should help them accept that sometimes in life things don't always go your way.

I guess a lot of the points I've made are obvious ones, but the reality is that it is unreasonable to expect rich people to live in the same shoes that they did when they were poor, but it's equally wrong for them to forget where they came from in the first place.

That sense of perspective from both sides in this debate at times wouldn't go amiss.

Good post GDM, although I would argue that whilst our experiences of not just York, but Lincoln, Halifax, Shrewsbury and 35 years of winning fuck all, have given City fans a phlegmatism and humility lacking in some of our well known rivals, in terms of where we're at now York is as much a drag chain as it is a mental means of keeping our feet on the ground. In that respect I can't see its relevance at all, and its constant introduction into any debate on this site that involves even mild criticism of the current manager or team, is an epic irritant
When I refer to York away, like many other I imagine, I use it as a metaphor, as you are correct there were many other (un)forgettable milestones along the way. You've listed a few that predate December 1998, but there were a several (although not as many) after. The 2000/1 season was pretty depressing, as was the entire Pearce era, for example.

York is significant for what it represents rather than what it actually was and what it represents is the turning point (or thereabouts, as that is a matter for debate) in an incredible narrative which has now found us debating whether we prefer Mancini or Mourinho to manage our club. If you take a step back that is truly astonishing.

When I was stood away at, for example, Fulham, Bournemouth, Wycombe and Lincoln (not York, I must have been the only one!) that season watching my football club seemingly die, I would have laughed if someone had told me we'd be seen as one of the major clubs in Europe a decade and a half later. I would have done almost anything for it to be true.

I try and remind myself of that sometimes when the upward march of or our club isn't an entirely seamless one. If that means I don't have the requisite "winning mentality" required of our support today, then so be it, but I'm not yet prepared to entirely depart from the notion that even if we finish second this term and win the Cup, it's still been a great season.

I'm sure in years to come my feelings in that regard could change, human nature being what it is, but I'm not quite ready to forget that guy stood on the terrace at Sincil Bank, praying for a miracle, that eventually, unbelievably came.
You are a good man.
Wonder if fans of the likes of Blackburn and Leeds look back and think "oh well we may be complete shit now but it's not so long ago we won the league"

I don't find a great amount of pleasure in going from premier league winners to 15 points behind our enemy with the likelihood of the biggest points gap since the PL began.

However the FA Cup would be a good return if we maintain 2nd.

Do you think whiskey nose went into the dressing room at Sunderland last season on said " don't worry lads, shit happens. We have had a great season despite winning fuck all and being knocked out of the CL in the group stages"

Not a chance.

We have a salesman at work who had a great year 5 years ago but has lived off that for the next four. We can't allow that to happen.

Is it wrong to want the best and to expect better from some of the players who are being paid shit loads of money to wear a shirt that we would pay to wear? Players like silva and Aguero have not earned their cash this year. That needs debating, Nasri has gone missing more times than Lord Lucan, that needs debating, Marwood has let Mancini down, that needs debating.

Surely that's what a forum is for. Isn't it?

How boring would it be on here without the views of DD, Tolmie, billy and the like?

There is nothing wrong with striving to be the best. We were the best last year, we are not this year. Fair enough for one season. However we must strive to be the best again next year. Mancini can stay and do that for me but we need to learn from our mistakes this year and make sure next year we give the scum a proper run for their money.
Santiago Street . said:
Only newly arrived numpties / teenagers could possibly be unhappy about our results this season .

This fucking forum, sometimes.

Sweet Jesus. I ask myself genuinely 'what kind of person actually thinks like that'.

I'm afraid the answer is clear. Someone who knows literally nothing about football. Sorry to single you out, mate, because you're not the only one but fucking hell.

That's just delusion. As ridiculous a post as I've ever seen and I've been here years.

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