About to lose my job, looking to start a new career, any advice please...

Honestly at 29 try and find something for yourself, the first year or two can be difficult but look after your customers, do virtually anything to keep them onboard and if you employ any people look after them and they'll take care of your business. Very best of luck to you in whatever you do.
Bang on the money and at the right age too. Young enough to learn and old enough to know. Looking after your customers is paramount, they pay your bills.
Start a cleaning company .

Where there is muck there is brass.

I left a fairly decent career in mortgages 17 years ago. Set up myself as a cleaning company, took a part time job (for about 8 months) to help keep the wolves from the door whilst my little company grew and all these years later i earn decent money, dont work long hours (6 a day, 5 days a week) and more importantly im my own boss in charge of my own destiny

Loads doing it, not many reliable or conscientious, the good ones thrive
Cars, ovens, carpets....all been done to death and everyone's trying to undercut the next one ( That last sentence above is very true ), but...everything gets dirty and therefore needs cleaning. Got a couple of window cleaners round here doing OK, could do with charging a bit more tbh. It all depends on density of population and any competition. We set up a laundry in a one horse town cleaning bedding for the tourist trade 10 yrs ago, cant really complain in all fairness, work about 3 days a week, maybe 4 in the height of the season.
Thanks for the advice everyone, really appreciate it, even from the guy who recommended sheep-shagging ha

At the minute, I'm leaning towards training as an electrician or gas engineer but if no apprenticeships or opportunities materialise, there's lots of really good recommendations that I'll take on board and try and pursue.
My advice would be think evolution not revolution. You mention that you have all the financial obligations to maintain, so as great as 'getting a trade' may be, if you don't have any experience or training it can take months if not years before you are at a level where you can cover yourself financially as you would be basically starting right back at square one.
Are there any elements of your job that you do enjoy? I'm sure there must be something that is ok, even if its surrounded by 90% crap. Have a proper think and then maybe look at where you could do more of that and less of the other. Even a small step can open up a totally new way of thinking for yourself.
It'd also probably be easier to get another job if you can at least point to elements of your new job that you have already done previously.

The issue I've had with office jobs is that I get distracted scrolling through the internet all day (normally reading bluemoon!) and don't ever really feel a sense of accomplishment. They also tire me out mentally more than physical labour does.
Bang on the money and at the right age too. Young enough to learn and old enough to know. Looking after your customers is paramount, they pay your bills.
So true mate, customers are the most important criteria of any business, ignore their needs and you're on a loser, Customer is King.

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