Aaron Mooy

If we’re saying Mahrez will take it up a level then you have to say the same thing, if not moreso, for Mooy. I don’t think it’ll be any sort of swap out for Ilkay but if it were to happen I don’t think we’d miss much.
It would also be interesting to see how many "appearances" translate to starts and sub appearances for each player, or even minutes played. Stats can paint whatever picture you like if you present them in a certain way.

Mooy is clearly a talent, however I don't get the Gundogan hate at times. I know people always need a whipping boy but Gundogan is a top class player.

End product x minutes played for attacking players can be useful, but by no means a way to solely judge a player.

Gundogan can be frustrating at times, but he has a bit of class about him and we should see us tap into that a bit more next season.
Given Gundogan has been made the topic comparison,i'll add my tuppence.

I prefer Mooy and id swap him without hesitation.He has more bite,more enthusiasm and more ambition,and,from what ive witnessed,an equal ability where technicality is concerned.He also has a better injury record.
You missed one important factor, class. Mooy is a yard dog (good one though) whereas Gundo is on a different level, in any case they are different type players but Mooy is not at our level.
You missed one important factor, class. Mooy is a yard dog (good one though) whereas Gundo is on a different level, in any case they are different type players but Mooy is not at our level.
Hopefully we might see this different level at some point.

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