A very hurt and sore RAG

Explain this to me

I believe he is saying you are an example of the thread.

Hope that explains things.

Fair enough. To be honest though i'm not a sore, hurt rag. We've just clinched our 18th league title and has back to back european cup finals so we're currently enjoying one of our most successful periods at the club. His original point about our bubble burtsing, ship sinking, whatever analogy you wish to use is utter crap. You're basing your argument on players who have left and who have joined and thats all. If we go 5 years without winning and competeing for trophies then yes you can say we're in trouble but we haven't. Some of you seem to think that trophies are given out to the club that buys the most players during the summer and racks up the biggest wage bill, if they were city would clean up, unfortunatley it doesn't work like that. Before you post anymore about how Uniteds bubble has burst can you just wait till next May when to see what happens during the season. Put it this way how are you lot gonna fell if we win the league again next year after the hysterical signings we brough in this year. It could and possibly will happen. no doubt the general consensus of city fans will be the used and tiresome response of 'wait till next year'

yet strangely... you're here. on Bluemoon.

worried? nah. why worry? you've got a good 60 million left to put toward those interest payments. good luck with that.

Always with the money thing. I have similar conversations with my blue mates and it always ends 'yeah but we've got more money than you'. I guess football is no longer about winning things but about who's got the most money.

Listen i'm not worried about city mate. When you've won a few league titles and european cups etc then i'll start to worry about you as a big force in english football. The same way Chelsea were going to end our dominance for good a few years ago, they had a good two years and we came back.

i'll admit the money you have does bother me because we've spent the past 20 years winning trophies and now we find ourselves somehow in a worse finanical position than a team thats won nothing for 33 years. It sort of kills the incentive to be succesful. You all probably think thats amusing and thats fair enough.

End of the day if this new revolution at your club knocks liverpool out of the top 4 i'm all for it.
Wiles84 said:
CheethamHillBlue said:
Wiles84 said:
supergrover said:
theres no abuse freezah the fact is you can't handle the truth, your little bubble has burst and it's just starting to sink in, did you really think it would last forever NEWSFLASH nothing does, now run along and tell all your little friends that your winding up people on bluemoon and that how clever you are when at the end of the day all your doing is continuing to post on a topic headed 'A VERY HURT AND SORE RAG' of which you most certainly are.

Explain this to me

I believe he is saying you are an example of the thread.

Hope that explains things.

Fair enough. To be honest though i'm not a sore, hurt rag. We've just clinched our 18th league title and has back to back european cup finals so we're currently enjoying one of our most successful periods at the club. His original point about our bubble burtsing, ship sinking, whatever analogy you wish to use is utter crap. You're basing your argument on players who have left and who have joined and thats all. If we go 5 years without winning and competeing for trophies then yes you can say we're in trouble but we haven't. Some of you seem to think that trophies are given out to the club that buys the most players during the summer and racks up the biggest wage bill, if they were city would clean up, unfortunatley it doesn't work like that. Before you post anymore about how Uniteds bubble has burst can you just wait till next May when to see what happens during the season. Put it this way how are you lot gonna fell if we win the league again next year after the hysterical signings we brough in this year. It could and possibly will happen. no doubt the general consensus of city fans will be the used and tiresome response of 'wait till next year'
you gunna go next year wiles or have you seen it all now and not really bothered?....as a rag said to me today....
Hi ,ive been posting in your transfer forum.I am a lifelong liverpool fan plus season ticket holder.I spend my time in liverpool and Thailand.I will be a spy for a liverpool forum watching you guys with interest and reporting back to my fellow reds.I for one expect city to be a big threat this coming season and wish you the best of luck,i have been impressed with your signings and i do think hughes is a good enough manager to lead you to silverware.Goodluck and you will be seeing allot of me,well you know what i mean.
Explain this to me

I believe he is saying you are an example of the thread.

