Adam Johnson guilty - 6 year sentence

And Hall pleaded guilty to them. People are hugely underestimating the effect on a sentence that making a victim, especially a child, go to court and give evidence has on pushing up the gravity factors. And the aggravating for him on top was the social media abuse she took as a result and the undermining of the process that was engineered by his stupid sisters campaign for justice while that process was still ongoing. He did absolutely everything to get himself the harshest sentence, what a prick
Should someone be punished for the actions of others?
You really have to look at the law makers,past & present regarding sentences,
From the pedo woman from oldham (
how did they come up with no jail time first??...
I know people are comparing this to johnson regarding the length of sentence.
Maybe this guy should preside over all child abuse cases..
And here the SENTENCING REMARKS OF HIS HONOUR JUDGE PETER ROOK QC...The abuse they went through is so what is so fked up with this country & the powers that be..
Should someone be punished for the actions of others?
No they shouldnt. Now i dont know how facebook works exactly, thankfully, but I know enough to know that friends and family are all linked and you get alerts or whatever about posts. His sister started a campaign which was directly aimed at undermining judicial process while it was still ongoing and that lid did nothing about it. It attracted likes or followers or whatever the fuck happens and directly led to further shit for the victim. He quite rightly got clobbered for it
Wonder what it is about fame and/or money that makes these high profile idiots think its OK to do this kind of thing?

Doesn't compute for me, I suppose cos I'm neither rich or famous ;)

Sexual offences committed against under age individuals is not determined by money, age, fame or whether you have idiotic tendencies or otherwise.

They are carried out by individuals who are incapable of forming a normal relationship with one individual and give in to temptation all too easily when they see an opportunity to do so.

Sometimes in fact almost all the time they see no consequences to either themselves or the effected victim as they do not see the victim as a victim.

In other words they possess sociopathic tendencies and in many cases are sociopaths.

The fact that he lied about it and only came clean when the evidence was overwhelming that a non guilty plea to all charges would lead to a heavier sentence clearly suggests to me he is a sociopath.

Most sociopaths are a product of their upbringing they are not born sociopaths and they cannot change.

it is estimated that around 4-5 per cent of the worlds population are sociopaths and that the percentage is increasing with the passage of time.

I hope this helps you better understand why Adam Johnson is who he is and why he can never change.

It has little to do with his fame or money other than the fact that his fame and money made it easier for him to do what he did as such.
Should someone be punished for the actions of others?

If they have incited , influenced , controlled or manipulated them in doing so then absolutely.

There are many other situations when someone must be punished for the action of another individual.

War crimes and genocide being two of the more extreme.
If they have incited , influenced , controlled or manipulated them in doing so then absolutely.

There are many other situations when someone must be punished for the action of another individual.

War crimes and genocide being two of the more extreme.

I would say in that case people deserve to punished for their actions inciting, influencing, controlling or manipulating someone into an illegal act.

In this case, there are a few that say he deserves punishment for his sisters website or for other peoples actions. I reckon unless it can be shown he was behind it or encouraged it that's unjust.
"It also emerged that he often visited a website called 'Nice Young Teens', which shows pictures of girls just over the age of consent"

And?! They try to make him sound worse but it just makes them sound ridiculous. Its bad that he groomed a child, so why not just stick to that side of the story.
Lol, "Look, he's looked at the category of porn that is the most popular in the world by a mile." If it genuinely showed girls "just over" the age of consent, then it would be a child porn website.
I would say in that case people deserve to punished for their actions inciting, influencing, controlling or manipulating someone into an illegal act.

In this case, there are a few that say he deserves punishment for his sisters website or for other peoples actions. I reckon unless it can be shown he was behind it or encouraged it that's unjust.

I agree with that entirely and it is not easy to prove or disprove it as family ties sometimes leads a member to act independently or another thinking at the time they are acting in that persons best interest when in fact in the eyes of the law they are not.

I have no idea whether AJ encouraged his sister to do what she did or whether once he became aware of it did nothing to cease her activities in this regard.

What he has done is in the eyes of the law broken the law.

What do should expect however is consistency and if you or I did likewise we should receive a similar sentence even though our case would receive no media attention.

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