About time city stopped making the home ends neutral

Exeter Blue I am here said:
Same in 136 (evidently normal Family Stand criteria go right out the window on CL nights). Front 5 rows were full of overseas tourists, who whilst they may have had the sense to keep their pie holes shut when Barca scored, were a pain in the arse all night, squealing and standing up to film Messi and Iniesta whenever they were in I-phone camera range. And we're not on about odd seats, we're talking entire rows of the buggers. Something severely wrong with the way the club chooses to allocate tickets for fixtures like this. It was exactly the same against Madrid
They get City membership and buy tickets. I don't see how you can stop it
Ric said:
jma said:
For the big European games.

People openly wearing barca tops, waving barca flags, shouting for them

People clambering all over the place to get the best selfie

People unable to find a seat with their ticket number on resulting in musical chairs all the first half

People arriving to seats after 25 minutes

Half the stand full of people who wouldn't know a loyalty point if they fell over it but miraculously qualify for tickets to a huge game

Season ticket holders missing in their hundreds from their normal seats

People would love to be at that game but they aren't because their are policies in place to open the tickets up to neutrals/away fans for the biggest games. It was the same against Madrid and makes for a rubbish and horrible atmosphere.

Can't say I saw a single Barca fan in our section, or in the concourse before the game or at half time. Maybe it was different elsewhere in the ground, but to be honest I'm not sure I'd give that much of a fuck anyway if they weren't taking the piss. Plenty of Blues do it at Euro aways, swings and roundabouts.

Yes, I find this thread quite amusing when elsewhere on the forum there's plenty of debate on how to get tickets in the Barca sections for the away leg.
A couple or three points;
1. I don't think you could buy off viagogo unless you were a Blue Member
2. Many companies have tickets in the main seats and will offer them to clients and especially key ones for the big matches
3. I've also noticed that lower category games have swaves of seats available on viagogo which supports my theory of company holders of season tickets and ticketing agencies who have them as well

So it's the type of season ticket holder
who sells to the neutrals / tourists as there were certainly a few around my seat shouting for us in the same funny way the commentator says City on Citytv!
I noticed a few Spanish even French at half time, on the concourse at half time. Now i can't say it bothered me too much, but i did wonder how they got tickets, and my daughter & old man (Blue members) missed out on tickets!!
I heard the odd foreign accent but it was the same people around me as it always is. I thought the atmosphere was very good, too. I thought you could tell tonight that barring the odd few it was regulars. It's when we have cheap FA cup tickets that blokes bring their wives and kids who sit not saying anything all game. Around us we were all in constant animated conversation and shouting all game.

The irritating young lad behind us with the high pitched Cheshire accent who squeals uninformed criticism at our players every game got told to "shut the fuck up" by a few too, which was nice.
The odd group of fans can be expected, as people have said there will be batches of City fans doing the same thing in Barcelona for the away leg.
However, entire rows or large groups of fans indicate a more sinister ticket operation that can surely only be described as underhand?
Sick, when so many City fans would have happily bought tickets for tonight's game.

And, the atmosphere needs all the help it can get without the problems this would cause.
Astley Lad said:
We all got moved (for the first time) from block 209 in the East Stand. We were allocated seats in 109 but a few of us complained and we eventually ended up in block 206. Nice seats but such a strange mixture of people. There were several 'obvious' Barca fans around and some not so obvious, the two guys to my left just seemed to want to take pictures and plenty of people left after 70 minutes or so. But the best was when the bloke in front of me mentioned that he would have liked to see Silva or Nasri sign for United. I was a bit confused as to what he meant to be honest and asked him to repeat it, which he did, and when I looked at him strange he said he was a United fan. I pointed out that he was in the wrong fucking ground to which he said "I like watching good football so I come to City's home games but I go to Old Trafford because I support Man U". Not really much I could think of to say in response to that, just sort of summed up the night.

Four Celtic fans near us gob shites, when asked how the fuck had they got tickets they wouldn't answer
jma said:
I am not referring to the second tier or any official neutral area that uefa insist on

For the very biggest European games there must be a policy in place to open up access to tickets for neutrals/away fans in a manner not even considered for premier league games. Of course, the logical development is that this excludes (either through accessibility, pricing or both) actual city fans who would quite like those tickets and who attend other, less important games.

You will not see stoke fans allowed in or allowed to behave the same way in the hpme ends on Saturday. And rightly so.

Oh dear. Stoke wont even fill their own allocation so the home end is hardly going to be infiltrated by the Naughty Forties.......

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