Hope that explains things.[/quote]

Fair enough. To be honest though i'm not a sore, hurt rag. We've just clinched our 18th league title and has back to back european cup finals so we're currently enjoying one of our most successful periods at the club. His original point about our bubble burtsing, ship sinking, whatever analogy you wish to use is utter crap. You're basing your argument on players who have left and who have joined and thats all. If we go 5 years without winning and competeing for trophies then yes you can say we're in trouble but we haven't. Some of you seem to think that trophies are given out to the club that buys the most players during the summer and racks up the biggest wage bill, if they were city would clean up, unfortunatley it doesn't work like that. Before you post anymore about how Uniteds bubble has burst can you just wait till next May when to see what happens during the season. Put it this way how are you lot gonna fell if we win the league again next year after the hysterical signings we brough in this year. It could and possibly will happen. no doubt the general consensus of city fans will be the used and tiresome response of 'wait till next year'[/quote]

you gunna go next year wiles or have you seen it all now and not really bothered?....as a rag said to me today....[/quote]

I cant understand the mentality of fans like that. United fans have many category of fans as do a few other clubs. I like to think i'm in the proper fan category though. I go to the games for the right reasons, not to soak up the success or experience OT. When your talking to some fans or listening to them write into ssn please remember we're not all like that. There is a group of fans left at United that still know what the club and what supporting a team is about.
Wiles84 said:
Explain this to me

I believe he is saying you are an example of the thread.

Hope that explains things.

Fair enough. To be honest though i'm not a sore, hurt rag. We've just clinched our 18th league title and has back to back european cup finals so we're currently enjoying one of our most successful periods at the club. His original point about our bubble burtsing, ship sinking, whatever analogy you wish to use is utter crap. You're basing your argument on players who have left and who have joined and thats all. If we go 5 years without winning and competeing for trophies then yes you can say we're in trouble but we haven't. Some of you seem to think that trophies are given out to the club that buys the most players during the summer and racks up the biggest wage bill, if they were city would clean up, unfortunatley it doesn't work like that. Before you post anymore about how Uniteds bubble has burst can you just wait till next May when to see what happens during the season. Put it this way how are you lot gonna fell if we win the league again next year after the hysterical signings we brough in this year. It could and possibly will happen. no doubt the general consensus of city fans will be the used and tiresome response of 'wait till next year'[/quote]

you gunna go next year wiles or have you seen it all now and not really bothered?....as a rag said to me today....[/quote]

I cant understand the mentality of fans like that. United fans have many category of fans as do a few other clubs. I like to think i'm in the proper fan category though. I go to the games for the right reasons, not to soak up the success or experience OT. When your talking to some fans or listening to them write into ssn please remember we're not all like that. There is a group of fans left at United that still know what the club and what supporting a team is about.[/quote]
mmmm so are you one of them fans that greeted berbatov?....and can you tell me why I didnt see the same reaction when your club signed valencia..owen and that other fella....unless I missed it I cant remember seeing anybody .....Im sure you can put me right..
mmmm so are you one of them fans that greeted berbatov?....and can you tell me why I didnt see the same reaction when your club signed valencia..owen and that other fella....unless I missed it I cant remember seeing anybody .....Im sure you can put me right..

I've never gone to the ground to greet a player so I couldn't tell you why the recation for Valencia was different for Berbatov. Persnally though I was just as happy when we signed Valencia as when we signed Berbatov going off what the player said about the club. they both want to be here whihc is the type of player we want at United. Even Owen has spoke of his desire to play for us and do well. Better than bringing in a player who'll spout some crap about 'the future...who knows'.

If you're judging my loyalty to United based on whether I turn up for player unveilings then thats up to you. i show my support for the players and the cause at the games, home and away.
Wiles84 said:
mmmm so are you one of them fans that greeted berbatov?....and can you tell me why I didnt see the same reaction when your club signed valencia..owen and that other fella....unless I missed it I cant remember seeing anybody .....Im sure you can put me right..

I've never gone to the ground to greet a player so I couldn't tell you why the recation for Valencia was different for Berbatov. Persnally though I was just as happy when we signed Valencia as when we signed Berbatov going off what the player said about the club. they both want to be here whihc is the type of player we want at United. Even Owen has spoke of his desire to play for us and do well. Better than bringing in a player who'll spout some crap about 'the future...who knows'.

If you're judging my loyalty to United based on whether I turn up for player unveilings then thats up to you. i show my support for the players and the cause at the games, home and away.

What's the "Cause" FFS
Ducado said:
Wiles84 said:
mmmm so are you one of them fans that greeted berbatov?....and can you tell me why I didnt see the same reaction when your club signed valencia..owen and that other fella....unless I missed it I cant remember seeing anybody .....Im sure you can put me right..

