Absolutely gutted :(

It's awful Fitton, but do what you have to do for the dog.
Was in a similar situation myself just 2 years back and it was a truly horrendous decision to have to make. Even just typing this makes me fill up, but I knew the right decision had been made.

If your dog IS put to sleep then please understand it is painless and not distressing to the dog.

Good luck x
Very sad mate. My dog in Manchester at my mums is going the same way. Back legs are going, tumour underneath one leg, he is very old, but he's a family member. Wish you well mukka.
what a gorgeous dog :( that's horrible news, gutted for you, hated losing my dog, stay strong!
Our Collie started with fits totally out of the blue. She would have one every couple of months. Then one night she had been poorly for a couple of days, at midnight she had a massive fit which had us running downstairs to help her. She then carried on fitting, one straight after the other until the Vet arrived and put her to sleep. It was the most awful thing I have ever seen and I still remember how helpless I felt. You know his quality of life and we have to do what's best for them as hard as it is. Nothing else to say apart from I'm thinking of you x
He was a great dog. Not just a pet but a member of the whole family. Wont be the same without, really feel for Sam and his younger sisters.
Do what you have to do mate but if you can get someone who really knows dogs to have a look,hard to explain but someone who has always had dogs.They will know better than vets.Sounds stupid but mine was gonna be put down 2yrs ago obviously not a brain tumour and he is still going strong 3 golf ballled sized lumps on him,operations not an option he still walks a couple of miles a day and chases his ball and eats every bit of food given him.Dogs are hardy but if he has a tumour thats it and it sounds cold but get another as soon as you can.Pounds are full of dogs just neeeding a chance.

Hope it works out for you.

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