Adam Johnson guilty - 6 year sentence

"(Stuart) Hall is serving a 30-month jail term after he pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting 13 other girls, one as young as nine."

Looks very harsh on AJ.
Hall had to be sentenced in line with sentencing guidelines at the time his crimes were committed, which was prior to the 2003 Sexual Offences Act. Had he committed them after 2003 he'd almost certainly have got a longer sentence.

Edit - I'm told that it's only the maximum sentence at the time that applies and not the range. So he couldn't be given more than he would have got if he'd been sentenced before the latest guidelines came into force.
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"(Stuart) Hall is serving a 30-month jail term after he pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting 13 other girls, one as young as nine."

Looks very harsh on AJ.

Hall had to be sentenced in line with sentencing guidelines at the time his crimes were committed, which was prior to the 2003 Sexual Offences Act. Had he committed them after 2003 he'd almost certainly have got a longer sentence .
And Hall pleaded guilty to them. People are hugely underestimating the effect on a sentence that making a victim, especially a child, go to court and give evidence has on pushing up the gravity factors. And the aggravating for him on top was the social media abuse she took as a result and the undermining of the process that was engineered by his stupid sisters campaign for justice while that process was still ongoing. He did absolutely everything to get himself the harshest sentence, what a prick
Wonder what it is about fame and/or money that makes these high profile idiots think its OK to do this kind of thing?

Doesn't compute for me, I suppose cos I'm neither rich or famous ;)

Snap, mate. But when women throw themselves at us, at least we can pride ourselves that it's for our good looks, wit and natural charm.

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