I've never gone to the ground to greet a player so I couldn't tell you why the recation for Valencia was different for Berbatov. Persnally though I was just as happy when we signed Valencia as when we signed Berbatov going off what the player said about the club. they both want to be here whihc is the type of player we want at United. Even Owen has spoke of his desire to play for us and do well. Better than bringing in a player who'll spout some crap about 'the future...who knows'.

If you're judging my loyalty to United based on whether I turn up for player unveilings then thats up to you. i show my support for the players and the cause at the games, home and away.

What's the "Cause" FFS

It just came out as I was typing the sentence...it sounded good in my head
Oh look bitter United fans in hypocritical news story shocker.

Owen(masterstroke), Valencia and some french kid, the rest gone to service your debt, now just fuck of.

Tevez just didn't like SirBacuntface end of.

Especially loved the above mentioned cnut going on about us an Real the other day, inflating the market, oh the irony, what goes around comes around.

Firstly it's the money next it'll be the trophies we can already smell the fear I just can't fcuking wait to bathe in the tears, crocodile or not.

Just posted this on their Forum

Okay time to clear some stuff up;

1. Scott the 'Red' - Your Forum isn't perfect. Not only is the article lacking in crucial reason, as your are basing it purely on statistics that are not do not tell the full picture. You have omitted (at your own admission) certain statistics, that to be honest suggests you are hiding something from us. If the statistics are available then all should be considered. Also by purely resting your whole article on statistics you have completely ignored extraneous variables (e.g. injuries, suspension etc, If you are going to use statistics to convince people please you all available). May I also point out that you are completely speculating that Tevez will not play much next season, and it appears in the absence of statistics that are not your own you resort to anedotes similar to that of some of your less intelligence posters, which I find incredibly dissapointing, considering you had actually created a well structured statistical point, however I left saddened by your resorting to childish insults such as "wasteland". If you want to gain respect you mustn't rise to the crap people will give you.

2. All United Fans - Now lets just clarify, if you are going to completely criticise Tevez for not scoring enough last season, then take a long hard look at yourself and consider what Owen did last season? Nobody on this Forum has even considered what Tevez did as an 18-20 year old in Argentina and Brazil, yet all of a sudden Owens disastrous spell at Newcastle is almost long forgotten and all that seems to be remembered is his hey day at Liverpool and Madrid. So if we are all to have a debate about Tevez lets talk about his Career and not just one season.

3. Why all the bitterness? - Basically footballs a hard game at the top, no matter who you are. The would be no shame in being sad at Ronaldo leaving, he was clearly a good player, we were all sad to see people like Paul Lake retire because of injury and Marc Viven Foe, and others such as Anelka who didn't really care. But there was no "He didn't score enough" etc....Your fans were clearly asking to "sign him up", he was a good player and I'm sure you would have been happy if he stayed. The point is that this bitterness if pointless, you've signed some players of your own, can't you be excited about them, rather than spending the sunny summer peering into the neighbours garden to see what new toys they have.

4. UNITED 24/7 Fck the Wife - Not only is user name completely and utterly unbelieveable, and I'm afraid that is something that transpires into your post. First of all in a practical sense you wish all our players get swine flu, however I would happily wager that you whinge until the cows come if we got special dispensation because of it. Secondly how can you wish something bad upon somebody and then say "as long as nobody dies!", if your going to go back on yourself, do you not think that you would have been better off just writing something of actual value, rather than combing your bravado and ego.

5. Micky - I know plenty of Army lads, and used to be in myself. I know the stuff you guys have to go through and have been through it myself. I know, and you know there's no need to rise to it, and the point it wanders off football, that's when the world 'stop' comes into play. We all know its about the game, and to those of you that believe otherwise, is no fan of mine, regardless of club.

6. Finally - The rivalry we have between our clubs is a healthy one, and trust me its one I revel in, and football wouldn't be the same without it, and I believe its just about to get a LOT more interesting, but lets not attempt to make it a vicious one. Personally I am looking forward to Tevez returning to OT!

Hope this all made sense, but I felt the need to let you know how I feel, as a City fan, which I am proud and will stay proud to be. I recommend that you all think about doing the same. "City Til I Die"

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