Well-Known Member
That makes it sound like she was 14. She wasn't. She might have been nearer 16 than 15 for all we know. Still legally it's wrong. Morally it's debatable at 15. Would you be just as outraged if he was 32 and she was 16. Is it morally outrageous to have sex with her a day before her 16th birthday but perfectly morally acceptable after midnight the same day.
I think people are getting morality and legality a little confused. Johnson has crossed the red line of the law for which he will pay the price. I would hold back from labeling him a monster who can't be trusted with his own daughter.
Seriously, what have I just read? You're splitting hairs about him saying she was nearly half his age? He was 28, she was 15. That's nearly half his age ffs!