Adam Johnson on the left?

treasureox_MCFC said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Im starting to think that AJ's best posistion is on the bench

Who would you play instead then? SWP? Ballotelli? I still think hes our best option at the moment..

A rock, a lump of drift wood

He has all the potential in the world but at the moment he is so erratic. I dont honestly know what has to be done to help him along but it has to happen and soon
Played a big part in 3 goals last night and also made the chance in which Silva hit the bar. Clearly contributed to the result in a big way. Some people see what they want to see.
treasureox_MCFC said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Im starting to think that AJ's best posistion is on the bench

Who would you play instead then? SWP? Ballotelli? I still think hes our best option at the moment..

C'mon, Balotelli is clearly the better player. Have you seen his shots when he cuts inside? I mean this literally, didn't see anyone better than him at that in the whole of the premier league. AJ's success rate is much more sporadic. Although, His dribbling ability is very accomplished.

SWP? Hmmm.... pre-season suggests he's sharp. I'm not too sure. Hope he stays and gets at least some starts.
Don't get the obsession with AJ at all, just don't get it. A hand in three goals, he'd done nothing of note before the first goal, a goal he should have actually scored. The second goal was a nice pass to Richards, but the run made the pass blindingly obvious and the third, Dzeko put Aguero through, if we're going to trace it that far back to applaud AJ then it won't be long before Hart is getting assists! Aj is a great sub, something different to introduce against tired players, but a starter in a top side he is not, never will be. In my opinion, Mancini's opinion and Capello's opinion anyway..
WNRH said:
Adam Johnson has never been and never will be a left winger.
He was a left winger at Middlesbrough and has played their a few times for us.

zangatangring said:
treasureox_MCFC said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Im starting to think that AJ's best posistion is on the bench

Who would you play instead then? SWP? Ballotelli? I still think hes our best option at the moment..

C'mon, Balotelli is clearly the better player. Have you seen his shots when he cuts inside? I mean this literally, didn't see anyone better than him at that in the whole of the premier league. AJ's success rate is much more sporadic. Although, His dribbling ability is very accomplished.

SWP? Hmmm.... pre-season suggests he's sharp. I'm not too sure. Hope he stays and gets at least some starts.
Balotelli has done nothing yet to prove he's the better player.

I've always stuck up for AJ, but thought he wasn't as effective towards the end of last season. Last night he was class though, involved in three goals and created more chances too. Whether he's on the right or left, he always gives us that width that we need at times and is a very key player.

Anyone calling him after last night needs to watch a new sport.
Looked poor on both sides for me. Did nothing for long periods of the game.
Completely disagree with the OP. AJ's best moments, for me:

1. Squared ball for Silva hitting the crossbar: cutting in from the right onto his left foot
2. Shot leading to the first goal: cutting in from the right onto his left foot
3. Through ball to Micah: on the right, the fact that he's left-footed created the angle for the pass.
4. Backheel to Dzeko: on the left.

So 3 v 1. And the thing is, that 1 good moment on the left didn't have to be on the left, it was a straight backheel. There was nothing in it that suggested 'I am a better player on the left'; he could have done it as effectively anywhere on the pitch.

In contrast, Johnson would not have been able to execute the first 3 moves from the left; that is, the fact that he was on the right was crucial in him attempting the pass or shot.

It seems so obvious that he's better on the right.
i ve got the impression adam is humbler compared to last year. dont u think so?
Sparkys-Army said:
Noticed that adam johnson hasn't been mentioned much from last night but since he went onto the left wing, he was simply brilliant. Got involved in the play for the goals and looked a quality player again.

You could argue he setup the first goal from the right but thats pretty much all he did.

I would personally like to see him a little more on the left as we all know he still score goals from there, e.g Salzburg.


Don't know what game you watched.

thought he actually quite poor.

should have started Balotelli instead of him.

he shouldn't start at Bolton.

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