Adam Johnson guilty - 6 year sentence

That person should have got a lot longer IMO. Are we talking about a record producer and radio DJ with a wonky mouth and a name that was regal sounding? He is a proper ****

Yep. the one and only Jonathan King. A vile excuse of a human and he should indeed have been given longer.
The "they show no remorse" is just a personal judgement you make on someone though isn't it?(that's why women get more lenient sentencing and it shouldn't be that way) People don't always react to things in the same way IMO and it also opens it up for a pantomime affair for those willing to do it.

It should always be about what actually happened initially and the circumstances of it, the rest should come with appeals and such.

You are right to some extent - however I wouldn't rule out women just being more prone to remorse. But actions speak louder than words. It's easy to offer a few words in the hope of manipulating the court, so other things are taken into consideration - the attitude during the whole of the investigation and trial. Moreover you'd look at the decisions made by the defendant > do these show the defendant willing to lie, or throw the victim under the bridge for the smallest advantage > if so, have they later apologised?

The truth can be twisted, and prejudice is a fact, but the bottom line is that people unwittingly look at things in a way that creates a coherent story. In trying to figure out the future, people judge you on the way you act, past and present. The girl here is just that, a girl. At that age, vulnerable to all sorts of presure. How stupid do you have to be to not think that being a public figure, having a party during the trial would be reported... and how callous to not consider how the victim would feel seeing this splashed all over the papers, how she'd have to deal with being disrespected in an extremely public manner.
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Just caught up with the reports. He is either very dim, as Brunt put it 'even by footballers standards', extremely arrogant or a dangerous combo of the two. As I said earlier it'd be nice to know that we stripped him of snything he won with us. He doesn't deserve that on his CV. He deserves to be erased from history of snything he's achieved in the game, and simply known for being a dirty bastard of a nonce.
OK sorry, I've relatives who have hundreds of facebook "friends", some people just add anyone that they vaguely know, that asks.

I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to this. I was interested in it when it first came out but haven't been on it for ages. He didn't sound the brightest bulb from some of his comments that's for sure!
All these different age of consent leaves me shaking my head.
I know all around the world it differs; in Mexico it's 12 for eg.
But in Europe surely it should all be the same.
What he did in France isn't even a crime as consent is 15 and in German it's 14 which means it's legal for a 70 year old man to fuck a 14 year old girl!

And the other thing which puzzles me a bit is legal age of voting is 18, smoking is 18, drinking is 18, gambling is 18 and that's because it's deemed the age of adulthood.
By that line of thinking and allowing sex at 16 and lower in other European countries it's actually legal and were allowing sex with a child!
Surely the whole of Europe should be 18??!!

Should be 21 in my eyes! Even at 18 years old you're still too naive and irresponsible to be having sex, gambling, driving, voting and drinking..... it would be a lot easier to manage under-aged sex and drinking as girls and boys aged 15 these days look far older than what they are and manage to get into some clubs as fake ID is easy to obtain! When I was 19 I was in a club in town called Billie Rox which has been closed for awhile, it was a proper shit hole but I pulled this bird who turned out to have only just turned 16 that day, I was put off by it to be honest as she looked about 21, but had anyone older say 25-30 got off with her then imagine how bad that would reflect on them.

So yeah raise the age to 21 I say.

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